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"No current-gen open-world console game offers more beautiful views or more drastic lighting effects with such insane draw distances. GTA V is unparalleled in delivering such mouth-watering sunsets or midnight views of glimmering bridge lights on the rivers below. And the game does all this while juggling a larger variety of on-screen cars, with higher-polygon models, than GTA IV ever did.

At least on the PlayStation 3 version I tried, though the price for all this beauty is paid in framerate dips, messy anti-aliasing, ridiculous texture pop-in, and a reduction from the box's advertised "720p" resolution. A new version of the game on next-gen consoles or the PC would no doubt fix these issues and really set mouths drooling. As it is, Rockstar should be commended for duct-taping this mix of details and sacrifices while keeping the framerate tolerable and the glitch count to a minimum."

A shame.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.