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Forums - Movies & TV - Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad) to play Lex Luthor in Superman/Batman!!

Definate skip if Damon signs up

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Yay go Heisenberg go! He sure has that menacing feeling down. Though, he does look a bit on the older side for lex luthor. Then again, his usual appearance looks younger then his bb one so it should be fine.

pezus said:
BloodyRain said:
Yay go Heisenberg go! He sure has that menacing feeling down. Though, he does look a bit on the older side for lex luthor. Then again, his usual appearance looks younger then his bb one so it should be fine.

Yeah, they do try to make him look a bit older in BB. He doesn't look nearly as old in his recent movies.

I think, he needs to buff up slightly to fit the role too. Not alot though. Not sure about this movie due to ben affleck. Well he might be a surprise like Heath Ledger ws.

No, not Lex Luthor again he has been milked more then any other comic book villain. That being said I'm sure he will do better then Kevin Spacey and Gene Hackman.

Find it funny how those bitching about Ben Affleck playing Batman always refer back to his early career in films and show that as him sucking ass.

Yet haven't heard anything bad about Bryan Cranston being casted as Lex Luthor.

I for one could never have imagined him playing Lex Luthor before Breaking Bad happened. I mean he was the freaking dad in Malcom and the Middle.

But how come people only look at some actors recent career and ignore others. I think I'll just have to toss it up to Batman fans being the most asinine fans there are. The only way to please batman fans is to cast the bitching fans as batman themselves.

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He's already got the bald look down lol He would make an EXCELLENT Lex Luthor.


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