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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Watch Gamescom right here! PS4 launches 15th November NA/ 29th November EU! That's it for the Vita? Vita HW/Memory price cut!


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Are you ready for love? 32 17.78%
Yes I am! 44 24.44%
Should be good. 17 9.44%
Eh...seems a bit boring. 26 14.44%
Not interested. 42 23.33%
See results 16 8.89%

COD looks like trash, even peeps at work who like COD admit it and are more interested in BF4. I think BF4 could be a real competitor this year, sales wise.


Around the Network
Conegamer said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Having Fifa bundled with the Xbox One in Europe is a megaton. I wonder how much it will raise the price of the Xbone though in Europe?

When it's bundled for free, it tends to not effect the cost. 

Hmm....MS is subsidizing the cost big time. They must've paid EA over a billion for that. I don't even want to know how much they moneyhatted. That is a record.

Conegamer said:
n-skyline said:
exclusive call of duty ghost bundle is pretty big, still no solid release date for the actual xbox one is a bit strange though.

I agree. No doubt they're waiting for Sony to announce their launch and they'll adapt from there. Maybe launch it within a week, because there's no point launching in December if Sony is October, or vice-versa.

yeah that makes sense and would be the wiser option

Call of Duty:Ghosts will have dedicated servers on Xbox One using their cloud servers. This is huge news.

CGI-Quality said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Having Fifa bundled with the Xbox One in Europe is a megaton. I wonder how much it will raise the price of the Xbone though in Europe?

I wouldn't call it a megaton, since it's only in pre-ordered systems, but it's definitely worth noting. 

 I highly doubt that Sony will match this in Europe. That is just huge. Its a huge incentive for Fifa fans to get a next gen installment of Fifa free. MS is trying to get those Xbones flying past the checkout asile in Europe. Fifa is the highest selling sports game in Europe. its only real competition is Gran Turismo. They also have fantasy football teams and extra stuff that they paid nearly half a billion for from EA.

Around the Network
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Hmm....MS is subsidizing the cost big time. They must've paid EA over a billion for that. I don't even want to know how much they moneyhatted. That is a record.

The famous NeoGaf leaker said that the Titanfall "exclusivity" (If one can call X360/PC/One exclusive) costed them 50 Million

orniletter said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Hmm....MS is subsidizing the cost big time. They must've paid EA over a billion for that. I don't even want to know how much they moneyhatted. That is a record.

The famous NeoGaf leaker said that the Titanfall "exclusivity" (If one can call X360/PC/One exclusive) costed them 50 Million

Hmmmm...sounds similar to how much MS moneyhatted Gears of War.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Conegamer said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Having Fifa bundled with the Xbox One in Europe is a megaton. I wonder how much it will raise the price of the Xbone though in Europe?

When it's bundled for free, it tends to not effect the cost. 

Hmm....MS is subsidizing the cost big time. They must've paid EA over a billion for that. I don't even want to know how much they moneyhatted. That is a record.

a billion yeah why not 10 too.... gamers really have very poor business notion when it comes to MS.... anything over 50 millions would be really expensive...

endimion said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Conegamer said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Having Fifa bundled with the Xbox One in Europe is a megaton. I wonder how much it will raise the price of the Xbone though in Europe?

When it's bundled for free, it tends to not effect the cost. 

Hmm....MS is subsidizing the cost big time. They must've paid EA over a billion for that. I don't even want to know how much they moneyhatted. That is a record.

a billion yeah why not 10 too.... gamers really have very poor business notion when it comes to MS.... anything over 50 millions would be really expensive...

Yes...especially when Microsoft pays EA $ 400 million, for special treatment on Madden for their devices? Anyway, I was told that it was just preorder games, so that brought it down a lot. fifty million is near the cost it takes to make the average high budget game. 

these motherfuckers are so desperate to get market share in EU that they are giving Fifa away for free with Xbox One pre ordered consoles? XD

welp, you gotta do what you gotta do at the end of the day

Also, can somebody explain to me what Dedicated Servers means? like what is the big deal about pier to pier and Dedicated servers?

Im not the biggest online guy so I never knew what they ment