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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CBOAT is a dirty liar!: PS4 late October, One SDK not ready yet (hence delay), Platinum Games making exclusive for One?

Okami 2 for XB1, made by Platinum. Yup I can see it.

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theprof00 said:
JayWood2010 said:
theprof00 said:

are you doubting the buttocks? He's been the sole leaker of lots of previously unknown confirmed rumor.

The only leak in this that isn't a safe bet is the platinum game.  Everything else is safe.  

Big Park Studios has been built from the ground up to work on more casual game.

And Black Tusk Studios was built from the ground up for hardcore games, been known for about a year now.

Rare is focused on the game they delayed that is Kinect Sports Rivals.  The other two games they are working on is however unknown.

PS4 has been rumored for a while to release mid-late october.

Xbox One is going to TGS so was always predicted to have Japanese exclusives including their new studio Osaka.

Except he's confirming them, which means they will be confirmed, which he is staking his reputation on, which hasn't failed thus far.
It's never "safe" to confirm a rumor.

Also, you forgot the first two truthifacts:

I left them out because I dont really understand what they are trying to say lol  I assume manufacturing problems which has also been pretty much confirmed with the delay in numerous countries.

Im not saying this guy is wrong.  Im just saying most of this stuff could have been said by your everyday user.  he isnt necessarily going out there telling us anything we dont already know(or think we know).

As you was reading this was you surprised by any of it?  For me just the Platinum Game part.


Sega, Platinum Games, new Yakuza, xbox one, japan only

yo_john117 said:
JoeTheBro said:
yo_john117 said:
How legitimate of a source is CBOAT? I'm guessing he knows his stuff (especially since most of what he said makes sense). Interesting read. I wasn't aware that MS was doing that bad with trying to get The One all finalized. Sony really does have them in this aspect.

He's as good as it gets. Only mistakes he makes are when things change behind the scene.

Good to know. I've been hearing his name a lot as of late. How does he have so much info?

He's a big player in the game industry with the two most often guesses of him being either Adam Sessler or Geoff Keighley but no one really knows. The reason for his terrible grammer is so there are no way to trace his writting style.

Former something....

I hope that the other Japanese developer isn't Atlus. Persona 5 on Xbox One would piss me off.

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JayWood2010 said:

I left them out because I dont really understand what they are trying to say lol  I assume manufacturing problems which has also been pretty much confirmed with the delay in numerous countries.

Im not saying this guy is wrong.  Im just saying most of this stuff could have been said by your everyday user.  he isnt necessarily going out there telling us anything we dont already know(or think we know).

As you was reading this was you surprised by any of it?  For me just the Platinum Game part.

I'm curious about your understanding about how this works.

He hasn't been wrong thus far. Anyone who is an everyday user will at least be wrong sometimes. And you 'assume manufacturing problems'? Not to be like "oh yeah? Prove it" but do you indeed have evidence showing that you assumed this?

You can argue however you want. I will take this as confirmation, which is a big step further than "pretty much confirmed".

yo_john117 said:
JoeTheBro said:
yo_john117 said:
How legitimate of a source is CBOAT? I'm guessing he knows his stuff (especially since most of what he said makes sense). Interesting read. I wasn't aware that MS was doing that bad with trying to get The One all finalized. Sony really does have them in this aspect.

He's as good as it gets. Only mistakes he makes are when things change behind the scene.

Good to know. I've been hearing his name a lot as of late. How does he have so much info?

No one really knows, although many assume he's pretty high up the ranks at MS with lots of industry connections. This might be possible, it would explain all the info he has and why he writes in gibberish to avoid being identified by a writing pattern analyisis (no idea what the correct english term for this word is).

yo_john117 said:
JoeTheBro said:
yo_john117 said:
How legitimate of a source is CBOAT? I'm guessing he knows his stuff (especially since most of what he said makes sense). Interesting read. I wasn't aware that MS was doing that bad with trying to get The One all finalized. Sony really does have them in this aspect.

He's as good as it gets. Only mistakes he makes are when things change behind the scene.

Good to know. I've been hearing his name a lot as of late. How does he have so much info?

Back in 05 he spilled the beans on some 360 things so he must be a high up Microsoft/xbox guy. I'd love if one day in the distant future we find out he's Bill Gates or something.

PS4 in October? All aboard the Hype Train!

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

gooch_destroyer said:
MS money hatting Japanese devs again huh?

So it's ok for Sony and Nintendo to money hat devs, but not ok for Microsft?