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yo_john117 said:
JoeTheBro said:
yo_john117 said:
How legitimate of a source is CBOAT? I'm guessing he knows his stuff (especially since most of what he said makes sense). Interesting read. I wasn't aware that MS was doing that bad with trying to get The One all finalized. Sony really does have them in this aspect.

He's as good as it gets. Only mistakes he makes are when things change behind the scene.

Good to know. I've been hearing his name a lot as of late. How does he have so much info?

No one really knows, although many assume he's pretty high up the ranks at MS with lots of industry connections. This might be possible, it would explain all the info he has and why he writes in gibberish to avoid being identified by a writing pattern analyisis (no idea what the correct english term for this word is).