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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CBOAT is a dirty liar!: PS4 late October, One SDK not ready yet (hence delay), Platinum Games making exclusive for One?

Figgycal said:
colafitte said:
The cancelation of the conference at the last minute, it's because they are affraid of the reaction of the press beacause the console is just not ready. I don't think there is other explanation....

I trust in CBOAT implicitly, but Microsoft will have 100 working Xbox One's at Gamescom. IDK what the issue in having a conference would be if that's the case unless they're weren't prepared or forgot to write a speech or something. It seems like a bad move on their part considering how important Europe is.

What i mean is, Microsoft is afraid of the press questions, because maybe they don't have the answers....again.

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ethomaz said:
Figgycal said:
colafitte said:
The cancelation of the conference at the last minute, it's because they are affraid of the reaction of the press beacause the console is just not ready. I don't think there is other explanation....

I trust in CBOAT implicitly, but Microsoft will have 100 working Xbox One's at Gamescom. IDK what the issue in having a conference would be if that's the case unless they're weren't prepared or forgot to write a speech or something. It seems like a bad move on their part considering how important Europe is.

Maybe that can be a good choice for MS because what the PR team until now is messed up everything related to Xbone... so less talk and more show... they are really loosing in PR front with vagues, misinformation and poorly prepared to deal with external questions.

I agree, but what's worse: bad pr or getting destroyed by pre-orders? Unless Sony screws up their presentation (wonderbook 2 demo) - Microsoft is just giving up their momentum and handing it over to Sony.

Figgycal said:

I agree, but what's worse: bad pr or getting destroyed by pre-orders? Unless Sony screws up their presentation (wonderbook 2 demo) - Microsoft is just giving up their momentum and handing it over to Sony.

And I think CBOAT was on spot... the Xbone is not ready so the PR team didn't have the answer for the most popular questions yet... a lot of features and policies will be definied post-launch.

Sony get MS surprised with the easy and early release... I think they expected Sony to go for a 2014 release and not 2013.

ethomaz said:

Figgycal said:

I agree, but what's worse: bad pr or getting destroyed by pre-orders? Unless Sony screws up their presentation (wonderbook 2 demo) - Microsoft is just giving up their momentum and handing it over to Sony.

And I think CBOAT was on spot... the Xbone is not ready so the PR team didn't have the answer for the most popular questions yet... a lot of features and policies will be definied post-launch.

I think Microsoft has put itself in a position where they will regret not waiting for a very much more prepared launch in 2014.....Bad first impressions are hard to change...

ethomaz said:

Figgycal said:

I agree, but what's worse: bad pr or getting destroyed by pre-orders? Unless Sony screws up their presentation (wonderbook 2 demo) - Microsoft is just giving up their momentum and handing it over to Sony.

And I think CBOAT was on spot... the Xbone is not ready so the PR team didn't have the answer for the most popular questions yet... a lot of features and policies will be definied post-launch.

Sony get MS surprised with the easly release... I think they expected Sony to go for a 2014 release and not 2013.

I remember reading other rumors from insiders about the Xbox One before it was even revealed (in April) saying that they were caught off guard by Sony or that they were struggling to make content in time for a Holiday release. I dismissed it at the time. Then multiple CBOAT TRUTHFACTs and then this.

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colafitte said:

I think Microsoft has put itself in a position where they will regret not waiting for a very much more prepared launch in 2014.....Bad first impressions are hard to change...

That we will never know... maybe a March 2014 release could be a better choice since begining but now it is look like a delay.

I guess MS expected Sony to release the PS4 in 2014 and the "Holiday 2013" in February put some pressure over MS heads... over pressure and tried to make everything fast to fit the schedule to 2013 too have it costs... confused, contradictory and bad PR decisions.

I think they have the right time to work they could even sells the DRM, always online and no used games for the general public... but you need to have all the company talking the same language and making the beneficies more loud than the restrictions.

But I'm not a PR or exec guys... so just guessword... the only fact is that something goes wrong to MS.

We will know in 24 hours after the Sony conference, i don't see the point off speculating about it anymore at this point.

AnthonyW86 said:
We will know in 24 hours after the Sony conference, i don't see the point off speculating about it anymore at this point.

If Microsoft does everything correctly- we won't know about it at all. I'd imagine they don't want any more bad news getting out. All we  can do is speculate (or not care I guess).

NO! PS4 has to launch in Nov. Otherwise it screws up my tracking thread. >:( Stupid Sony and their constantly changing launch patterns.

If the October release was confirmed at GamesCom then Sony will be over MS no matter what MS do. It is like Sony is creating that since February doing the right thing in PR department to ends with this "early" launch.

Everything flow right to the Sony side.