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colafitte said:

I think Microsoft has put itself in a position where they will regret not waiting for a very much more prepared launch in 2014.....Bad first impressions are hard to change...

That we will never know... maybe a March 2014 release could be a better choice since begining but now it is look like a delay.

I guess MS expected Sony to release the PS4 in 2014 and the "Holiday 2013" in February put some pressure over MS heads... over pressure and tried to make everything fast to fit the schedule to 2013 too have it costs... confused, contradictory and bad PR decisions.

I think they have the right time to work they could even sells the DRM, always online and no used games for the general public... but you need to have all the company talking the same language and making the beneficies more loud than the restrictions.

But I'm not a PR or exec guys... so just guessword... the only fact is that something goes wrong to MS.