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ethomaz said:
Figgycal said:
colafitte said:
The cancelation of the conference at the last minute, it's because they are affraid of the reaction of the press beacause the console is just not ready. I don't think there is other explanation....

I trust in CBOAT implicitly, but Microsoft will have 100 working Xbox One's at Gamescom. IDK what the issue in having a conference would be if that's the case unless they're weren't prepared or forgot to write a speech or something. It seems like a bad move on their part considering how important Europe is.

Maybe that can be a good choice for MS because what the PR team until now is messed up everything related to Xbone... so less talk and more show... they are really loosing in PR front with vagues, misinformation and poorly prepared to deal with external questions.

I agree, but what's worse: bad pr or getting destroyed by pre-orders? Unless Sony screws up their presentation (wonderbook 2 demo) - Microsoft is just giving up their momentum and handing it over to Sony.