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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Microsoft and Sony killing Inovation" says industry vet Mitch Lasky

selnor said:
kingofwale said:
>Even Blue Dragon was far better.

you are the only one bro. :P, reviewers tend to agree with me on this one. lol

>Also , dont tell me that all Wii games are inovative , because thats just a lie ...

Wii does have some innovation, Wiimote's pretty cool, but by no mean perfect and precise, that's why 2 of the biggest games this year (SSBB and Mario Kart), most people will still play them on GC controller. I know I will.

All my mates in real and on WOW hated ff12. Im an avid Jrpg player. And anime watcher. If you thught FF12 was good then theres something not right. Most reviews are biased to Long running series.

 Yeah.  Well people are biased towards FF games in general in the RPG circuit because it's the only RPG many people play.  Final Fantasy is basically the Casual man's RPG.

FF12 wasn't horrible.  I mean the story really blew.  But if you like MMORPG's yet dislike socializing with people on them the gameplay was fun. 

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Kasz216 said:
selnor said:
kingofwale said:
>Even Blue Dragon was far better.

you are the only one bro. :P, reviewers tend to agree with me on this one. lol

>Also , dont tell me that all Wii games are inovative , because thats just a lie ...

Wii does have some innovation, Wiimote's pretty cool, but by no mean perfect and precise, that's why 2 of the biggest games this year (SSBB and Mario Kart), most people will still play them on GC controller. I know I will.

All my mates in real and on WOW hated ff12. Im an avid Jrpg player. And anime watcher. If you thught FF12 was good then theres something not right. Most reviews are biased to Long running series.

Yeah. Well people are biased towards FF games in general in the RPG circuit because it's the only RPG many people play. Final Fantasy is basically the Casual man's RPG.

FF12 wasn't horrible. I mean the story really blew. But if you like MMORPG's yet dislike socializing with people on them the gameplay was fun.

 It's not the worst JRPG ever but Blue Dragon and evn the late Eternal  Sonata have more going for them.

kingofwale said:
>Even Blue Dragon was far better.

you are the only one bro. :P, reviewers tend to agree with me on this one. lol

>Also , dont tell me that all Wii games are inovative , because thats just a lie ...

Wii does have some innovation, Wiimote's pretty cool, but by no mean perfect and precise, that's why 2 of the biggest games this year (SSBB and Mario Kart), most people will still play them on GC controller. I know I will.

You really didn't get the point of that article, did you.

It states that small companies don't have the money to work on PS360 projects and that small companies usually come up with innovative ideas. The article has nothing to do with Wii vs. PS360.

of course no, innovation costs money, that's why big companies are on the cutting edge of innovation, Microsoft, Apple... so on, you don't see a company of 5 people come up with a new product nowaday, do you?

A lot of innovation in every industry comes from small companies that then are bought by bigger ones. Innvovation doesn't have to costs lots of money, it's about ideas and the risk to implement these ideas. The article says that the big companies can't afford to take risks because their shareholders want to see money.

as for big budge production, you see this at hollywood all the time, Big-production might not always translate into great result, but at least they have the resources to bring in the best of the best. Sure some will fail (Lair), but more will win (CoD4, FFXII, Halo3, AC....)

The games you state are what is meant in the article with sequelitus. Nothing wrong with that, but has nothing to do with innovation. Small companies cannot afford to make games for the HD consoles anymore, therefore leaving that market to the big developers that want to play safe, leaving us with number 4, 12, 3 etc.. of the same old games.


kingofwale said:
>so i am guessing you don't agree or see where he is coming from?

of course no, innovation costs money, that's why big companies are on the cutting edge of innovation, Microsoft, Apple... so on, you don't see a company of 5 people come up with a new product nowaday, do you?

as for big budge production, you see this at hollywood all the time, Big-production might not always translate into great result, but at least they have the resources to bring in the best of the best. Sure some will fail (Lair), but more will win (CoD4, FFXII, Halo3, AC....)

if the guy's so bitter, go make a cutting edge game with small budge them. You don't think companies want that? It's just highly undoable.

But then again, the guy works for bloody Mobile games, what right does he have to do to criticize console games?

 Small startups come up with new products all the time. You probably just don't notice because for a lot of them they get bought up by the big guys who then start mass production.

And what exactly is innovative or cutting edge with the games you've listed? 3 of them are sequels and this is exactly what the guy is talking about. The big boys don't want to spend the money on something new, they want to just rehash the same game with a few minor improvements. The one game you've listed which is considered a failure *IS* new, so why would companies want to risk such large amounts of money when the known formulas rake it in? You see this at hollywood all the time.

 Edit: BengaBenga types quicker than I do :P

He is right, Sony and Microsoft are just going the way of upgrading graphics every gen. and that's it, Nintendo has other things planned.

Nintendo still doomed?
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I think a high cost to make a game could hurt innovation, but that doesn't mean that innovation is lost just because of high costs.

What a joke, if anything Nintendo are crippling the industry with the Wii, they're ruining it for the gamers that are consistently keeping it alive rather than the casual audience the Wii attracts

>It states that small companies don't have the money to work on PS360 projects and that small companies usually come up with innovative ideas. The article has nothing to do with Wii vs. PS360.

hey, you know what? Welcome to capitalism! and small companies come up with innovative ideas, but they have no money to implement it, which means, it goes to waste. That's why you have huge corps spending millions to improve technology and on new ideas.

Also, we must clarify what's the definition of "innovation" and how it differs from "innovative ideas". creative the fastest chip is, create a controller that waggle isn't. The former means building something from the ground up that has NEVER been seen before. The latter just uses the technology we already have today and make difference use for it. Wii is fun and cool, but it's not the definition of innovation. it's a "innovative idea", Look at Ipod, it's nothing new about them, it's just innovative.

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

Episode 1: OOPSY!
: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
Episode 2:
Letsdance: FFXIII (PS3+360) first week in NA = 286K
According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)
X-Man said:
What a joke, if anything Nintendo are crippling the industry with the Wii, they're ruining it for the gamers that are consistently keeping it alive rather than the casual audience the Wii attracts

 So by expanding the market, this cripples the industry? How exactly does growth cripple it? Is the movie industry crippled because it produces movies for all walks of life?

X-Man said:
What a joke, if anything Nintendo are crippling the industry with the Wii, they're ruining it for the gamers that are consistently keeping it alive rather than the casual audience the Wii attracts

 Oh wow. Thanks for your addition in this thead man. Don't let the door hit you on your way out

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