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kingofwale said:
>Even Blue Dragon was far better.

you are the only one bro. :P, reviewers tend to agree with me on this one. lol

>Also , dont tell me that all Wii games are inovative , because thats just a lie ...

Wii does have some innovation, Wiimote's pretty cool, but by no mean perfect and precise, that's why 2 of the biggest games this year (SSBB and Mario Kart), most people will still play them on GC controller. I know I will.

You really didn't get the point of that article, did you.

It states that small companies don't have the money to work on PS360 projects and that small companies usually come up with innovative ideas. The article has nothing to do with Wii vs. PS360.

of course no, innovation costs money, that's why big companies are on the cutting edge of innovation, Microsoft, Apple... so on, you don't see a company of 5 people come up with a new product nowaday, do you?

A lot of innovation in every industry comes from small companies that then are bought by bigger ones. Innvovation doesn't have to costs lots of money, it's about ideas and the risk to implement these ideas. The article says that the big companies can't afford to take risks because their shareholders want to see money.

as for big budge production, you see this at hollywood all the time, Big-production might not always translate into great result, but at least they have the resources to bring in the best of the best. Sure some will fail (Lair), but more will win (CoD4, FFXII, Halo3, AC....)

The games you state are what is meant in the article with sequelitus. Nothing wrong with that, but has nothing to do with innovation. Small companies cannot afford to make games for the HD consoles anymore, therefore leaving that market to the big developers that want to play safe, leaving us with number 4, 12, 3 etc.. of the same old games.