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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pokémon: The Origin, anime based on RED, confirmed (with trailer!)

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Who is your favorite Pokémon protagonist?

RED 102 88.70%
ash 8 6.96%
What's a poky-man? 5 4.35%

Blastoise looks so awsome in this trailer!


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)


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for anybody that wants to see 100pics+ of the event

It seems to be confirmed that this is a single-episode special, but they haven't said yet how long the episode will be. Considering everything we know will happen, it doesn't sound like your typical 22-minute program.

Also, check out some new character art!


Releasing just in time for Pokemon X & Y I see. R.I.P Call of Duty Ghosts. Incoming Pokemon.

the_dengle said:

It seems to be confirmed that this is a single-episode special, but they haven't said yet how long the episode will be. Considering everything we know will happen, it doesn't sound like your typical 22-minute program.

Only one? When I saw that trailer, I had hoped for a 12 or 24 episode run... Oh well, maybe they'll make that if this is received good enough.

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I hope its not just 1 episode. :'(((((

Everyone cheer up! This is pretty cool! 24 hours ago we didn't even know this existed. Now we get probably an hour-long special. It's a good idea and I hope they explore it further, but for now at least we have the show to look forward to!

I can't wait!! the pokemon anime are terrrible, hopefully this will be good.

is this the first time ash wont be in a pokemon anime that revolves around a person?

bobgamez said:
is this the first time ash wont be in a pokemon anime that revolves around a person?

no, they had pokemon chronicles