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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox One vs. PS4 Graphics Showdown: The Rematch

Pemalite said:
walsufnir said:

No, such a comparison is of course not legit :) I think PC will easily perform better or have much better IQ even at 1080p.

Of course it's fair, you're comparing platform to platform, so you should show-off all the advantages a specific platform has to thus make it fair!


Problem is: There is no "standard" platform on PC. Even PC-PC-comparisons are close to unlimited in parameters.

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walsufnir said:
Pemalite said:
walsufnir said:


"without sacrificing much details" is already a sacrifice. We will see how PC games compare to next-gen-console versions. Perhaps Battlefield 4 will be the first interesting subject.

So, we can compare my 7680x1440 screens to 1920x1080 screens on the consoles? :P

No, such a comparison is of course not legit :) I think PC will easily perform better or have much better IQ even at 1080p.

Can we all afford 1000$ PC for games right now? its not possible and also the consoles are meant for affordablity so most of the people can enjoy the technology and the games created with it. PC's are always ahead of Consoles in performance  so consoles can never match it, but Consoles have some games which PC cannot get and its affordable so many people around the world can enjoy.

GAMING is not about spending hours to pass/waste our time just for fun,

its a Feeling/Experience about a VIRTUAL WORLD we can never be in real, and realizing some of our dreams (also creating new ones).

So, Feel Emotions, Experience Adventure/Action, Challenge Game, Solve puzzles and Have fun.

PlayStation is about all-round "New experiences" using new IP's to provide great diversity for everyone.

Xbox is always about Online and Shooting.

Nintendo is always about Fun games and milking IP's.

CGI-Quality said:
Zappykins said:
CGI-Quality said:

I disputed, and discredited, some of what you wrote. Little different to a personal insult, my friend. Besides, the author also, in my view, got things wrong and if his feelings were mirrored throught the industry, I'm sure we'd see more articles like it.

The only part I wrote was:

"Note: Hey guys, I know we are all excited, but please be respectful and do not get yourself banned/or spanked? MMkay?"

Tee hee!

Cool. No hard feelings either way. My apologies that I came across as insulting, wasn't my intention.

Thanks, none take and apologie accepted.  I don't want to take credit for someone else's work.

Here have some ice cream:


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

biglittlesps said:

Can we all afford 1000$ PC for games right now? its not possible and also the consoles are meant for affordablity so most of the people can enjoy the technology and the games created with it. PC's are always ahead of Consoles in performance  so consoles can never match it, but Consoles have some games which PC cannot get and its affordable so many people around the world can enjoy.

If you are going to bring prices into the discussion, then you need to know that consoles being cheaper than the PC is false.

Games are far more expensive on console, you pay for online. - Over the life of the system you are paying a premium, that's despite the PC's initial higher hardware costs.

Case in point, the EA humble Bundle, almost $150-$200 worth of games for $5 on the PC.

Plus, everyone pretty much already has a PC, even your 6-7 year old bog standard Core 2 Quad PC is actually very capable at playing games at 720P (Console quality) with a $50-$100 GPU upgrade.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

biglittlesps said:
walsufnir said:
Pemalite said:
walsufnir said:


"without sacrificing much details" is already a sacrifice. We will see how PC games compare to next-gen-console versions. Perhaps Battlefield 4 will be the first interesting subject.

So, we can compare my 7680x1440 screens to 1920x1080 screens on the consoles? :P

No, such a comparison is of course not legit :) I think PC will easily perform better or have much better IQ even at 1080p.

Can we all afford 1000$ PC for games right now? its not possible and also the consoles are meant for affordablity so most of the people can enjoy the technology and the games created with it. PC's are always ahead of Consoles in performance  so consoles can never match it, but Consoles have some games which PC cannot get and its affordable so many people around the world can enjoy.

So you admit that your original claim was wrong - at least this. I never cared about the PC having prettier graphics.

Currently I own a 360 and next-gen consoles (sorry, WiiU) will offer much better graphics than the current gen. I don't care if a PC or another console will have (slightly) better graphics as long as the graphics and performance are good in the games I will play.

Heck, millions of mobile-gamers know consoles have better graphics but they still play temple-run.

Around the Network
walsufnir said:
biglittlesps said:
walsufnir said:


"without sacrificing much details" is already a sacrifice. We will see how PC games compare to next-gen-console versions. Perhaps Battlefield 4 will be the first interesting subject.

Also optimizations plays big role even though it has limit of 1.84TF peak performance, for example hardware decoding of a movie which uses less resources due to opimized code and excution instead of Soft decoding which uses more resources for achieving same results. So, with better utilization of hardware using optimzations allows to do more where PC GPU's needs more resources(here its TF advantage of PC is used) to perform similar task because of lacking optimizations and bottlenecks in PC.

This optimizations is better used by First Party studios like I said before from the deveopers like Naughty dog, GG and Santa monica, so only those games shows big differences which can be proved by the games like Last of US, God of war, Uncharted and Killzone which was done in 2006 hardware, but these games are not going to be available to PC, since these games are developed specifically only for this architecture so they use the hardware resources better unlike PC games where the games are not developed around a single architecture.

Playstaion is mostly about its exclusives which is cared by most of us and for Mutli platforms its PC if people can afford otherwise Console but this time Console versions can also be as good as PC due to the similar artchitecture mostly. If you want to compare Console then compare it with a 500$ PC instead of comparing it with like 1000$ or more.

Movie decoding? Where is the advantage? Either you play or a movie is played back. Which is easily done by modern CPUs with almost no load... Also software-decoders are much better nowadays than fixed-hardware decoders...

And why are you shifting the topic? First we talked about hardware and now you change it to a talk about exclusives? And of course it's the same architecture now with PC: It is the same ISA.

But I see that you can't keep up your claim that PS4 is capable to compete with high-end PC GPUs (again you left out CPUs ;)) so you change your arguments to exclusive-talk and now want to compare PS4 to a $500 pc instead of staying to your original claim about HIGH END GPUs! Well done

I just gave an example for optimization like how efficiently we can code the hardware using less resounces to achieve better results in my example.

And where we are comparing somethings then we have to compare which are related to each other in many ways not just power but we need to consider Price as well. You can't compare 500$ hardware to 1000$+ hardware. I just meant that PS4 GPU can match High GPU Tier performance since we only need upto 60FPS (Either 30 or 60FPS) in 1080p. In consoles we use the hardware to the peak due to developers have single hardware to forcus so they will meet this unlke PC they cannot focus on every hardware so those High End GPU's have juice left untouched(what's the use of having resounces if we don't use it?).

GAMING is not about spending hours to pass/waste our time just for fun,

its a Feeling/Experience about a VIRTUAL WORLD we can never be in real, and realizing some of our dreams (also creating new ones).

So, Feel Emotions, Experience Adventure/Action, Challenge Game, Solve puzzles and Have fun.

PlayStation is about all-round "New experiences" using new IP's to provide great diversity for everyone.

Xbox is always about Online and Shooting.

Nintendo is always about Fun games and milking IP's.

Pemalite said:
biglittlesps said:

Can we all afford 1000$ PC for games right now? its not possible and also the consoles are meant for affordablity so most of the people can enjoy the technology and the games created with it. PC's are always ahead of Consoles in performance  so consoles can never match it, but Consoles have some games which PC cannot get and its affordable so many people around the world can enjoy.

If you are going to bring prices into the discussion, then you need to know that consoles being cheaper than the PC is false.

Games are far more expensive on console, you pay for online. - Over the life of the system you are paying a premium, that's despite the PC's initial higher hardware costs.

Case in point, the EA humble Bundle, almost $150-$200 worth of games for $5 on the PC.

Plus, everyone pretty much already has a PC, even your 6-7 year old bog standard Core 2 Quad PC is actually very capable at playing games at 720P (Console quality) with a $50-$100 GPU upgrade.

I like some of your posts but please let's stop this war. You won't ever convert a console gamer to switch to PC. There are good reasons for PC gamers and good reasons for console gamers. Especially we have read *every* argument at least a thousand times and I doubt that anyone ever thought "Oh my god, how couldn't I see this! I will switch sides!"

Pemalite said:


If you are going to bring prices into the discussion, then you need to know that consoles being cheaper than the PC is false.

Games are far more expensive on console, you pay for online. - Over the life of the system you are paying a premium, that's despite the PC's initial higher hardware costs.


Depends. If you're just playing games on PS Plus, you never buy a game, you just pay 5 $ a month and you're good to go. Of course, you don't have the free choice of games, but you also don't have a free choice with offerings like steam summer sales or those humble bundles. If we are talking about retail games, PC games aren't that much cheaper nowadays, at least in germany. Most new titles sell for 50 €, while some big titles (Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, Sim City for example) sell for 60 €, the exact same price of console games. For The Last of Us, I paid 49 €, day one. the price advantage of retail titles on PC is as good as gone around here. 

In the end, it all comes down to games. There the PC still has advantages, as there are almost no strategy games or business simulations on consoles. Also, most small titles are PC exclusive because the developers just can't afford licensing costs for consoles. On the other hand, you have those AAA console exclusives. Everyone just needs to know for himself what games he prefers or just buy mutliple systems. 

I personally am having a great time right now with Papers, please. 

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

walsufnir said:
biglittlesps said:
walsufnir said:
Pemalite said:
walsufnir said:


"without sacrificing much details" is already a sacrifice. We will see how PC games compare to next-gen-console versions. Perhaps Battlefield 4 will be the first interesting subject.

So, we can compare my 7680x1440 screens to 1920x1080 screens on the consoles? :P

No, such a comparison is of course not legit :) I think PC will easily perform better or have much better IQ even at 1080p.

Can we all afford 1000$ PC for games right now? its not possible and also the consoles are meant for affordablity so most of the people can enjoy the technology and the games created with it. PC's are always ahead of Consoles in performance  so consoles can never match it, but Consoles have some games which PC cannot get and its affordable so many people around the world can enjoy.

So you admit that your original claim was wrong - at least this. I never cared about the PC having prettier graphics.

Currently I own a 360 and next-gen consoles (sorry, WiiU) will offer much better graphics than the current gen. I don't care if a PC or another console will have (slightly) better graphics as long as the graphics and performance are good in the games I will play.

Heck, millions of mobile-gamers know consoles have better graphics but they still play temple-run.

My only claim is that PS4 GPU has the potential to do games in 30/60FPS in 1080p which High End GPU Tier(can do higher than 1080p and >60FPS but we don't need that in consoles) can do in PC with the better use of optimization, so PS4 can do some great looking games using that hardware from first party Studios. I just want to say that PS4 also has capability of what current High End GPU tier can do and the proof for this is games like Last of Us, God of war, Uncharted and Killzone. I only care about games and never fancy about graphics much but i was just saying that PS4 has better GPU than Xboxone(it can also do great games witht the hardware it has) and it has potentail to what High End GPU's co do(but not matching completely High End GPU's performance), moreover we need only 30/60 FPS in 1080p for Consoles so PS4 has that power to do this since it has tweaks done at the hardware level along with Optimizations.

GAMING is not about spending hours to pass/waste our time just for fun,

its a Feeling/Experience about a VIRTUAL WORLD we can never be in real, and realizing some of our dreams (also creating new ones).

So, Feel Emotions, Experience Adventure/Action, Challenge Game, Solve puzzles and Have fun.

PlayStation is about all-round "New experiences" using new IP's to provide great diversity for everyone.

Xbox is always about Online and Shooting.

Nintendo is always about Fun games and milking IP's.

walsufnir said:

I like some of your posts but please let's stop this war. You won't ever convert a console gamer to switch to PC. There are good reasons for PC gamers and good reasons for console gamers. Especially we have read *every* argument at least a thousand times and I doubt that anyone ever thought "Oh my god, how couldn't I see this! I will switch sides!"

My goal isn't to convert people to my platform of choice, I honestly couldn't care less what people play games on.
What annoys me is how people parrot misinformation without looking at the wider scope, so it seems I repeat myself allot on these forums.

Mind you, I've seem some very valid arguments for people wanting to stick with consoles. I.E. Despite the PC having console controllers available, using them online will result you in being badly beaten by the "mousers", thus consoles are a better fit for such people wanting an even playing field.

OdinHades said:

Depends. If you're just playing games on PS Plus, you never buy a game, you just pay 5 $ a month and you're good to go.

With Steam you pay nothing, ever. AND you get a selection of free games, with that $5 you can buy yourself a few dozen games a month off humble bundle and keep them forever. (You don't lose them when your subscription runs out.)

OdinHades said:

games aren't that much cheaper nowadays, at least in germany. Most new titles sell for 50 €, while some big titles (Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, Sim City for example) sell for 60 €

Well. Battlefield 3 here in Australia is $10 cheaper on the PC at EB Games. $55 cheaper if you bought into the Humble Bundle.
Steam often has 66-75% off sales.
I'm yet to buy a game at retail price!
I own roughly 450 games across my Steam accounts, that would have been a fortune on console. (Which probably explains why I stopped at 70~ games on Xbox this generation.)

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--