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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Evaluation of the current Nintendo community on VGC

Did I get the worst review by Rol in here? LOL

GAF has a way better off-topic. VGC as the slowest off-topics since I joined hence why it is boring other than sales threads and sports threads.

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I was born in November 18th the same day the Biggest Franchise 25th Anniversary was and my best franchise ever " The Legend of Zelda ". I have my golden limited edition PACK PAL version of Loz Skyward Sword. I am looking forward for The Wind Waker HD and A Link between Worlds and very excited to what will be the next Zelda for the Wii U.

Thanks due for this " Aidman - The Legend of Zelda 4 life. ". I Like it so much.

Euphoria is leaving the site??

And how did i miss this thread for so long?

Amazing how many people Rol can give an accurate description of...

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

RolStoppable said:
I feel so important that maybe I should make a thread called "Name a game and I'll rate it", because clearly everyone wants to know what I think.

I see my posting keeps me Stealthy. Good to know.

*sneaks away*

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Is this an unbiased evaluation based on your opinions?

I'm not on this list! But I'll forgive you, because I see myself in my own category anyway.. a Ninten-rogue.

Holy snap. Galaki posts

You used the post I made on this thread to judge me... just goes to show the presence I have here, a puppy one.

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You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

nice the list has grown.