RolStoppable said: I feel so important that maybe I should make a thread called "Name a game and I'll rate it", because clearly everyone wants to know what I think. |
Everyone loves to have an opinion of themselves.
RolStoppable said: I feel so important that maybe I should make a thread called "Name a game and I'll rate it", because clearly everyone wants to know what I think. |
Everyone loves to have an opinion of themselves.
RolStoppable said: I feel so important that maybe I should make a thread called "Name a game and I'll rate it", because clearly everyone wants to know what I think. |
I'll start right now!
K-Ko... koro...
spurgeonryan said:
You should make a thread and judge people. ^_^ |
Not a chance in hell.
pezus said: |
You posted in the thread. That's the only thing needed to be judged.
@My judgement: I don't care about the category, and it's mostly true. I no longer do that as much as before as I quit form keeping the thread alive, but I can't stop looking for them.
And just because of that, 2 funny pics:
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.
pezus said: I owned a NES, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Advanced and my brother owned a DS but didn't really play it. Shouldn't I get better treatment? |
It's Game Boy Advance. Not Advanced. Exposed...
I'm friendly folk. Nintendo irk me and please me in equal measure.
Einsam_Delphin said:
What you said is close enough! The reality is most people here can't handle my logic n reasonings so they run off like cowards rather than simply admitting they were wrong or w/e! I figured you didn't wanna say that exactly as I did since it could come off as insulting to some. :L |
My prof of History and Philosophy used to say that euphemisms matter: for example you can say "steadfast" to make "stubborn" look better.
And LOL @ my evaluation, really spot-on as I expected!
RolStoppable said:
I don't know about that. I associate your avatar with a lot of hateful posts. |
Really? Well Nintendo have dissapointed alot recently...
No real E3, No Metroid, Weak Mario showing and I'm not optimistic about their sales this holiday.
Aidman said: These are my words : " I was, I am and I will always be a Nintendo fanboy ". |
-Every game journalist ever, before slamming Mario/Zelda/Nintendo generally and praising the latest Bioshock/Mass Effect/story-driven game.
I'm not even on there lol
RolStoppable said: Nintendogs Salnax - Likes most wanted lists and living in alternate realities. |
I'm the dog now man.
That description is something I can live with. "Salnax, the Lists and Alternate Realities guy."
Little does Rol suspect that I'm from a world where Nintendo went bankrupt in the 1940's, and that said world's video games were so abysmal, I became a refugee here.