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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One's fast change of policies.

Max King of the Wild said:
So Sony fans have officially trolled this thread. GOOD JOB>

I don't think you know what trolling is. The closest thing to trolling in this thread is you still spreading that bullshit about sony implementing DRM based on nothing at all... even then I wouldn't call that trolling but something completely different that I cant say

Now fan calm down...that seems pretty hostile...almost like your aren't even debating(against form rules).

My opinion:
Xbox brand has always had a better UI and ONLINE then the Wii/Playstation.

Also I will state that most gamers will agree besides pc has the best online gaming.

It will be no different next gen...and that when the next gen is over there will be less then 5% market share difference between the xb1/ps4...

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silentdj151 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
So Sony fans have officially trolled this thread. GOOD JOB>

I don't think you know what trolling is. The closest thing to trolling in this thread is you still spreading that bullshit about sony implementing DRM based on nothing at all... even then I wouldn't call that trolling but something completely different that I cant say

Now fan calm down...that seems pretty hostile...almost like your aren't even debating(against form rules).

My opinion:
Xbox brand has always had a better UI and ONLINE then the Wii/Playstation.

Also I will state that most gamers will agree besides pc has the best online gaming.

It will be no different next gen...and that when the next gen is over there will be less then 5% market share difference between the xb1/ps4...

U forgot about this one thing that matters most, it's the reason people buy these systems I almost forgot this thing even mattered in all of this clusterfuck... its called games. Sony has had the better games this gen and next gen doesn't look any different with ND, ssm, mm, and gg still having announcements in the near future.  

NYCrysis said:
silentdj151 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
So Sony fans have officially trolled this thread. GOOD JOB>

I don't think you know what trolling is. The closest thing to trolling in this thread is you still spreading that bullshit about sony implementing DRM based on nothing at all... even then I wouldn't call that trolling but something completely different that I cant say

Now fan calm down...that seems pretty hostile...almost like your aren't even debating(against form rules).

My opinion:
Xbox brand has always had a better UI and ONLINE then the Wii/Playstation.

Also I will state that most gamers will agree besides pc has the best online gaming.

It will be no different next gen...and that when the next gen is over there will be less then 5% market share difference between the xb1/ps4...

U forgot about this one thing that matters most, it's the reason people buy these systems I almost forgot this thing even mattered in all of this clusterfuck... its called games. Sony has had the better games this gen and next gen doesn't look any different with ND, ssm, mm, and gg still having announcements in the near future.  

Sorry I do not like sony 1st party games, great visually but horrible game play.

So in my opinion no Playstation did not have better games...

I do not like HALO anymore will play solo but multiplayer not that good compared to call of duty.

Why sony fans so hostile calm down people

silentdj151 said:
NYCrysis said:
Now fan calm down...that seems pretty hostile...almost like your aren't even debating(against form rules).

My opinion:
Xbox brand has always had a better UI and ONLINE then the Wii/Playstation.

Also I will state that most gamers will agree besides pc has the best online gaming.

It will be no different next gen...and that when the next gen is over there will be less then 5% market share difference between the xb1/ps4...

U forgot about this one thing that matters most, it's the reason people buy these systems I almost forgot this thing even mattered in all of this clusterfuck... its called games. Sony has had the better games this gen and next gen doesn't look any different with ND, ssm, mm, and gg still having announcements in the near future.  

Sorry I do not like sony 1st party games, great visually but horrible game play.

So in my opinion no Playstation did not have better games...

I do not like HALO anymore will play solo but multiplayer not that good compared to call of duty.

Why sony fans so hostile calm down people

Ok I know u are a Sony hater and it's not gonna be worth it to argue with u. Calm down? How can u tell if a guy is hostile or not online saying "Why sony fans so hostile calm down people" is blatent silent flaming.

I can only assume most Xbox fans that were switching sides during the DRM debacle will return to MS. I would be weary of them but a second chance is in order.

While it does mean that my beloved PlaySation won't dominate the market, it proved that kind of radical change to a console is not quite ready. Also, competition is always good. If either company was to stomp the other one completely, as has been said many times, they would get lazy and complacent with the bare minimum in terms of innovative and high-risk titles, not to mention they would constantly try to weasel us out of our money since there would be no real competition (assuming the Wii U continues to perform badly) MS made the right move by flip-flopping as soon as they did, as gamers and their profits will benefit.

also, "not sure if there is any proof to this but I'm sure they most likely did"

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

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A thread about why people should forgive Microsoft, turns into a group of people whining over a petty rumor and an opinion.

Good thread, OP. Ive gone from maybe buying one down the line, to definitely buying one.

Policies were terrible. Nice to see things chamge so quickly. Will take a long time to win back the trust, though.


bananaking21 said:

We also got rumors that sony was going this route and changed position last minute, not sure if there is any proof to this but I'm sure they most likely did. This was not MS or SONY wanting this so bad, this was third parties like, EA, ACTIVISION and all the other big players. It has been really hard for them to make great games while taking a chance and making a profit.  I also don't like playing the same games over and over. It's like the top 40 on the radio, sure thats what most people are listening to but not me.


@bolded - they were not, since when do we take your certainty about a subject you literally have nothing to do with as confirmation? sony them selfs stated time and time again they were not going to do it, now thats confirmation.


@underlined - NO its was MICROSOFTS IDEA. EA, Activision and rockstar did not want used games to be blocked

@italic - that makes no sense what so ever

Why else would they do it. It's the only logical answer. 3rd party has lost their ass to gamestop.............

why? well the reason is something has microsoft is very popular with. greed

NYCrysis said:
silentdj151 said:
NYCrysis said:
Now fan calm down...that seems pretty hostile...almost like your aren't even debating(against form rules).

My opinion:
Xbox brand has always had a better UI and ONLINE then the Wii/Playstation.

Also I will state that most gamers will agree besides pc has the best online gaming.

It will be no different next gen...and that when the next gen is over there will be less then 5% market share difference between the xb1/ps4...

U forgot about this one thing that matters most, it's the reason people buy these systems I almost forgot this thing even mattered in all of this clusterfuck... its called games. Sony has had the better games this gen and next gen doesn't look any different with ND, ssm, mm, and gg still having announcements in the near future.  

Sorry I do not like sony 1st party games, great visually but horrible game play.

So in my opinion no Playstation did not have better games...

I do not like HALO anymore will play solo but multiplayer not that good compared to call of duty.

Why sony fans so hostile calm down people

Ok I know u are a Sony hater and it's not gonna be worth it to argue with u. Calm down? How can u tell if a guy is hostile or not online saying "Why sony fans so hostile calm down people" is blatent silent flaming.

I do not hate...

I do not enjoy first party sony games...I do not rejoy most of xb1 first party games...I love nintendo first party games...


Really ...

If you start a pro ms thread and it's in your own words, not the copy and paste crap. Be prepared to defend yourself and STAY CALM.


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence
Carl2291 said:


A thread about why people should forgive Microsoft, turns into a group of people whining over a petty rumor and an opinion.

Good thread, OP. Ive gone from maybe buying one down the line, to definitely buying one.

Policies were terrible. Nice to see things chamge so quickly. Will take a long time to win back the trust, though.

All good and well that OP wants people to forgive MS....thats great and id probably agree at this point.


But when the reasoning behind it is so poor, biased and non factual what more do you expect?



Some publishers have openly said they are not in favour of no used games etc. Yet OP still mentions those publishers and tries to shift blame.



And should MS be forgiven just because Sony was thinking of it too? I mean really what has Sony got to do with any of this? And again Sony were pretty clear about their policies from day 1.



Bad reasoning all round.



If OP wanted to encourage good discussion then he needs to actually think about what hes arguments are. Some good points would have been:



1. MS are actually focusing on core titles - great exclusives coming to Xbone. What better reason to "forgive" them.



2. They reversed their policies when they could have just stuck with it and thrown a shit ton of marketing at the issue.



3. MS showed some sort of visionary with the console and how they see gaming moving forward. Perhaps with better timing, and a better implementation strategy things can go well.



4. Some of the decisions they made genuinely had the gamers interest at heart.



That would have made for a far better discussion than the usualy fanboyish rhetoric "The publishers forced them!!", "Sony was gonna do it as well!!!", "Why dont people give Sony a hard time too!!!"......

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