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NYCrysis said:
silentdj151 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
So Sony fans have officially trolled this thread. GOOD JOB>

I don't think you know what trolling is. The closest thing to trolling in this thread is you still spreading that bullshit about sony implementing DRM based on nothing at all... even then I wouldn't call that trolling but something completely different that I cant say

Now fan calm down...that seems pretty hostile...almost like your aren't even debating(against form rules).

My opinion:
Xbox brand has always had a better UI and ONLINE then the Wii/Playstation.

Also I will state that most gamers will agree besides pc has the best online gaming.

It will be no different next gen...and that when the next gen is over there will be less then 5% market share difference between the xb1/ps4...

U forgot about this one thing that matters most, it's the reason people buy these systems I almost forgot this thing even mattered in all of this clusterfuck... its called games. Sony has had the better games this gen and next gen doesn't look any different with ND, ssm, mm, and gg still having announcements in the near future.  

Sorry I do not like sony 1st party games, great visually but horrible game play.

So in my opinion no Playstation did not have better games...

I do not like HALO anymore will play solo but multiplayer not that good compared to call of duty.

Why sony fans so hostile calm down people