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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

anthony64641 said:

I think the better argument is Hardware doesn't matter.... its all about the games. look at the ps2. GREAT library of games but it actually wasnt even the less powerful console of its generation (it was dreamcast).

Lets look at the atari jaguar.. if you remember this console. it was atari last try at winning in the home console market. It was heavily advertised as the first 64 bit console. which was wayy more than the competitiver had at the time. but the problem that killed the system was lack of games.

If Nintendo can do a U-turn and give us some quality games for the WiiU at a good price they could easily win this generation.. actually that goes for all 3 Companies (sony/micosoft/nintendo)

Let's clarify the whole hardware power thing:

* More power can work against a console, IF it makes the console far more expensive to put out AND it makes coding for it to be difficult.  For the Jaguar, the core tech was very hard to code for, so everyone coded for the 68000 in it, which didn't help.  In the case of the PS3, you had that PLUS it also made it more expensive.  To argue that more power is a bad thing is absurd, PARTICULARLY when it is easy to code for, and puts a system above and beyond a competitor.

* And one can say the games make the difference, but they either come internal, or heavily external (third-party).  As I stated before, the Wii U is unlike the ONE and the PS4, so that means that it MUST sell well to get third-party support, and drive people to get it.  It needs to have some compelling reason.  Even if you slash prices, it still needs reasons.  As of now, what is that?  More Mario will get it to break into the threshold where it will turn the corner?  Is this generation, which is now into open world and the likes of Elder Scrolls, suddenly going to want to get the next Zelda game?  Or is it Smash Bros. which is what everyone wants?  Or does Ninendo have some sort of new IP that will turn the tables?

In regards to Zelda, here are the sales numbers:

That is a solid number over 3.5 million.


But here is Skyrim:

On BOTH the PS3 and 360 it outsold Nintendo's closes offerings, and cultural impact side, Skyrim is a MUCH stronger IP now than Zelda is.  Zelda is solid, but doesn't grab the mind of gamers like Elder Scrolls does.  Yes, that is stronger sales on platforms that have sold less than the Wii did.


The question is: Where is the turnaround supposed to come from?

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johnlucas said:

Oh my God!

I was just looking around on YouTube for a clip of Satoru Iwata's quote "The time when horsepower alone made an important difference is over." & I stumble upon THIS!!

Satoru Iwata's speech at the 2011 Game Developers' Conference.

He talks about gamecraft (craftsmanship). He talks about the looming crisis in the industry with overgrown gaming budgets. He talks about the industry divide (even beyond the console world) & how it can harm the health of the business.

I talk about many of these crucial points throughout this thread...
...but I never heard this speech from Iwata before in my life!

Absolutely amazing. I finally understood it at the unveiling of the XBox One but Iwata showed where Nintendo was going all the way back here.
If only I saw this clip earlier.

At the end he talks about Nintendo making the impossible...possible. Pretty much like my threads huh?

John Lucas

Excellent.  Apps are filling the role that a glut of bad 2600 carts did to the videogame industry, to cause the crash to happen.  

Just posting it doesn't show that Nintendo can beat them.  So far, they aren't showing it.

I. Want. To. Belieeeeeeve!

You want links richardcherrypickhutnic?

Here's one for you.

Look at the top 20. What do you see?

I've said this before and i'm gonna say it again. The videogame business is a VOLATILE business. No one knows when or where the next big thing will come from. Most likely Nintendo have some nice aces up their sleeves considering their philosophy of craftmanship, or they stumble upon the next big thing. Or they may not, and Sony or Microsoft does it. Nintendo can therefore lose this generation.

jon lucas come up with nice words of wisdom suggesting Nintendo is the most likely candidate to come up with the next big thing, and combine it with their traditional strong selling franchises. Thus they can create a powerhouse combo of both WiiU and 3DS.

DialgaMarine said:

Very well done and thought out article, but I have to point out one major flaw. You failed to mention one really big reason why the Wii sold so well, while previous Nintendo console sales were steadily going down with each generation, despite all of them having almost identical 1st party lineup and a much stronger lineup overall. Wii didn't sell only to previous Nintendo console owners. In fact, it didn't really even sell to previous console owners period. It sold to an audience that was almost completely new to gaming. An audience that bought the console, not because they did some product research and found it matched their preference (as they really had none), but because it was affordable, cute, and was all the buzz their favorite talk show and news hosts raved all about it. So, grandma and grandpa, mommy and daddy, all went went out to buy these new cheap and popular toys for little Susie and Billy that would keep them entertained for years to come. Casual vs. Hardcore isn't the difference between what console someone has purchased, or the games for that matter; it's the difference between how much gaming they have done in the past. Wii owners, on the majority, have done none. This explains why the Wii has since become an extremely poor seller, why the 360 and PS3 have remained somewhat consistent, and why the Wii-U isn't selling anywhere close to Wii and will be lucky to even come close to GC numbers. You were right. The Wii sold on inclusiveness, but inclusiveness of families containing people who could care less about gaming. They simply own the console for the mass appeal. The Wii-U doesn't have that, and the audience it's trying to sell to is long since gone.

You're ideas of a unified games industry are great and all but, alas, they're futile. It jut won't happen. There's still always going to be some sort of huge division in the games industry. People who purchased a PS or Xbox system in the past are going to continue to do so. If Nintendo is trying to create some sort of revolution, they won't be the ones to finish it. They'll have to wait until they can create some new peripheral with mass appeal down the road, and sell it to that generation of casuals. It's not going to be the Wii-U.

I don't mean to come off some sort of dick, btw. I did enjoy the article. I'm just giving my honest opinion.

I hear your concern & I was once doubtful about Nintendo's motives this gen too. Like I said at the start of the thread.
But let me use an anecdotal example of how I know Wii U will surge.

I have this co-worker at my job. Late 20s big time gamer. Console of choice is currently the XBox 360.
Years ago he used to go around everywhere with his PSP. Had it modded so he can play games from all systems on it.
A couple of years ago he got sucked into his smartphone & now carries THAT everywhere he goes. He plays games from all systems on it too.
But being a person who loved his PSP, he became EXCITED for the PS Vita when it came out.
Mentioned he entered a Taco Bell contest to get a free one & everything.

There was some mishap with the contest & his Vita was tied up in red tape.
Some weeks later I ask him about what happened with that & he surprisingly told me he wasn't really interested in Vita anymore.
That shocked me. This guy was Gung Ho about Vita not too long ago & now is so Meh about the whole thing you would never know he cared.
He goes back to his go-to smartphone.
That was last year in 2012.

I buy my 3DS in the middle of June this year.
I'm quite an oddity these days because I don't have a cell phone & don't really want one (not much of a phone person really).
I use my DSi like most people use their phones. I listen to music on it, take pictures on it, use my Nintendo Countdown Calendar to remember important dates, use my Animal Crossing Clock as an alarm to get up for work, measure my steps on my Nintendo pedometer on Personal Trainer: Walking, browse the internet on it sometimes if I'm not at my desktop, along with playing a host of games on it with other apps.
Now I'm pairing my 3DS up with my DSi, syncing the songs on the DSi/3DS Sound programs for laughs.

On my lunch break my co-worker comes in while I'm messing around with my 3DS & DSi.
I decide to show him a cool Nintendo Video which was on there at the time called "Little Boat 3D".
The 3D effects on that were amazing! And after he saw this, suddenly he became intrigued by the 3DS.
He was doubtful before but with Monster Hunter calling him, he was contemplating getting a 3DS just to play it.

Once so anticipating of Vita, now so enthused of the 3DS & all because of a little 3D boat...and Monster Hunter.

He's currently excited about the XBox One but Monster Hunter will probably bring him over to Wii U side too.

The audience is there, DialgaMarine, & the fun part is most of them don't even know it.
John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



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Wow Dude, you're extremely optimistic! :D

BloodyRain said:

I was expecting something with Nintendo and the Unity engine, but got this instead....

You get EXTRA POINTS in my book for using The People's Champ, The Rock!

Check my current profile pic.
It has a classic shot the Nation of Domination in it with (from left to right) "The Rock" Rocky Maivia, Faarooq, D'Lo Brown, & Kama Mustafa AKA The Godfather (Mark Henry hadn't joined yet) all standing together in Unity.

The Nation is one of my favorite wrestling groups & The Rock is one of my favorite wrestlers (please come back & destroy this abomination called John Cena, Rocky!).
So thank you for that!

John Lucas

P.S.: Wii Are The Nation...of Domination!

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



This feels just like my first Rol thread. Lots of people giving congrats for such a great op and the rest calling him insane.

As to the op, I have no idea who you are, but I think you're serious. Oh my gawd! You are insane.

I came in here not knowing what was going on at first. After about 2 minutes I knew I was going through a complete re-install of everything I had been told to believe over the past 6 months.

I bought my Wii U day 1. It stays on from sun up to sundown. There's never been a single moment when I felt there was nothing to do on my Wii U. My other systems just collect dust because there is nothing I'd rather do in my house than surf, stream, and play on my Gamepad.

I love vgchartz but there's some ppl here that would have you believe some backward twisted pessimistic ideas. It's the little ins n' outs that get jumbled, the lines that get blurred. It's only natural to let some of that venom under your skin when it's hissed at you day in day out. Deep down, I've always known the inevitable smash success of Wii U to be a simple matter of when, not if. But the OP gave me a mega-dose of anti-venom. All the consistent repetitive pr-spin agendas I've been reading the last half a year just rolled off my back like sweat in vegas heat.

I see the predictable posting "op is insane". The only insane here underestimate the N!!

That was.......amazing!!!