DBZfan2027 said: I really don't understand the blind support for Nintendo, especially after the Wii. So, Nintendo's success only brought about shovelware, casual party games, and an archaic online infrastructure. Yet this somehow is all excused because "haha they make more money than Sony!" Has anyone ever truly put this into perspective? Think about it: the Wii made Nintendo lots of money, and they choose to invest this on a console, whose power is only comparable to 7th gen hardware, still has outdated online support, and has one of the worst gamepads a console has ever seen. This is more than good enough for Nintendo fans? It pleases you to know that your favorite company opts to reserve its profits and doesn't even try to take some risk financially for the betterment of console gaming? Contrast this with Sony's losses and what they took to showing everyone with PS4: a console more developer friendly, an improved UI, OS (which helps with things like browsing the PS Store), loads of power that is comparable to SOME high end PCs. So the PS4 isn't worth owning in spite of this because Sony doesn't make enough money for you? Why is this talking point used so much by Nintendo fans? Because arguing sales in units is obviously going to become a losing proposition for them. It's a sad and pathetic strawman argument. And trying to draw parallels with SEGA's financials, really? Talk about desperate here. |
Your entire comment was very wise and I fully agree with you. Actually, that's what I've been saying for months. But most of people don't get it. Money at Sony's/Microsoft's hands turns into high-tech consoles and more games for us. Money at Nintendo's hands just goes to the pockets of the investors (I know that some small part of it goes for the development of more consoles and games too).
I like to come to VGChartz and see the numbers because I want PlayStation and Xbox to sell well (both at hardware and software levels). I like the idea of those products to be as disseminated as possible to the point that they become very relevant to the industry. I believe that's the feeling of anyone who cheers for a specific console here at the site. But when I say that Wii didn't win the 7th generation (it's already 3rd at software numbers and may become 2nd at hardware), its fans deny it and start talking about how much more money Nintendo has made. Well, I don't care (and I think no gamer should care), that's not the focus of the discussion. This site is not about revenues or profits, it's about sales. And we don't see in the charts the labels "Nintendo", "Sony" or "Microsoft". We see "Wii", "PlayStation" and "Xbox". Why don't people do predictions about Nintendo's profits for the next 5 years if that's so interesting and it's what really counts?
Therefore, I understand when people want the WiiU to be the best selling console of the generation (they are cheering for what they like the most). But I don't get it when they proudly say Nintendo was the 1st in profits. Don't they know that means wealth out of the market? That's bad news for any gamer. My focus is on consoles' and games' sales, that's what motivates me (and I believe it's the same for most of people). But when I occasionally think about the companies behind and their profits, I just want Sony and Microsoft to make it the most, not Nintendo (that's what any gamer should whish for).
Prediction made in 14/01/2014 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 100M XOne: 70M WiiU: 25M
Prediction made in 01/04/2016 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 100M XOne: 50M WiiU: 18M
Prediction made in 15/04/2017 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 90M XOne: 40M WiiU: 15M Switch: 20M
Prediction made in 24/03/2018 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 110M XOne: 50M WiiU: 14M Switch: 65M