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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

USA only WiiU November sales: 220 000 according to Nintendo press release (300% sales increase over october)

Super Mario 3D World November top WiiU seller in the US: 250 000

So. Now what? I don't think any optimism or belief systems in the world can will the WiiU to epic sales this holiday. Should Nintendo cut their losses and discontinue the WiiU or is there still hope of a rebound? Would a move similar to GBA->GBA SP or Nintendo DS -> Nintendo DS Lite help? (rebranding/redesign)

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Nov US 220k = less than 500k WW.

I think it'll be under 6m SHIPPED by the end of the year, 6m (50%) under JL's prediction. It's quite obvious nothing in his OP rings true, WiiU is failing because the CONCEPT is broken and that can't be fixed.

JL is taking a long time with his rebuttal to Mummel, I wonder if he's not even going to bother now and just leave as he knows he's already lost this one.


Dat revolution.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

This looks pretty bad, this looks like Nintendo's last console.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

hmmm.....I have to admit. Things are not looking good right now....

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Anfebious said:
This looks pretty bad, this looks like Nintendo's last console.

Nintendo's not going anywhere, even if they end up third place.

Anfebious said:
This looks pretty bad, this looks like Nintendo's last console.

I don't think so. If the next console is also a failure then that one could become their last console. Nintendo has room to fuck up once, twice is debatable though.

Nintendo and PC gamer

Everything, including the mighty 3DS looks like shit in comparison to the lofty numbers once gained by the Wii. I look forward to the NPD numbers once the Holidays are over.

Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans

Dv8thwonder said:

Everything, including the mighty 3DS looks like shit in comparison to the lofty numbers once gained by the Wii. I look forward to the NPD numbers once the Holidays are over.

When 3DS and WiiU go sub 100k? Why are you looking forward to that??

Also, you realise 360 is about to overtake Wii in the US right? :P


Anfebious said:
This looks pretty bad, this looks like Nintendo's last console.

No, but it will be a short-lived one. Nintendo have more money than they can shake a stick at from the DS/Wii era and afford a setback, even a huge one.

That said; it should be crystal clear to everyone by now that this fabled revolution is not coming, in fact; it should have been clear the moment the Gamepad was unveiled (in my opinion).