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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

JGarrett: I'm ready! I like discussing/debating things, I have several friends and a girlfriend who are terrific debaters, there's especially one guy who almost always owns me, he has such a grasp on so many varying fields and levels and he's a master of incorporating philosophy into his arguments and always finds fantastic analogies. Some may think I'm being overly aggressive and even rude towards John Lucas' person, but that's part of the challenge; I play it as I see it and like I've said before, there's a thick layer of sufarce coating but not a whole lot of primer. I don't dislike JL, on the contrary, he's an entertaining guy and no one can deny that he's good for the forums overall, just look at the size of this thread! It's mostly the argument itself and the techniques employed I'm opposed to.

Final-fan: That is true, Nintendo are known for holding their cards closer to the chest, and usually this is a good thing, a lot of games start getting hyped from the moment they're announced and shown and then they fail to live up to it. However, at this stage, I think they should open the floodgates and show that there is actual good stuff coming, their customer base deserve as much. Besides; it sort of goes against logic to refuse to hype games and then proceed to hype announcements at meets, Directs and exhibits (which also fail to live up to the hype).
Ah, "claqeur", not a common word but I found it descriptive and fitting, especially going off of my theatrics references in my posts. I'm not trying to insult his supporters, I just want them to do some thinking of their own instead of simply going ; "what he said" or "look at him go!".
Same can be said for me though, I'd love for some others to try to make an argument as well!

Seece: Hmm, I don't know, I think he genuinely wants everyone to read his posts he just doesn't want anyone to diagree on a meaningful level. I think the hope is that the posts will become too massive to respond to. If one were to take out the parts that are of no consequence though, there really isn't all that much to counter, and that's kind of what I'm getting at lately. This is a lot more about rhetoric, orator skill and simple, transparent box-in techniques designed to make the speaker look smart without any explanation as to why; in short, it's all about the wrapping rather than the content. Having read a lot of John Lucas' writing, I can tell that he's a pretty intelligent guy, but even intelligent people can subscribe to illogical and strange beliefs. And that's why all these tools are employed, it's pretty clever but once you learn someone's rhytm and text it's fairly easy to disarm, I imagine I'll have to spend 50% of my answers going whack-a-mole on attempts at rhetorical acrobatics and antics and the rest on actual points, most of which are entirely dependent on said acrobatics and uncritical reading.

As for why I'm not currently playing Super Mario 3D World; I don't have anything to play it on but I probably will after the next price cut.

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Why nobody gets John Lucas message, when it's so obvious? It's not about sales numbers, it's not about the end of the console war, it's not even about Nintendomination. It's about something much much more far reaching:

Well, the first step is indeed about sales numbers, but 240 million? Pfff! It will be billions! So, yes, on the second step it will end the console war and on the third step we will have Nintendomination. But these are just peanuts!

Here is the truth I want to share with you: Nintendo was created and brought to us by God himself. Remember the meaning of the word Nintendo? It means "to lay the luck into the hands of the gods"! And Shigeru Miyamoto is in fact a reincarnation of Jesus and he's working tirelessly since over 35 years to fulfill God's wish to bring ultimate, eternal peace to humanity. Just think about under what lucky, unbelievable circumstances Shigeru Miyamoto was hired by Hiroshi Yamauchi. I mean, he was just a nobody without any track record. Why if not from a push from God should Hiroshi Yamauchi hire such a woefully figure? God is not a dumbass. He knows that in the 21. century nobody is going to the church anymore and nobody is listening anymore to an outdated book called the Bible. He knows that people of our and comming generations are crazy for electronic entertainment. He's such a genius, he found a way how we become believers without even knowing it. He created Nintendo and made Shigeru Miyamoto (i.e. the reincarnation of Jesus) it's omnipresent, tireless front man. Shigeru Miyamoto, together with his disciples, created game after game after game to bring Gods message of Eternal Love to the people. Just think about how many hours we spend playing Nintendo's games and then imagine how they send out divine electronic vibes to our minds and souls! Everytime we play a Nintendo game we become a bit a better person until our souls are completely purified!

Of course, God has foreseen our electronic revolution. That's why he started early on, namely in 1983 with the Famicom/NES, at a time when gamers were still considered freaks and outsiders. But even God first has to become familiar with new technologies and is not immune against setbacks. That's why Nintendo's consoles and handhelds up to the 7th generation couldn't conquer all human kind (and even had regressions with Nintendo Virtual Boy, Nintendo 64 and Nintendo GameCube). But with every generation the sent out divine electronic vibes became better and stronger. (Online gaming, anyone?)

But Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS/2DS will complete God's work! Hundreds of millions of these devices will be sold over time and at the same time will kick all other competitors (= the Devil and demons) out of the market. Nintendo will become so rich that they literally will not know what to do with the money. Hence, they will give away their devices incl. games for free to the Second and Third World (to save paying gargantuan taxes)! Thus, billions and ultimately every single person in our world will have a Nintendo device and play Nintendo games!

That's God's masterplan. Nintendo will bring ultimate, eternal peace to Earth! That's what's John Lucas' message is really about.

^OP is still more over the top.

Fight-the-Streets said:
Why nobody gets John Lucas message, when it's so obvious? It's not about sales numbers, it's not about the end of the console war, it's not even about Nintendomination. It's about something much much more far reaching:

Well, the first step is indeed about sales numbers, but 240 million? Pfff! It will be billions! So, yes, on the second step it will end the console war and on the third step we will have Nintendomination. But these are just peanuts!

Here is the truth I want to share with you: Nintendo was created and brought to us by God himself. Remember the meaning of the word Nintendo? It means "to lay the luck into the hands of the gods"! And Shigeru Miyamoto is in fact a reincarnation of Jesus and he's working tirelessly since over 35 years to fulfill God's wish to bring ultimate, eternal peace to humanity. Just think about under what lucky, unbelievable circumstances Shigeru Miyamoto was hired by Hiroshi Yamauchi. I mean, he was just a nobody without any track record. Why if not from a push from God should Hiroshi Yamauchi hire such a woefully figure? God is not a dumbass. He knows that in the 21. century nobody is going to the church anymore and nobody is listening anymore to an outdated book called the Bible. He knows that people of our and comming generations are crazy for electronic entertainment. He's such a genius, he found a way how we become believers without even knowing it. He created Nintendo and made Shigeru Miyamoto (i.e. the reincarnation of Jesus) it's omnipresent, tireless front man. Shigeru Miyamoto, together with his disciples, created game after game after game to bring Gods message of Eternal Love to the people. Just think about how many hours we spend playing Nintendo's games and then imagine how they send out divine electronic vibes to our minds and souls! Everytime we play a Nintendo game we become a bit a better person until our souls are completely purified!

Of course, God has foreseen our electronic revolution. That's why he started early on, namely in 1983 with the Famicom/NES, at a time when gamers were still considered freaks and outsiders. But even God first has to become familiar with new technologies and is not immune against setbacks. That's why Nintendo's consoles and handhelds up to the 7th generation couldn't conquer all human kind (and even had regressions with Nintendo Virtual Boy, Nintendo 64 and Nintendo GameCube). But with every generation the sent out divine electronic vibes became better and stronger. (Online gaming, anyone?)

But Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS/2DS will complete God's work! Hundreds of millions of these devices will be sold over time and at the same time will kick all other competitors (= the Devil and demons) out of the market. Nintendo will become so rich that they literally will not know what to do with the money. Hence, they will give away their devices incl. games for free to the Second and Third World (to save paying gargantuan taxes)! Thus, billions and ultimately every single person in our world will have a Nintendo device and play Nintendo games!

That's God's masterplan. Nintendo will bring ultimate, eternal peace to Earth! That's what's John Lucas' message is really about.

Man, world peace! This is exactly what I think is Nintendo's ultimate goal as well (tough I don't think god has anything to do with that). 

But think about it, everyone! Look at how colorful and cheerful Nintendo's games are: They bring smiles to our faces! 

And how many times have some of you said ''Man, it's so beautiful! I wish I lived there!''? (I say that over and over and over each time I play with my friends, and they agree). These colorful environments can be found easily in games such as Mario, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Kirby (the most typical example), and even Legend of Zelda to some degree! 

If the world was like Nintendo's imagination, it would be awesome!

No words for what I just read...

Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans

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*spits hot choco on screen*

So if Nintendo is God and Shigeru is Jesus, then JL is one of his apostles?!

Oh my Nintendo! it all makes sense to me now!

S-so Sony and MS are the Devil? hence the reason they gave us such appealing consoles, to make you deviate from Nintendo? our real God?


JohannStrauss said:
*spits hot choco on screen*

So if Nintendo is God and Shigeru is Jesus, then JL is one of his apostles?!

Oh my Nintendo! it all makes sense to me now!

S-so Sony and MS are the Devil? hence the reason they gave us such appealing consoles, to make you deviate from Nintendo? our real God?


John. Lucas. Ring a bell? Perhaps from the Bible?

Wii U can't bring peace to a world that neither desires it or deserves it.

Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans

How the fuck did I miss this, Welcome Back John

Lucas man, I admire your passion, and your optimism, but come on.. All you're really achieving at this point is making us Nintendo fans look bad :P

I've accepted that the Wii U will remain a niche console. Hell I embrace it. It will just never hit the big time like the Wii, and for the most part I blame Nintendo's own incompetence for this, so I can't really feel TOO bad for them. The way I see it, it only benefits me MORE that they fail anyways. Cheaper console/games, more incentive to change for the better, etc.

I find that the masses tend to have shitty taste anyway, in nearly ALL facets of life. Shit, just look at the chart toppers in music, TV, and movies these days..

Even with the Wii, I tended to enjoy a lot of the more niche stuff on the console that didn't do so well in sales. I take pride in using something that few others use, it's like a prestigious thing. I did it during the N64 and Gamecube days and I'm more than prepared to do it again. I think I thrive in the underdog roll. I embrace it.

Though I will say, it is a breath of fresh air to see some positivity amidst all the Nintendo is doomed bs, especially from someone with some very intelligent arguments.