errorpwns said:
richardhutnik said:
This could end up making a big difference, and be harmful long term. The Wii U has to be part of the development set that the ONE and PS4 have, or it isn't going to get the next gen third party stuff. And if those titles do sell, the U will get left behind. As of now, third party is not jumping on it, and only doing current gen stuff on it, if that.
Nintendo is facing stuff like this:
Bethsoft sites capabilities of the Wii U as a major reason.
So it's the fault of Nintendo that Bethsesda cannot hire proper programmers? Don't even circumnavigate and lie. It isn't the Wii-Us hardware. It is their incompetance. Even high end gaming PCs cannot run Skyrim at a very high framerate when maxed. It's pathetic.
Ok, I am going to try to frame this in a way that is constructive, and will actually be able to being the point of discussion of what I am saying into clarity, and be able to at least be debatable. This has to do with specs of the Wii U, and that is what I will talk about. The two are this:
* Does the Wii U have sufficient horsepower to do what designers want to do now?
* How critical is the second screen for the videogame experience players seek?
These two issues are the crux of the matter regarding the Wii U. And on this, I would like to raise the following concerns:
* Regarding the horsepower, the ONE and PS4 clearly outclass it. So, if to accomplish the vision of game designers, the Wii U isn't, then the Wii U does not get third-party support at all. And the WiiU ends up not getting content and starves.
If the Wii U's horsepower IS sufficient to do gaming that matters, then portable devices are catching up, and will soon even surpass the Wii U, on a spec front. And their price point is going to be less.
And you also have the limbo state today, of showing that BOTH the PS3 and 360 don't have sufficient horsepower in order to meet the future demands of gamers, AND also that the PS4 and ONE have too much horsepower and we do NOT need anything beyond what the Wii U does. So, in shore, you want a freezing on specs that is marginally better than what we have now, and that stuff like 2 GB of RAM is what we need to get us out to like 2020 or so, and graphicwise we don't need a bump at all beyond EXACTLY what the Wii U does. And EXACTLY, because portable devices are going past what is out there now.
* In regards to the second screen, can you name anything that has been shown on it, that shows that a second screen is a critical feature in a home console? Go ahead and name SOME game, feature, etc... that is so unique, and must have now, that it will drive people to HAVE TO get a Wii U? And if it exists now, why doesn't it show up in sales numbers?
These two are the main concerns, and I raised them. Now, do you want to go "But the software!", fine. But I will ask you today, what software do most people care about and buy? Do you care to show that masses of people, that made the Wii popular, also felt a need to keep up with Mario? Are most people who bought the Wii U eager to know you can turn Mario into a cat? Are they pumped to get an HD remake of Wind Waker? Do you have hoards of people lining up at midnight to buy Pikmin 3? Exactly WHAT on the software front is the critical apps that will drive people to buy the Wii U in sufficient numbers to be able to beat every other offering out there, from the PS3 and ONE, to portable operating systems?
So, I hope I summed up the issues, and proper call for evidence in discussing this, rather than screaming console partisanship and a blind faith in companies. Idea here is to show WHY Nintendo has got it with the Wii U (this is the discussion of the thread), when they had done things like Virtual Boy in the past. Heck, you can't even say that Miyamoto turns everything to gold, as he gave the world Wii Music, which wasn't gold. And this blind faith, based on past track records, is really pushing it, because Microsoft has been around a long time now also, and is big, and had done wonders. Blind faith them, and you say they know DRM is the future, and were too forward thinking, because... well, Gates and crew are geniuses... look at the money they have!