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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Predict which next gen launch games will review badly

What exclusive next gen launch game(s) do you think will review poorly and why? By badly I mean below a 69% on metacritic or below expectations like a 70% for killzone or something along that line.

Thread rules- Provide the game's name, your predicted score (from specific review site or meta critic), and why you think it will be scored that way. 

I'll start- I predict KNACK to score a meta critic of 65% at best due to overly simplefied/easy game play, linear repetative level design, uninspired art style, and lack of next geniness. This prediction is based on early footage and 30+ years of developing my game review psychic meter and will be revisited in november/december.

Note; this is a thread of low expectations and is therfore win win by default.  If we're wrong we get one more good game to play, and if we're right we get to revel in the joy of being right plus one less game in our over flowing backlog. 

Let the fun insue!!

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Ryse and Killer Instinct strike me as "mixed reviews at best" games. Same with Knack on PS4.

DriveClub is still up in the air. It's going up against Forza 5, after all.

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
WayForward Kickstarter is best kickstarter:

My predictions are Knack for PS4 and Ryse for XB1.

Ryse definetly the press people are not impressed by it at all.

Knack looks pretty suck.
Ryse as well.
I am thinking Dead rising 3 will also fail to impress.

Around the Network

Killer instinct
I don't see TSO doing green numbers
Deep down if it's going MMO(ish)
I don't have a good feeling with watch dogs either

Knack will be in the 90

Ryse. The graphics will be praised but ultimately the gameplay will be the thing that makes it a mediocre game at best.

Knack, Ryse, KI (because it's basically going F2P), and whatever ports of sports series like Madden and Fifa show up on next-gen consoles at launch.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

I think Ryse will be that game that reviews OK at launch, even though it shouldn't, only to be later remembered as crap that got reviewed higher due to graphics/next gen flash alone. 

Each new gen has a few of these types of games and Ryse looks to fit the ticket if the combat isn't totally terrible.

Killer Instinct
Was never a good game in the first place and Rare are a shadow of their former selves.