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Forums - General Discussion - Unarmed Black Florida Man Shot in own driveway

Kasz216 said:
fordy said:
Kasz216 said:

People you see and hang out with on a regular basis seems to be a good definition to me.  If you disagere... sure.   Point is then, there are just some people you can't be friends with.

How many times do you think that Zimmerman attempted to talk to Trayvons' father before the incident, or this neighbour to the guy who got shot? I mean it's one thing to outright hate a neighbour, and it's another to not recognise them at all...

In the middle of the night.... from behind... while that person has their head covered? 

Outside which...   Trayvon Martin didn't live in that Neighberhood.  It was his father's fiance's house.   His Father lived elsewhere... and he primarily lived with his mother.  (Though granted, nobody reported this correctly.

He'd only been in the neighborhood a handful of times.  So it's kind of hard to argue that situation would of been avoided by just knowing your neighbors.  (Not to mention, the fiance could of lived a few blocks away.)

Except they reported as somebody attempting to break into the car, which would imply that he wasn't in quite yet. After all, if he was in there for cigarettes, he'd have been back inside by the time the police arrived. 

As for Trayvon, he was at his stepmother's place, and had been there several times before. He was coming back from the a gated community....heading for Zimmerman's neighbour, who was also the same ethnicity. Failing that, Neighbourhood watch participants usually do have a general knowledge of what's going on in their community through plenty of social interaction with neighbours. What went wrong in this case?

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fordy said:
Kasz216 said:
fordy said:
Kasz216 said:

People you see and hang out with on a regular basis seems to be a good definition to me.  If you disagere... sure.   Point is then, there are just some people you can't be friends with.

How many times do you think that Zimmerman attempted to talk to Trayvons' father before the incident, or this neighbour to the guy who got shot? I mean it's one thing to outright hate a neighbour, and it's another to not recognise them at all...

In the middle of the night.... from behind... while that person has their head covered? 

Outside which...   Trayvon Martin didn't live in that Neighberhood.  It was his father's fiance's house.   His Father lived elsewhere... and he primarily lived with his mother.  (Though granted, nobody reported this correctly.

He'd only been in the neighborhood a handful of times.  So it's kind of hard to argue that situation would of been avoided by just knowing your neighbors.  (Not to mention, the fiance could of lived a few blocks away.)

Except they reported as somebody attempting to break into the car, which would imply that he wasn't in quite yet. After all, if he was in there for cigarettes, he'd have been back inside by the time the police arrived. 

As for Trayvon, he was at his stepmother's place, and had been there several times before. He was coming back from the a gated community....heading for Zimmerman's neighbour, who was also the same ethnicity. Failing that, Neighbourhood watch participants usually do have a general knowledge of what's going on in their community through plenty of social interaction with neighbours. What went wrong in this case?

The whole thing was about trayvon.

Outside that... "several times = handful" .. and it wasn't his step mom.  Not yet anyway.

Nevermind the fact that someone presumed to be kids, had been on a huge vandalism/theft spree in the community in first place.   Hence why Zimmerman was out there and why they had a neighborhood watch.  So, really, it doesn't seem to track anyway, since he was exactly the kind of person the whole neigherhood watch was formed to track.   What went wrong?  Can't really say since what went wrong lies in the part we don't know.  Who started the physical confrontation.


For the car guy... who knows.  I feel like something is being misreported here.   Most likely, they weren't calling into someone breaking in to THAT car, but instead a black guy breaking in A car and stealing stuff out of it.   Then they came across a guy with his hands in a car window.

Best guess, they saw  a guy reaching in through the window, which seems odd since if you were the owner you'd open the door.  Ordered him to act a certain way, thinking it was a joke (he admitted it) he didn't listen, then when he realsed it was real moved to leave the car and raise his hands.

Having a bad back it probably looked to the cops like he was lunging and ducking and his cigarettes looked like a gun... or a lighter or who knows.


So, what went wrong their essentially is the officers poor recognition skills/willingness to shoot.   Since holy shit the one guy shot 12 times.  Which makes me wonder if he has to reload or if they just have 12 shots per pistol.

What the fuck man. So even if they were responding to some dude stealing shit from cars, they come guns a blazin'? Something seems off with this story.

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