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Forums - General Discussion - US Fast Food Strike - i hope you guys survive it..

Why not instead of demanding a higher minimum wage for the lowest income earners just credit a tax credit for the difference of what the wage is now to what is being proposed? It's 7.25 right now, they want it 15, so give them a credit for 14 thousand dollars? That would roughly equal an increase of 7.75 an hour for a 2080 hour year of full time employment.

They won't waste the money during the year, local businesses will enjoy the revenue and everyones life would improve. 

What could possibiliy go wrong?


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Mr Khan said:
Screamapillar said:
Almost everyone in America is in the 1%. We have electricity, smart phones, reliable transportation, free education, guaranteed help at emergency rooms, and we don't have an aids epidemic or extreme human rights problems like most of the world's population.

In other words... first world problems.

Good job quoting the Koch Brothers' latest blatherings.

I... don't even know who/ what that is.

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.

I don't mean to sound harsh but referring to the people at mc donalds as fast food chefs is kinda like calling people who make flash games on newgrounds AAA+ game Devs. But I hope these guys get a little extra money, no one who goes to work in the service industry should be having a harder time getting by than those on welfare.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

spurgeonryan said:
We are not a socialist/communistic society. It would be nice for everyone to make doctor salary. But is not right.

Sorry mr. Khan. I am in your boat. Several degrees plenty of experience, crap or no jobs. But mcdonalds should not have to pay these workers extra for this.

We ARE a socialist society. We have social security, public roads and highways, a publically funded military, foodstamps and a variety of other social welfare programs that essentially subsidize the low wages of corporations like Walmart and McDonalds. We've funded a variety of public works, given government money to a variety of start ups and corporations.

No, not everyone should make a doctor's salary, but you are just intentionally trying to blow out of proportion what SHOULD be done: we need a higher minimum wage. It didn't used to be like this. We didn't used to have to work two jobs to survive. In fact in the 1960s we were heading towards a less then 40 hour work week. One of the big problems right now is that the minimum wage isn't worth what it used to be worth. It's currently at $7, but 40 years ago in today's dollars it would be well over $10. THAT is what these people should be making. That is what anyone with a job should be making.

Without a living wage, people either get subsidized by the government (socialism) or they starve and die in the street. I'm afraid to ask which one you prefer. Personally, I would prefer private companies pay their employees enough to survive, not have them rely on, as you would probably call them, "socialist government handouts" which is what is currently going on.


insomniac17 said:

Cubedramirez said:

Kudos for mentioning Mises and Hayek. That was a pleasant surprise.


If you raise the minimum wage in order to provide a "living wage" for people, then you will also have to ensure that inflation does not take place. Otherwise, all raising the minimum wage will do will be to drive up the cost of everything else. Other people will get a pay increase, because they don't want to work for minimum wage; many of these people got a degree or some training and have knowledge in their field that the average person does not (thus, there is more demand for these people, because there is a lower supply of qualified workers). The effect of that, of course, is to drive up prices across the board... putting you back to square one, where you find yourself in need of raising the minimum wage again.

The problem with preventing inflation is that you'll basically have to freeze wages and prices for everyone. After raising the minimum wage, of course. But this harms everyone too, because businesses will get less profit. That might sound good at first, but less profit for a business means less room to expand, less motivation to expand with lower returns, fewer jobs being created, and an overall loss of wealth by everyone in the economy.

Increasing the minimum wage sounds nice, but it's really just kicking the can down the road. I can sympathize with low wage earners, as I am one myself (making less than the apparent average of $9.02/hr for fast food cooks). But I understand that my job is something that could be done by literally anyone with hands, feet, and a semi functional brain. It's a temporary job while I seek to improve my skills that will hopefully lead to a better job down the road.

Certainly, we need more then just a higher minimum wage. We need to figure out how to train our work force to take higher paying jobs in a changing economy. But at the same time, a higher minimum wage IS needed because its simply better for people and the economy in the long run. Attaching it to inflation would be a good way to keep inflation from devalueing it in the future.

Cubedramirez said:

Mr Khan said:

Cubedramirez said:

spurgeonryan said:
15 dollars is idiotic. They place it that high so there is some wriggle room, if mcdonalds doe snot just fire them and hire someone else.


That's what the Golden Arches should do. Its ENTRY level work, that means ANYONE can fill it and if they took a simple class in economics they'd understand that salary and wages are paid based on the available pool of prospects.  The larger pool the less you pay, the more exclusive the pool the greater the salary/wage

Why is this so hard for people to understand?

Because some people have to make a living off of that, and dignity is more valuable than private property.

Pointless and irrelevant 
Increasing the cost of labor without an increase in productivity devalues the money used to purchase the labor, the effects on everyone through increase prices and reduced value of their savings.

It’s not rocket science but sadly it seems people in our country believe in fairy tale economics and false altruism rather than reason and logic.

It’s not McDonald’s responsibility to provide a living wage. It is the responsibility of the employee to take advantage of the opportunity working there provides and use that experience to move on from that restaurant. 



The problem with this argument is that productivity HAS been going up....and wages have been stagnating.

So I think we're about due for an increase in the minimum wage regardless, especially going by the logic that an increase in productivity should lead to an increase in the value of work.

nuckles87 said:
spurgeonryan said:
We are not a socialist/communistic society. It would be nice for everyone to make doctor salary. But is not right.

Sorry mr. Khan. I am in your boat. Several degrees plenty of experience, crap or no jobs. But mcdonalds should not have to pay these workers extra for this.

We ARE a socialist society. We have social security, public roads and highways, a publically funded military, foodstamps and a variety of other social welfare programs that essentially subsidize the low wages of corporations like Walmart and McDonalds. We've funded a variety of public works, given government money to a variety of start ups and corporations.

No, not everyone should make a doctor's salary, but you are just intentionally trying to blow out of proportion what SHOULD be done: we need a higher minimum wage. It didn't used to be like this. We didn't used to have to work two jobs to survive. In fact in the 1960s we were heading towards a less then 40 hour work week. One of the big problems right now is that the minimum wage isn't worth what it used to be worth. It's currently at $7, but 40 years ago in today's dollars it would be well over $10. THAT is what these people should be making. That is what anyone with a job should be making.

Without a living wage, people either get subsidized by the government (socialism) or they starve and die in the street. I'm afraid to ask which one you prefer. Personally, I would prefer private companies pay their employees enough to survive, not have them rely on, as you would probably call them, "socialist government handouts" which is what is currently going on.


insomniac17 said:

Cubedramirez said:

Kudos for mentioning Mises and Hayek. That was a pleasant surprise.


If you raise the minimum wage in order to provide a "living wage" for people, then you will also have to ensure that inflation does not take place. Otherwise, all raising the minimum wage will do will be to drive up the cost of everything else. Other people will get a pay increase, because they don't want to work for minimum wage; many of these people got a degree or some training and have knowledge in their field that the average person does not (thus, there is more demand for these people, because there is a lower supply of qualified workers). The effect of that, of course, is to drive up prices across the board... putting you back to square one, where you find yourself in need of raising the minimum wage again.

The problem with preventing inflation is that you'll basically have to freeze wages and prices for everyone. After raising the minimum wage, of course. But this harms everyone too, because businesses will get less profit. That might sound good at first, but less profit for a business means less room to expand, less motivation to expand with lower returns, fewer jobs being created, and an overall loss of wealth by everyone in the economy.

Increasing the minimum wage sounds nice, but it's really just kicking the can down the road. I can sympathize with low wage earners, as I am one myself (making less than the apparent average of $9.02/hr for fast food cooks). But I understand that my job is something that could be done by literally anyone with hands, feet, and a semi functional brain. It's a temporary job while I seek to improve my skills that will hopefully lead to a better job down the road.

Certainly, we need more then just a higher minimum wage. We need to figure out how to train our work force to take higher paying jobs in a changing economy. But at the same time, a higher minimum wage IS needed because its simply better for people and the economy in the long run. Attaching it to inflation would be a good way to keep inflation from devalueing it in the future.

Cubedramirez said:

Mr Khan said:

Cubedramirez said:

spurgeonryan said:
15 dollars is idiotic. They place it that high so there is some wriggle room, if mcdonalds doe snot just fire them and hire someone else.


That's what the Golden Arches should do. Its ENTRY level work, that means ANYONE can fill it and if they took a simple class in economics they'd understand that salary and wages are paid based on the available pool of prospects.  The larger pool the less you pay, the more exclusive the pool the greater the salary/wage

Why is this so hard for people to understand?

Because some people have to make a living off of that, and dignity is more valuable than private property.

Pointless and irrelevant 
Increasing the cost of labor without an increase in productivity devalues the money used to purchase the labor, the effects on everyone through increase prices and reduced value of their savings.

It’s not rocket science but sadly it seems people in our country believe in fairy tale economics and false altruism rather than reason and logic.

It’s not McDonald’s responsibility to provide a living wage. It is the responsibility of the employee to take advantage of the opportunity working there provides and use that experience to move on from that restaurant. 



The problem with this argument is that productivity HAS been going up....and wages have been stagnating.

So I think we're about due for an increase in the minimum wage regardless, especially going by the logic that an increase in productivity should lead to an increase in the value of work.

Raising the wage will do nothing but have a negative rippled effect through the market, cost will go up, quality of life will require that much more capital than before and now we're at a place where a 15 dollar hour job at an entry level pushes wages up for other sectors and now the purchasing power of that 15 dollar an hour buys what 7 dollars an hour used to. It's a never ending cycle. The only way to address this is for the employee to grow out of entry level positions. That responsibility falls squarely on the employee, not the business. 

We can also debate the devaluing of the dollar which has a disproportionate impact on lower income earners. That’s the real boogie man here, not Ronald McDonald. 

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Ha, I saw this on the news today. What a joke. You want more money for flipping burgers? Stores could fire everyone and have a new completely trained set of staff within days. It's fast food for crying out loud. These are entry level jobs for kids. If you're anything but a student looking for part-time work and you work at a fast food place, you need to fix your life. Don't blame McDonnalds for your poverty.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

I worked for about two years in a Mc Donald's in germany and it's a pretty tough job. You get to work on all stations and have to absolutely master them, because clients at McD are REALLY impatient. What, it takes 1 Minute till I get my cheeseburger? Screw that, give me my money back! I'm not kidding. You have to be lightning fast! For a full 8 hours. Every. single. day.

Most people can't handle that kind of stress, that's why we just had like 5 people on a regurlar basis, while there were always some other people coming and going.But on the other hand, I indeed got nearly 13 € an hour, which should be about if not more than 15 $. I saw the books and I can tell you that McD can easily afford those kind of wages. Especially for the good workers, they absolutely should. Even with 30 $ an hour, they would still be making profit.

If people go to work, they should absolutely be able to live from their earnings. And I don't mean simple surviving, but a decent live with some luxury. Like gaming consoles, you know? If people are working 8 hours per day and don't have enough money, something is seriously wrong. So I'm absolutely pro for 15 $ per hour for Mc Donald's workers.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

ganoncrotch said:
I don't mean to sound harsh but referring to the people at mc donalds as fast food chefs is kinda like calling people who make flash games on newgrounds AAA+ game Devs. But I hope these guys get a little extra money, no one who goes to work in the service industry should be having a harder time getting by than those on welfare.

The average welfare payout for a family of four is $346 a month.  The average in food stamps is $668.

Talk about living large.....

So hows the minimum wage compared inflation adjusted in the US? I heard something about Obama wanting to raise it so its at Reagan era levels


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Good on them! The common men and women deserve more. Their wages have stagnated while the 1%'s wages have massively increased. Some sort of action was long overdue, i hope they are successful. Not like these food fast companies can't sacrifice some of their profits to offer better wages for their workers.

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