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Forums - General Discussion - I've decided NOT to buy super smash brothers brawl

DMeisterJ said:
Awww... now the game will only sell 9,999,999 units now.

 Nope, 10.000.000 as I've decided to buy it

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Explosivo said:
highwaystar101 said:
^ I can get distracted by things like everyone else

Yeah, but to a certain extent. I had been wainting for the Wii for about 1,5 year and I got it dec 8th, 2 weeks before my finale exams in physics, chemistry and math. But if you know it is really important you get it done anyway. 

Wow you really are clutching at straws, aren't you.


I went a music festival (download 2004) which was 3 days before my A-level final exam for biology and 4 days before my chemistry final exams. But do you know what I did? I saw some bands and studied the rest of the time. I didn't drink or do drugs and by the time of my exams I was very well prepared and achieved a good grade, so don't tell me that you're any better at not getting distracted. just be a bit supportive, jeez

 I just think that this game would prove to much of a distraction, I could get addicted and i'm worried that will happen.

Here's an could use the time you normally spend on here to play brawl. I know for most of us that opens about 10-15 hours per week. Easy fix.

I agree with Super_etecoon, use your online time instead of your studying time. Once you get brawl, what more do you need from this site? LOL

Once you graduate you'll end up with even less time to game and it'll become more of a pain to try and sneak in your game sessions. So enjoy the game ASAP and think back with fond memories later about all the times you stayed up late with your friends playing Brawl. It'll make up for it all in the end!

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

Very true etecon. I know I've been on here probably an average of one hour less a day since I got Brawl. 

If you think it will likely distract you, and you'd rather do better on your tests, then wait to get it. Sure it's fun, but it's your choice as to what you want to be a priority.


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highwaystar101 said:

Yeah, I have decided that I will not buy the game, I think it will effect my results at university, I really need to concentrate, I have a lot of work coming up, I have a very busy period of coursework towards the end of the year and then I have to start my dissertation and work to earn some money so I don't have to work through my third year.

So I am planning to postpone buying this game until next christmas, I know it sounds a little extreme but I think it is the best choice for me. Do you think I'm doing the right thing?

I start my summer courses right around the time Grand Theft Auto 4, Too Human, and Ninja Gaiden 2 come out, all games I'm really looking forward to.  I don't plan on buying any until my classes are over so I'll know exactly how you feel.

A very sensible decision to be sure, you only get what shot at education, whereas you could play SSBB anytime. Your educationare your future so I would say you made the right decision and don't let others tell you different. Well done for showing such maturity.



highwaystar101 said:
Explosivo said:
highwaystar101 said:
^ I can get distracted by things like everyone else

Yeah, but to a certain extent. I had been wainting for the Wii for about 1,5 year and I got it dec 8th, 2 weeks before my finale exams in physics, chemistry and math. But if you know it is really important you get it done anyway. 

Wow you really are clutching at straws, aren't you.


I went a music festival (download 2004) which was 3 days before my A-level final exam for biology and 4 days before my chemistry final exams. But do you know what I did? I saw some bands and studied the rest of the time. I didn't drink or do drugs and by the time of my exams I was very well prepared and achieved a good grade, so don't tell me that you're any better at not getting distracted. just be a bit supportive, jeez

 I just think that this game would prove to much of a distraction, I could get addicted and i'm worried that will happen.

Its good to know thyself. Its probably really wise to wait.  I cant believe you studied at Download, huge props for that lol. I was there but only for a single day, was that the Audioslave & secret Metallica set? Or was that the one where lars didnt turn up?

Danny355 said:
highwaystar101 said:
Explosivo said:
highwaystar101 said:
^ I can get distracted by things like everyone else

Yeah, but to a certain extent. I had been wainting for the Wii for about 1,5 year and I got it dec 8th, 2 weeks before my finale exams in physics, chemistry and math. But if you know it is really important you get it done anyway. 

Wow you really are clutching at straws, aren't you.


I went a music festival (download 2004) which was 3 days before my A-level final exam for biology and 4 days before my chemistry final exams. But do you know what I did? I saw some bands and studied the rest of the time. I didn't drink or do drugs and by the time of my exams I was very well prepared and achieved a good grade, so don't tell me that you're any better at not getting distracted. just be a bit supportive, jeez

 I just think that this game would prove to much of a distraction, I could get addicted and i'm worried that will happen.

Its good to know thyself. Its probably really wise to wait.  I cant believe you studied at Download, huge props for that lol. I was there but only for a single day, was that the Audioslave & secret Metallica set? Or was that the one where lars didnt turn up?

It was the one where lars Ulrich didn't turn up. Metalica weren't too great that year.


Is that going to keep your friends from purchasing the title? And inviting you over to play?

You're doomed dude. You and every other college/university student during 2008.