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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Best of SSBB Album

Post your opinions on a few songs from SSBB that everyone would benefit by listening to. Which remixes/ originals are the best Super Smash Bros. Brawl has to offer? I haven't listened to the entire selection, but I jumped on Kirby and Donkey Kong music right away. Songs you should add to your iPod? Gourmet Race King Dedede's Theme Stickerbrush Symphony King K. Rool Shipdeck 2 (Once the pirate sea shantiness of it wears off)

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Angel Island Zone
Sonic Boom
Green Hill Zone

But why are there no S&K soundtracks? They were some of the best

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The only reason Sakurai allowed Snake is because he was already a clone

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Too much Kirby metal. Of course, I like Sakuraba's version.

I haven't heard the entire soundtrack, but the Dark World remix really did it for me. Just reminded me how little LttP gets acknowledged over the years in so many ways when a classic song like the dark world doesn't get a formal remix until recently (with the PH trailer and all). The only LttP songs that pop up in Zelda games now are the ones OoT snatched.

Other mentionables:

Angel Island Zone

All the Metroid tracks

Oot Medley

Space Armada

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

-Ashley's Theme (both) are incredibly addicting.
-Sonic Boom brings back SO many memories.
-Mona's Pizza is also really nice
-X05 Final Destination song is AMAZING
-Fire Emblem POR tracks
-Fire Emblem Blazing Sword rocks
-All the Zelda songs bring back memories like WOAH!
-Luigi's Mansion Theme is CREEPY. Kind of reminds me of Pans Labyrinth music.

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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Underground Music
Kirby fountain of dreams
Ashley's theme
Pokemon bike theme        
Mona pizza
ocarina zelda music
Animal crossing theme
SSBB main theme
Pokemon stadium remix
mushroomy kingdom

and many more...

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where can i hear this wonderful music??

Proud member of the Fierce Fox Force.


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unvanquished and unyielding. 'O Wii!!!"

-The Nintendian Philosophy

All of them

Oh goodness, there's way too many to choose from.

So I'll pick a maximum of 2 from each franchise.

Castle Boom Boom (SMW)
Bomb-omb Battlefield (SM64)
Map Overworld -Bonus Round (DKC)
Stickerbrush Symphony (DKC2) Such a refreshing song.
Hyrule Field (OOT) I just love this original so much nostalgia.
Hyrule Field (TP) and I love the epic-ness of this one!
Ending Theme (Metroid)
Metroid Prime Menu (Metroid Prime) LOVE IT
Meta Knight's Revenge (KSS) love the jazzy remix.
Main Theme (SF64)
Star Wolf Theme (SFA)
Snake Eater (MGS3) such a classy song haha
Encounter (MGS) pretty epic
Green Hill Zone 1 (Sonic) the original Sonic, gotta love it
Emerald Hill Zone 1 (Sonic 2) the Sonic game I grew up with first.

There's tons more I love...I just don't have time to post right now hehe.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

I would do this.. but i really don't have enough time to list them all.. been listening to the complete st for the past day.. there are only few things that aren't mind blowing..

if i really had to choose just one.. i'd say the first track...
Overworld - Super Mario Bros, i love what they have done with it

Where can I get the soundtrack?

Aurally examine my music!

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