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Oh goodness, there's way too many to choose from.

So I'll pick a maximum of 2 from each franchise.

Castle Boom Boom (SMW)
Bomb-omb Battlefield (SM64)
Map Overworld -Bonus Round (DKC)
Stickerbrush Symphony (DKC2) Such a refreshing song.
Hyrule Field (OOT) I just love this original so much nostalgia.
Hyrule Field (TP) and I love the epic-ness of this one!
Ending Theme (Metroid)
Metroid Prime Menu (Metroid Prime) LOVE IT
Meta Knight's Revenge (KSS) love the jazzy remix.
Main Theme (SF64)
Star Wolf Theme (SFA)
Snake Eater (MGS3) such a classy song haha
Encounter (MGS) pretty epic
Green Hill Zone 1 (Sonic) the original Sonic, gotta love it
Emerald Hill Zone 1 (Sonic 2) the Sonic game I grew up with first.

There's tons more I love...I just don't have time to post right now hehe.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )