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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mario & Luigi: Dream Team only sold about 100,000 units FW- Is this finally proof that gamer's are burned out on Mario?

Bowser's Inside Story launched at the DS's height as was a really really good game.

It'll still sell around 2 million. I think BiS was an outlier. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

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Maybe we should wait until we get some word about digital sales. If it managed even 10% in digital sales, that's around 125k, much closer to Partners in Time. Considering how well other 3DS titles have sold digitally in Japan, over 10% is certainly possible.

LilChicken22 said:
Mario&Luigi has never been that big to begin with. Partners in Time sold less than 2 million and Bowser's inside Story less than 4 million. It may have to do something with the smaller 3DS audience and Mario&Luigi being for the more hardcore gamer. It proves MORE that not any game with the name Mario in the title sells like Sony fans claim it sells.


the_dengle said:
Maybe we should wait until we get some word about digital sales. If it managed even 10% in digital sales, that's around 125k, much closer to Partners in Time. Considering how well other 3DS titles have sold digitally in Japan, over 10% is certainly possible.

this could be the case.

ONLY 100000 COPIES. Is this a joke thread? i did not know that amount was low. Japan 1st week of Mario Sticker Star was around 120000, a bad game according to a lot of gamers. But that game is pushing around 1.55 million copies so far. And we are not counting digital sales, which on Japan are greater for Nintendo than any other region. There you go, people keep spelling doom for Nintendo and their games. Good luck with that.

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cbarroso09 said:
ONLY 100000 COPIES. Is this a joke thread? i did not know that amount was low. Japan 1st week of Mario Sticker Star was around 120000, a bad game according to a lot of gamers. But that game is pushing around 1.55 million copies so far. And we are not counting digital sales, which on Japan are greater for Nintendo than any other region. There you go, people keep spelling doom for Nintendo and their games. Good luck with that.

Not only that, in Japan, Sticker Star had a lower first week than Thousand Year Door or Super Paper Mario... and has already outsold them LTD.

M&L doesn't even have to hit 500k to be considered a success (it would comfortably outsell the first two games in the series with those numbers), and apparently its Japanese first-week physical sales only is supposed to be indicative of the entire world's feelings on the whole Mario IP? Someone explain this to me again?

kopstudent89 said:
I think releasing to MArio RPG's in a year was a mistake. It would've been fine if it weren't for Paper Mario.

But it's the year of Luigi. :,(

LemonSlice said:
kopstudent89 said:
I think releasing to MArio RPG's in a year was a mistake. It would've been fine if it weren't for Paper Mario.

But it's the year of Luigi. :,(

I'd rather not have Paper Mario :P 

I blame the lack of marketing and the fact the game was announced just a few months before launching. I only just pre-ordered the game 2-3 weeks ago as that's when retailers were taking pre-orders for it over here.

I honestly don't think this argument makes much sense. In what way does this actually prove any of that? Just one game isn't proof of anything.
This thread was made way too prematurely. If there were something like 5 mario games back-to-back that were under performing compared to other similarly titled Mario games, then maybe you have something. This is also just FW sales.