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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Leading up to gamescon I will be posting about seperate topics that we can all talk about :)

1st Topic: What do you think about Ryse: Son of Rome.

My personal opinion. Looks amazing graphically. The cinematics look superb and I think it could be one of the best cinematic games yet.

Will be buying at launch as i think it is the first game that truly fits the next gen experience.


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What do you think about Ryse?


Hard question. It is a graphical beast, but other than that, I'm not getting the vibe. The only games I've enjoyed from Crytek have been Far Cry and the first Crysis. Maybe this one will change that. Maybe.

Looking forward to Ryse. Can't wait to see more of it at gamescon.

I think Ryse will surprise a lot of people and become a big hit. I look forward to playing it

Got me some points.

Good job!

Remember to check out his thread.  Xbox One's Quick Reverse on Policies.


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Angelus said:
I think Ryse will surprise a lot of people and become a big hit. I look forward to playing it

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Wright said:

What do you think about Ryse?


Hard question. It is a graphical beast, but other than that, I'm not getting the vibe. The only games I've enjoyed from Crytek have been Far Cry and the first Crysis. Maybe this one will change that. Maybe.

Far Cry 3 (Though it was only powered by Crytek.  Developed by Ubisoft) was pretty amazing XD  I have it as the highest rated game this year.  Though Im not a huge fan of Crysis.

I hope you realize that you like over half their games if you like Crysis and Far Cry though.

Here is a list of what they have worked on.

Far Cry 
Crysis Franchise
Time Splitters 4

Coming Soon

Ryse: Son of Rome
Homefront 2


I'm not particularly hyped for Ryse but it does look like a great game. I'd probably pick this game up used for 30 bucks or so.

Ryse didn't interest me that much and looks kind of boring.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

I wasn't really feeling the game that much but recently, I've become more open to the idea that it could surpryse me. I'm no graphics whore but if it's got a halfway decent story and that setting, I can see the potential to win me over.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.