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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Guys, the JRPGs conversation is obviously important to the people who talk about it. If you don't approve, then it's obviously not important to you so just ignore it and create another discussion you find important instead of looking down on others for bringing what they find important up. This talk about how bringing up JRPGs so many times is useless makes this thread have a hostile and unwelcoming feel towards other people's opinions.

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

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I'm apparently evil, yet if I step out for a little while this entire thread descends into chaos. Clearly I'm a much better influence than I'm being given credit for by you lunatics

Angelus said:
I'm apparently evil, yet if I step out for a little while this entire thread descends into chaos. Clearly I'm a much better influence than I'm being given credit for by you lunatics

That you didn't see the connection to this, you got obviously the most "he is evil" votes because all the evil people voted for you. Who else could vote for you in this poll except for some evil people, right?

When you are here everything is calm because of your friendly charisma.

JayWood2010 said:
TiagoCosta said:

Curious, you aren't respectful to me. Why should I? 

I believe im the one that encouraged you to stay on this website and told you people like you, etc.  I believe ive tried to give you a nice thread to comment in on a daily basis.  I believe I got you into the skype chat because i thought it would help you.  I've tried and been nice to you tiago since you joined this website.  Me and your problem is relatively new and you know why it is. Improve

I joined the website in 2009.

I might be wrong on something, but the moment you just assume it's all my fault I can't take you seriously anymore.

crissindahouse said:
Angelus said:
I'm apparently evil, yet if I step out for a little while this entire thread descends into chaos. Clearly I'm a much better influence than I'm being given credit for by you lunatics

That you didn't see the connection to this, you got obviously the most "he is evil" votes because all the evil people voted for you. Who else could vote for you in this poll except for some evil people, right?

When you are here everything is acalm because of your friendly charisma.

This is very true. If only everyone here could be wise like you

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Ka-pi96 said:
Goatseye said:
Talking about news, I just remembered Nsanity. Good poster and Xbox Nation member.

And suspected Ryuu alt...

Guys just stop the bitching on both sides please. Also to get it out of the way, with what I know you really shouldn't expect much on the Japanse front at msft E3.

TiagoCosta said:
JayWood2010 said:


I joined the website in 2009.

I might be wrong on something, but the moment you just assume it's all my fault I can't take you seriously anymore.

Im, sorry, since you became active in this thread.

You dont have to take me seriously, im fine with that


maximrace said:
Guys just stop the bitching on both sides please. Also to get it out of the way, with what I know you really shouldn't expect much on the Japanse front at msft E3.

Not even mad...">"><img src="

I guess we're on the "Why Japanese devs aren't putting games on Xbox" discussion again, huh?