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shikamaru317 said:
TiagoCosta said:
But this is what I want to see, more AAA on GWG.

And doubling the games should be all months :p ok this is going too far, increase to 2 XBO would be great already.

On a side note, D4 was the only game to not be 2 months on gwg :/

I'm hopeful that they'll announce 2 games per month for XB1 at E3; 1 AAA, one indie. It's the 1 year anniversary of GWG on XB1 afterall.

Yeah, for whatever reason they did a demo of D4 instead of leaving it on GWG for 2 months. Kind of weird.

There really wouldn't have been much point in having 2 GWG titles on X1 every month so far, and I'm not sure there is now either. There aren't enough games on next gen yet to do that. I mean sure I guess they could give us 2 really shit indie games every month but who really wants that? There needs to be an established backlog of AAA and AA games that are past their true selling point for them to give you any meaningful offers.

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Shitty indies usually have easy achievements tho

Definitely not chariot tho I won't even start it.

TiagoCosta said:
Shitty indies usually have easy achievements tho

Definitely not chariot tho I won't even start it.

Meh.....even with easy chievos I can't be asked to play most of that garbage.


And speaking of garbage, lol @ NBA Live

Nba live is woty material.

VisionarySine said:
Bioshock Infinte has one of the best and confusing stories in gaming history. I think y'all will enjoy it.


Never the less an amazing game. 

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Ken Levine is so full of himself

I dont get all the hype behind Bioshock Infinite. People hyped that up to be the most amazing story ever. I didnt like it at all -_- Sorry


shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:
Ken Levine is so full of himself

Yeah, he kind of is, lol. Not the only game dev that is full of himself though, I can think of several others.

Infinite seems pretty good though, the gameplay and artstyle seem great from what I saw when my favorite Youtuber did a full playthrough of it. The story is hit and miss, sometimes it's awesome, other times it's confusing, and sometimes it's just downright controversial imo.

Not like that guy. He was willing to have his whole studio, that made GotY winning (even if not deserving in my eyes) games out of his one half ass idea he had a decade ago, laid off just so he can work in a smaller team where his ego will have even more relevance

Guess I'll get Bioshock Infinite then

Never played the other Bioshocks, so i hope the story's not required to understand infinite.">"><img src="

Slade6alpha said:
Guess I'll get Bioshock Infinite then

Never played the other Bioshocks, so i hope the story's not required to understand infinite.

I didnt play the first 2. Although i did search up the ending to understand it more. I liked the concept of how they're would always be a city, and a man. And infinite was just a alternate version of the first 2

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion