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shikamaru317 said:
TiagoCosta said:

Dunno who would work on that, monolith? 

Maybe. But they also own Turbine, which is an MMO studio. There were even rumors of a Turbine developed Harry Potter MMO about 6 or 7 years ago, but nothing ever came of it. 

Those are working on Infinite Crisis. Imo, for the number of licenses they have access to, they should have more studios!

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shikamaru317 said:
TiagoCosta said:

Only halo I didn't buy was halo wars. I'm not feeling halo 5 enough to day 1 buy it tho 

It's the only Halo I haven't bought either, not sure why since I'm an RTS fan, lol. Still waiting for MS to put it on GWG, it's only been 7 months since you said you'd look into putting it on GWG Phil!

Understandable. Personally I loved the multiplayer but I have serious concerns about the singleplayer. At this point I feel like Witcher 3 is more likely to be my GOTY than Halo 5 is. 

just curious, why do you have "serious concerns" about Halo 5's single player?

halo 4's strongest component was its story and many, including myself, considered the halo 4 story to rank among the best of the halo games.  it'd be hard to believe that that wouldn't carry over to Halo 5.  or are you more concerned about the gameplay aspect?? 

Favorite third party dev is EPIC Games easily. Their track record is phenomenal. Very excited for Fortnite, Unreal Tournament 2015, and The Samaritan

Though without Rod Fergusson and CLiff Bleszinki :/  

So im also anticipating BossKey because of Cliff.  You may not like him but the guy is a genious


shikamaru317 said:
TiagoCosta said:
Unreal 4 tech demo

Looks gorgeous. I think this is the first Unreal tech demo I've seen that doesn't look like it Epic should make it into an actual game though, lol. 

loosks good for quicktime events^^ just implement a story and let the user push some buttons in the correct second and it will be praised as awesome cinematic experience...bah

shikamaru317 said:
roborad said:

just curious, why do you have "serious concerns" about Halo 5's single player?

At this point there are still alot of unknowns with the singleplayer. We don't know how many levels will be Chief levels and how many will be Locke levels, and I'm not a big fan of Locke so far. We don't if Blue Team will be with Chief or not, if Chief is completely alone there could be issues since he is a largely silent character and Cortana is no longer there to provide dialogue. Hopefully I'm just being overly concerned and 343 is making all the right decisions with the singleplayer. And hopefully Locke will be alot more interesting in Halo 5 than he was in Nightfall.

Hmm, fair enough.

Though I remain hopeful. 

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roborad said:
shikamaru317 said:

It's the only Halo I haven't bought either, not sure why since I'm an RTS fan, lol. Still waiting for MS to put it on GWG, it's only been 7 months since you said you'd look into putting it on GWG Phil!

Understandable. Personally I loved the multiplayer but I have serious concerns about the singleplayer. At this point I feel like Witcher 3 is more likely to be my GOTY than Halo 5 is. 

just curious, why do you have "serious concerns" about Halo 5's single player?

halo 4's strongest component was its story and many, including myself, considered the halo 4 story to rank among the best of the halo games.  it'd be hard to believe that that wouldn't carry over to Halo 5.  or are you more concerned about the gameplay aspect?? 

Ya I agree with u. I thought halo 4 had the best so in the series. Not concerned about it at all. Mp though I am. Like the beta, didn't love it though.

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

shikamaru317 said:
JayWood2010 said:


Isn't he kind of a dick? I guess that does't matter too much though as long as the game turns out good. Kamiya is a dick as well but I'm still looking forward to Scalebound.

I dont really think he is.  A lot of the stuff he says is very true.  But depending on how you look at what he says you can view him that way


I don't have anything against him either, he's quite charismatic either way.

Btw, to everyone who's part of the halo feedback program, the latest round of surveys were emailed.
I just took it and the survey is surprisingly thorough and addressed pretty much all of my complaints.
If you had any issues with the halo 5 beta, I suggest you go take it asap (the deadline is approaching fast).