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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

JayWood2010 said:
I just want to state this.

Ashley > any other Mass Effect character. I will accept no other answers :P

Stop trolling. She doesn't even make the top 10 

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Versus_Evil said:
random question, how do you post images on someones wall?

When you make a wall post, type in this format

["img]*image URL*[/img"] (Just make sure to remove quotations. Had to put them in or else it wouldn't show up)

Only works for wall posts though, not for comments under a wall post 

First off you all are terrible people :P

Secondly im really excited for Win10, Do we have a release date or anything? I dont think they have said yet


At 4pm it's time to learn all about this amazing ID@Xbox game Gear Gauntlet! Get ready!


shikamaru317 said:
Man, there was all kinds of creepy alien sex talk in this thread after I went to bed. Some of you guys are so weird, lol. I guess that's like the pot calling the kettle black though, I romanced several aliens in Star Wars: The Old Republic xD

There's nothing creepy about unconditional love for intergalactic creatures.

Nothing at all.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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I hope Windows 10 comes soon. The Xbox 1 dashboard is so messy and unorganized. It was much better on the 360.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

The xbox app is Win10 only?

TiagoCosta said:
The xbox app is Win10 only?



Versus_Evil said:

Thanks bro, I'll gonna have some fun with this >:)

Just remember that the same rules about NSFW content on the forum apply to user walls as well! Another tip is to resize & scale down your images if they're large, they don't auto-resize on someone's wall as far as I know.

JayWood2010 said:
TiagoCosta said:
The xbox app is Win10 only?


My PC skills are so poor, I will have a hard time installing win10. (I'm serious)