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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

JayWood2010 said:
Ryuu96 said:
This has turned into "TVNation" xD

lol while we are on the subject watch heroes.  Great show.   And it is finally returning next year xD

Man I used to love that show, after season 1 I stopped watching though :O

Around the Network

All these TV show lists and no Paris Hilton's my new BFF? I'm disappointed

Married with children was awesome

Ryuu96 said:
Jazz2K said:
Ahh... I finaly have the time to open my newly acquired X1 and here's some impressions.

The first thing I noticed is the Kinect. It's big, a bit bigger and heavyier than I thought but it doesn't matter. It looks more advanced because of the weight. Don't know why. I also thought both the console and the power brick are bigger then expected but still like I said it doesn't matter to me I'm just pointing it out.

When I first plugged the console the screen was all black, I had no image and started to think I may had a faulty console until I realised (like an idiot) I put the cable in the hdmi in instead of the hdmi out. I felt stupid but kind of laughed about it.

Right now it's still updating, about 47% done.

I like the controller a lot and the sound the console makes when you touch power. It's very silent also, my laptop makes all the noise in the living room. Can't wait to try it all. I'm a big Forza fan and can't wait to try the rumble truggers.

awesome! yeah it is a little big Lol, what games did you get with it?

I got Dead Rising 3, Forza 4 and Titan Fall... I also got a 50$ card so I will be buying Killer Instinct. I'm at the end of my semester so I don't have much time to play but this summer I plan on getting Ryse and Plant vs Zombie

evengelion is a must see if you are in mecha anime IMO been the reference for a while back in the days...

@shika speaking of married with children I forgot to put modern family in my list...

yeah I watched a lot of the shows you have from 80 to 2010

Around the Network

Love me some Seinfeld, Raymond, and King of Queens. The tri force of best 90s sitcoms IMO.

Not watching much anime anymore to be honest. Only anime I watch/watched is Pokemon, yugioh, DBZ, Naruto, Shippuden, and Bleach.">"><img src="

shikamaru317 said:
iceland said:
All these TV show lists and no Paris Hilton's my new BFF? I'm disappointed

Lol, I can't believe there are people that watch shows like that.

Don't judge me! LOL

yeah the only TV reality shows I watch randomly are the one where they move entire buildings, or axe man, deadliest catch stuff like that and that's when I turn the TV on randomly which is once every three month... I mostly use streaming service for my video needs...

now the list of porn we've been watching LOL jk

Ryuu96 said:
iceland said:
All these TV show lists and no Paris Hilton's my new BFF? I'm disappointed

Show of the year, 2.2 on imdb * xD I think I remember seeing that once on Tv.. and was hooked ever since!!! Loll joking, hated it, regretted watching it Loll

I think I've watched a lot of shows any self respecting guy wouldn't

Paris Hilton's my new Bff

Jersey Shore

A shot at love

Desperate Housewives

and sooo many more, too many to name. lol They're not on my favorites lists or anything but I did watch them xD