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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Update: Forza Motorsport 5 doesn't require a day one update to play after all

I guess you never heard of directors cuts when it comes to movie or CD's that have bonus tracks being sold a incomplete package is common practice in all forms of entertainment and not only restricted to games.  Anyway I take first day free DLC over a game being delayed numerous times any day.

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wick said:
This bickering is pointless. NO PRODUCT SHOULD BE SOLD UNFINISHED.

I don't care if it's Forza (which I love by the way) GT5, Mario Kart, Battlefield.

We gamers seem to enjoy being screwed over because most of us have some crazy loyalty to a multi-billion dollar corporation.

It's stupid.

Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo. It doesn't matter what company you support. We should not support this practice.

Would you buy a CD if it only had half the songs? A movie?

But it is finshed it just has a manditory patch before u can play it.    Its not like there selling u the game with one track.  Chances are its allowing them to make sure things are truly running right with drivatar and such plus tracks and stuff that wouldnt have made it into the game at release.

also movies and cd always have cut content which would mean there all incomplete

Azerth said:
wick said:
This bickering is pointless. NO PRODUCT SHOULD BE SOLD UNFINISHED.

I don't care if it's Forza (which I love by the way) GT5, Mario Kart, Battlefield.

We gamers seem to enjoy being screwed over because most of us have some crazy loyalty to a multi-billion dollar corporation.

It's stupid.

Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo. It doesn't matter what company you support. We should not support this practice.

Would you buy a CD if it only had half the songs? A movie?

But it is finshed it just has a manditory patch before u can play it.    Its not like there selling u the game with one track.  Chances are its allowing them to make sure things are truly running right with drivatar and such plus tracks and stuff that wouldnt have made it into the game at release.

also movies and cd always have cut content which would mean there all incomplete

No it's not finished. You will NEED to download game content. NOT just patches. Read the OP again please.

Also. I can go and buy a CD or a movie and go home and watch it. Bonus content is different to incomplete products.

Never mind.

Fanboys don't think with logic.

It's more a case of "but I love this company so they can never do anything wrong", "my team is better than your team cause, well cause it is"




        Wii FC: 6440 8298 7583 0720   XBOX GT: WICK1978               PSN: its_the_wick   3DS: 1676-3747-7846                                          Nintendo Network: its-the-wick

Systems I've owned: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, GBColor, N64, Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, GBAdvance, DSlite, PSP, Wii, Xbox360, PS3, 3DS, PSVita, PS4, 3DS XL, Wii U

The best quote I've seen this year:

Angelus said: I'm a moron

Chris Hu said:

I guess you never heard of directors cuts when it comes to movie or CD's that have bonus tracks being sold a incomplete package is common practice in all forms of entertainment and not only restricted to games.  Anyway I take first day free DLC over a game being delayed numerous times any day.

Director's cut movies might add one or two minutes of additional content, usually released in a limited edition version years after the original release and only if the movie is a hit.  Forza 5 is like purchasing the original Star Wars Trilogy box set only to open it and find A New Hope is the only one in the box with vouchers to download the other two.  Internet wasn't really a thing back then, or it was but it wasn't widespread like it is now, but you get the idea.

Whether it's a game, movie, whatever.  I buy the content on disc and expect to receive everything on disc except for the inevitable DLC which hopefully and usually , includes the smallest bit of extra content(which I don't purchase.)

wick said:

No it's not finished. You will NEED to download game content. NOT just patches. Read the OP again please.

Also. I can go and buy a CD or a movie and go home and watch it. Bonus content is different to incomplete products.

Never mind.

Fanboys don't think with logic.

It's more a case of "but I love this company so they can never do anything wrong", "my team is better than your team cause, well cause it is"


You can play while it downloads.....

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Around the Network

sales2099 said:

You can play while it downloads.....


kupomogli said:
Chris Hu said:

I guess you never heard of directors cuts when it comes to movie or CD's that have bonus tracks being sold a incomplete package is common practice in all forms of entertainment and not only restricted to games.  Anyway I take first day free DLC over a game being delayed numerous times any day.

Director's cut movies might add one or two minutes of additional content, usually released in a limited edition version years after the original release and only if the movie is a hit.  Forza 5 is like purchasing the original Star Wars Trilogy box set only to open it and find A New Hope is the only one in the box with vouchers to download the other two.  Internet wasn't really a thing back then, or it was but it wasn't widespread like it is now, but you get the idea.

Whether it's a game, movie, whatever.  I buy the content on disc and expect to receive everything on disc except for the inevitable DLC which hopefully and usually , includes the smallest bit of extra content(which I don't purchase.)

I guess you don't follow movies a lot Once Upon a Time in America never got released in its full original version in US theaters that one major reason it got snubed by critics and missed out on awards which it truely deserved.  A more recent example is Terrance Malik's The New World its original 150 minute cut was only show a couple of times in theaters upon its wide release everyone got the heavily cut 135 minute version. 

ethomaz said:

sales2099 said:

You can play while it downloads.....


Its a standard feature of X1. Also found it on the kotaku article.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:

Its a standard feature of X1. Also found it on the kotaku article.

Ohhhh I see... the same feature found in Digital titles... you download the first part, start do play and the console download the others parts... the part to be download first will be in the Disc.... makes sense.

sales2099 said:

You can play while it downloads.....

And if my unreliable internet is down that day?

I just bought a disc I can't use.



        Wii FC: 6440 8298 7583 0720   XBOX GT: WICK1978               PSN: its_the_wick   3DS: 1676-3747-7846                                          Nintendo Network: its-the-wick

Systems I've owned: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, GBColor, N64, Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, GBAdvance, DSlite, PSP, Wii, Xbox360, PS3, 3DS, PSVita, PS4, 3DS XL, Wii U

The best quote I've seen this year:

Angelus said: I'm a moron