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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 outselling the 360 by 10,000 with US and Others COMBINED!!!

I just read all for pages of this. My god 360 boys... momentum is swinging get it

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All it would take is one price drop by Microsoft to swing momentum back to the 360...

Assuming the PS3 from now on will outsell the 360, by 50 000 consoles weekly. It will take 140 weeks for the PS3 to catch up to the 360. Pigs fly lol. I hope 360 drops their price again that could maintain or even widen the gap over PS3.

Legend11 said:
All it would take is one price drop by Microsoft to swing momentum back to the 360...

 You can say the same for the PS3 .... just that with the gamelineup of the PS3 ( 08 ) , it wuld probably have a much bigger effect ...

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

People first claimed that the PS3 would sell more than the 360 someday because it can double as a Blu-Ray player yet when that day comes the boast is quickly forgotten in favor of believing people are only buying it to play games.

The 360 and PS3 are both in a dangerous predicament of losing steam as they swat at eachother's markets. I don't see either with much promise at the moment though the PS3 does seem to have a few more bullets left to fire. But on that note, I seriously hope the PS3 well wishers in this thread aren't banking on MGS4 and FFXIII doing for the PS3 what Halo 3 did for the 360, because even if they did, that still wouldn't be enough to make a significant difference in the long run. Even the N64 had LOZ: Ocarina of Time and Golden Eye 007.

If a person had told me two years ago that Sony fans would someday rejoice at the sight of a invincible Playstation brand outselling the upstart Xbox brand by such a slim margin I probably would have laughed. How far the mighty have fallen. As for the Wii, its all these very same fans can do just to pretend it doesn't even exist.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
1: Stop making shooters. Please. You're not Valve or Free Radical.
2: Stop trying to force photo-realism down my throat until you can get out of the uncanny valley. Work on style and presentation instead of just pixels and bloom.
3: Try something weird and new, and hope we like it.

You'll cut costs way more than you cut revenue, and thus increase profit.
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Dark_Lord_2008 said:
Assuming the PS3 from now on will outsell the 360, by 50 000 consoles weekly. It will take 140 weeks for the PS3 to catch up to the 360. Pigs fly lol. I hope 360 drops their price again that could maintain or even widen the gap over PS3.

 To reiterate what I have said in past threads, if price is all that mattered going forward, MS is in big trouble. Sony is MUCH better at reducing costs, as they are a consumer electronics company, and not a software company.

I think the winner will come down to who has the best games coming out for it and not price, and you MS fans better hope I am right, because if it's price, MS has no chance over the next few years.


TheRealMafoo said:
Dark_Lord_2008 said:
Assuming the PS3 from now on will outsell the 360, by 50 000 consoles weekly. It will take 140 weeks for the PS3 to catch up to the 360. Pigs fly lol. I hope 360 drops their price again that could maintain or even widen the gap over PS3.

 To reiterate what I have said in past threads, if price is all that mattered going forward, MS is in big trouble. Sony is MUCH better at reducing costs, as they are a consumer electronics company, and not a software company.

I think the winner will come down to who has the best games coming out for it and not price, and you MS fans better hope I am right, because if it's price, MS has no chance over the next few years.


MS doesn't have to be better or more efficient at reducing price when they have substantially more assets to throw at the problem than Sony does. We may try to kid ourselves that Sony is okay now that it is making a modest profit in its gaming division but after losing all they had earned with the PS2 and then some they're doing everything they can to just keep their head above the water. I'm sure if Sony wanted to they could cut the price to $200 and still survive by the skin of their teeth, however, MS could easily do the same at an even greater loss and still come out shining.

Sony may be better at cutting cost, but MS has the money to do the very same without even a second thought.

Remember, MS doesn't have to come in 1st or 2nd this generation to achieve their objective of crippling Sony's market expansion.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
1: Stop making shooters. Please. You're not Valve or Free Radical.
2: Stop trying to force photo-realism down my throat until you can get out of the uncanny valley. Work on style and presentation instead of just pixels and bloom.
3: Try something weird and new, and hope we like it.

You'll cut costs way more than you cut revenue, and thus increase profit.
4D Gamer III said:
People first claimed that the PS3 would sell more than the 360 someday because it can double as a Blu-Ray player yet when that day comes the boast is quickly forgotten in favor of believing people are only buying it to play games.

The 360 and PS3 are both in a dangerous predicament of losing steam as they swat at eachother's markets. I don't see either with much promise at the moment though the PS3 does seem to have a few more bullets left to fire. But on that note, I seriously hope the PS3 well wishers in this thread aren't banking on MGS4 and FFXIII doing for the PS3 what Halo 3 did for the 360, because even if they did, that still wouldn't be enough to make a significant difference in the long run. Even the N64 had LOZ: Ocarina of Time and Golden Eye 007.

If a person had told me two years ago that Sony fans would someday rejoice at the sight of a invincible Playstation brand outselling the upstart Xbox brand by such a slim margin I probably would have laughed. How far the mighty have fallen. As for the Wii, its all these very same fans can do just to pretend it doesn't even exist.

 Umm halo didnt to that much for 360. So i should hope MGS4 and FF will do a bit for PS3

Anyone who thinks the PS3 will suddenly become cheaper to produce than the 360 is living in denial. The 360 Premium was already $100 cheaper to produce a year ago than the PS3 40gig is now. Who knows how much it's gone down in production costs since then.

WhiteDevil said:
4D Gamer III said:
People first claimed that the PS3 would sell more than the 360 someday because it can double as a Blu-Ray player yet when that day comes the boast is quickly forgotten in favor of believing people are only buying it to play games.

The 360 and PS3 are both in a dangerous predicament of losing steam as they swat at eachother's markets. I don't see either with much promise at the moment though the PS3 does seem to have a few more bullets left to fire. But on that note, I seriously hope the PS3 well wishers in this thread aren't banking on MGS4 and FFXIII doing for the PS3 what Halo 3 did for the 360, because even if they did, that still wouldn't be enough to make a significant difference in the long run. Even the N64 had LOZ: Ocarina of Time and Golden Eye 007.

If a person had told me two years ago that Sony fans would someday rejoice at the sight of a invincible Playstation brand outselling the upstart Xbox brand by such a slim margin I probably would have laughed. How far the mighty have fallen. As for the Wii, its all these very same fans can do just to pretend it doesn't even exist.

 Umm halo didnt to that much for 360. So i should hope MGS4 and FF will do a bit for PS3

It was Halo 3 in the wake of Bioshock that started the 360 momentum of last year. It was these titles that more than anything brought the 360 to the attention of the gaming community as if the console hadn't existed before and games that had long since seen their peek re-emerged with new legs paving the way for the success of such games as Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect. Bioshock brought the attention of the 360 to people who weren't Xbox gamers and Halo 3 was trigger that caused every hesitating Xbox owner to finally pony up and make their claim on this generation.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
1: Stop making shooters. Please. You're not Valve or Free Radical.
2: Stop trying to force photo-realism down my throat until you can get out of the uncanny valley. Work on style and presentation instead of just pixels and bloom.
3: Try something weird and new, and hope we like it.

You'll cut costs way more than you cut revenue, and thus increase profit.