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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is so good about Turn-based battle system? (FF XV)

Tagged games: got me excited that FFXV is turn based.

Action RPG's can be good if done well, but often times Action RPG's aren't done well.

Turn based RPG's have a deeper layer of strategic involvement. To give your character dozens of spells in an action RPG wouldn't work because you would need to stop time just to select a spell (like in XenoBlade). Plus you can only name so many spells on screen at once. In a Turn based RPG you can have so many different types of magic, summons, etc.

I understand why most games are Action RPG, people would probably fall asleep playing a Turn based game, but this is what makes rare gems like Lost Odyssey so so good.

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i love turn base... it is like playing chess... but i think the best approach to real time was on ff 12


I think the only one that really had a turn-based battle system was Final Fantasy X... the other ones were active time bar based where you had to wait for the bar to get filled to do something, not wait for your turn.

Well, whatever... I think that nowadays, I'd probably prefer an action JRPG like Final Fantasy XV over a turn based one... if it's done well and isn't repetitive, that is. But that doesn't mean I don't like turn based ones anymore. The last "turn-based" one I really enjoyed was FFXII but I played it "wrong" (didn't use the gambits and did everything manually because I wanted to control everything my characters did :P)

I wish FFXV was a launch game :S

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P

As long as the game is good I don't really have a preference but I do want some variety. I remember when I started playing action RPGs and all I could think was 'why can't all RPGs be like this.' Now that most of them are like that or like western style RPGs all I think is 'man, they don't make enough turn based RPGs anymore.'

I can't pinpoint my reasoning for why I like turn based RPGs so much but I know I have played Final Fantasy 4 and 6 and Chrono Trigger more times than any other games (not because they have been out the longest either).

Most of all though, I hate that they are taking away world maps. I miss those.

Some good points.

Imo people are overestimating the strategic factore in turn-based battle systems. most of the time the player would just use the most powerful attack available. However, there is no reason not to merge that into an action RPG, you get a dynamic battle system in addition to the command list which cam be used to plan your next moves.

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I like both turn-based and real-time/action types of role-playing games. As a long-time fan of the Final Fantasy series, I've personally tried to stay open-minded for each entry in the series, and for the most part, I have enjoyed each entry that I've played.

I actually really enjoyed the battle system in Final Fantasy XIII, with perhaps my only criticism being that it was too easy for most encounters. I thought the battle system really shined during the hard encounters (i.e., trying to obtain 5 stars on many of the later missions), which encouraged the player to manage their paradigms well and understanding to switch roles effectively.

I also enjoyed the battle system in Final Fantasy XII. In particular, I enjoyed setting up gambits prior to difficult encounters and seeing how well my setups worked.

Overall, the gameplay of the Final Fantasy series has never really disappointed me, even the later titles (XIII is probably my current favorite in terms of gameplay). What I do feel the series has lost in the more recent titles is that sort of "whimsical" feel. The last few titles got more serious and melodramatic in tone, and a part of what I've enjoyed about Final Fantasy were the sillier moments, like Cloud searching for items to cross dress for Don Corneo, the hilarious Active Time Events in IX, and so on.

Back on topic, I'll definitely try to keep an open mind when I play XV, not that it would be difficult to do, since I enjoy a variety of different types of gameplay. I just wish the series went back towards more of the whimsical tone it had in the earlier games. Final Fantasy XV seems like it will continue the more serious and melodramatic approach, so I won't expect it there, but I'm hoping XVI brings back the series to its more fantasy and comical roots.

I don't like turn based as much (except Pokemon). Usually because it requires more strategic thinking, and I'm too impatient for that and I get myself killed.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

arcelonious said:

What I do feel the series has lost in the more recent titles is that sort of "whimsical" feel. The last few titles got more serious and melodramatic in tone, and a part of what I've enjoyed about Final Fantasy were the sillier moments, like Cloud searching for items to cross dress for Don Corneo, the hilarious Active Time Events in IX, and so on.

The comedy of the FF series has been lacking of late... I doubt a character like Steiner would ever exist in modern games. Sad really.


I like turn based combat, with ATB FF was great. Even FFX's interpretation was good. There are many things that make FF based on tradition. XII and XIII removed a lot of tradition which I wasn't too fond of. ATB is still there at it's heart even if it was contained differently. Turn based allows for strategic gameplay there and then, XIII was too fast, XII allowed you to activate every beneficial status before a fight even happened, every previous FF game you started as a clean slate and had to work out the best way to win.

Hmm, pie.

BTW anyone have idea about the open world type in FF XV? Will it have loading screen like witcher 2 or true open world like red dead redemption? Thnx.

Lost odyssey has the best turn based battle system and I think it can make battles more fun and challenging overall . Real time battle systems can also be fun , but I lose the challenge aspect with it .