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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Would you be a prostitute if you had kids to support and had no money?

I would be a prostitute, even without the kids and the lack of money.

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"Would you be a prostitute if you had kids to support and had no money?"

No, i don't think that is what makes you a prostitute, you would have to take money for sexual services to be one.

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

I would abort. Now if by some twist of fate i would find myself in that position (inevitable) i would find other ways to make money, there's lot of work to be done, but ultimately as a last resource, yes i would.

Well in Aus people get money indefinitely not to work, granted it isn't much but they seem to enjoy a jobless life.



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iBlah said:

I would, but I'll murder my clients and take their stuff, us prostitutes have had enough of serial killers' crap, it's time to strike back.

tekken 7...


aileen wuornos vs jack the ripper....


they should legalize prostitution along with drugs for recreational use

thranx said:
they should legalize prostitution along with drugs for recreational use

yep yep!


Also i dont need taking care of kids as a reason to whore myself out.... lol   i kid..... or do i? 


Just go into Walmart and tell the manager you want to be hired. Walmart will accept anyone, so they'll snap you up in an instant just like a prostitute on a busy week-day night.
(Or like one on OBT. Except you'll only get that reference if you live in Florida, which I suspect none of you do...)