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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I would buy SSBB at full price just for the SSE game!!!!

Seriously, Nintendo could of been greedy here and made a second game out of this.  The footage for the SSE on GameTrailers simply blows me away. 

I am without question going to play the SSE missions first, period!

My only problem at this point is struggling with the question of should I continue to watch footage of this game on GT, or wait and be surprised when we finally get the game?


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If you don't watch the spoilers, the "blown away" factor will double

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Jetlogs said:
If you don't watch the spoilers, the "blown away" factor will double

Well put; I will try to resist temptation.  March 9th can't get her soon enough.

Im not watching any of the cutscenes. I just know everything else >.

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Yeah I pretty want to know everything about brawl except for the storyline and cutscenes

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You would be a fool not to play the Brawl mode! But I understand, this game is worth double! Every bit of the dvd is crammed with goodness, they even needed an extra layer to fit all the goodness on one disk

I've already watched all the cutscenes...I'm terrible.

But I'll love the game just the same.

And yes...they are awesome.

They are, IN FACT, better than you could imagine. 

And yeah, Brawl's a dual-layer disc...there's a whole GB of music...that's about 290 FULL songs, they're each a few minutes long usually.  Then like 30 or so victory flourishes for when you win a match.

And there's 4.5 GB of video for the SSE cutscenes.  Truly epic.  The rest is the GAME of course hehe.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

You need don´t see the spoilers, is better you discover the secrets.

IGN has said it's dissapointing.

However, as IGN is a bunch of fanboys some of which know very little about actual videogames, I tend to disbelieve that I couldn't find this mode as one of the greatest additions to the game.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


IGN also only played 30% of the SSE mode, fact.

It was Bozon, who can be kind of a whiner, and the other ones there who were apparently stupid. They talked about how they didn't wavedash because it was lame like snaking in Mario Kart...which doesn't really make sense...wavedashing is a hard, advanced move that they likely didn't know anyway, plus IT'S NOT EVEN IN I pretty much gave up on IGN there. They're clearly thick.

And no, this isn't just me getting pissed because they talked my precious Brawl down (ok a little), but it's clear by this and a couple other Brawl articles that they don't know as much as you think they do, and they clearly did not play the Japanese Brawl for very long, as they came away with little of importance to say.  Just searching for criticism and bashing the game for no reason...not even mentioning the myriad of amazing additions this game has.

Their reviews might be fair in the end, but it's clear they're not following Brawl close enough, and it's clear they don't give a sh*t about its fans.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )