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Bobby Kotick is a greedy prick. (there is another word I want to say, but I don't want to get banned)

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IamAwsome said:
Bobby Kotick is a greedy prick. (there is another word I want to say, but I don't want to get banned)

I think that is something we can all agree on 

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

Elder Scrolls is the most overrated franchise in gaming, bar none.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


adriane23 said:
Kantor said:
adriane23 said:

There is no such thing as a good retail game that was only made for the PC.

I strongly disagree with most of the things you said, but those are just opinions. This is just not true.

StarCraft II, The Witcher, Civilization V and plenty of others.

The whole genre of RTS sucks (add that to another one of my opinions) in my opinion, so that rules out Starcraft.

You had to go all the way back to 2007 for The Witcher, but I'll give you that one.

There really isn't anything else though, I'm afraid. 99.999998% of great games are either multiplate or console exclusive.

Well since there's no particular timelimit set for how old a the games have to be, there I'll say Baldur's Gate series, Icewindale series, and Neverwinter Nights 1, and IMO NWN 2 was good as well. And since "good" is you're benchmark I'll have to say that you're hard pressed to say those aren't at least good games even if you think they're not great.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Nevermind. Can't be arsed to start a debate over something so petty and ridiculous.

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Kantor said:
adriane23 said:
Kantor said:
adriane23 said:

There is no such thing as a good retail game that was only made for the PC.

I strongly disagree with most of the things you said, but those are just opinions. This is just not true.

StarCraft II, The Witcher, Civilization V and plenty of others.

The whole genre of RTS sucks (add that to another one of my opinions) in my opinion, so that rules out Starcraft.

You had to go all the way back to 2007 for The Witcher, but I'll give you that one.

There really isn't anything else though, I'm afraid. 99.999998% of great games are either multiplate or console exclusive.

I'm sure there are several exclusives on that list, but I will grant you that there are more great games made nowadays that are not on PC than that are only on PC. But the large majority of (CURRENT) great games are on both PC and consoles.

Fixed. I can definitely agree to that though.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


KungKras said:
artur-fernand said:
KungKras said:

I think Nintendo and Sega, and perhaps similar gaming-focused companies should make consoles.

You honestly think we would be better if Sony and Microsoft never entered the gaming industry? So in the 5th gen, without the PS1, games would still be using cartridges and would be severely limited - no MGS and FFVII-IX, to name a few. We would not see a new AAA 1st party new IP in 20 years, Nintendo and Sega would both keep using the same ips forever - like Nintendo already does anyway.

I cannot possibly understand why you think that would be better. Also, the Wii U from the "gaming-focused" Nintendo has less scheduled releases than PS4 and One.

Sony did not contribute CD's to gaming. In fact, Saturn did it first.

Sony did not contribute the third party games on PS1 to gaming. Third parties did. And they would have put those games on other platforms if there was no PS1. 

Yes, gaming would be much better off without them. You fail to see, that the end goal of companies like MS and Sony is the Xbone. Sony might have opted out of that path now to get a tactical lead over MS, but make no mistake. What Sony contributed to gaming, is the industry mindset and path, that will ultimately lead to consoles being Xbones.

EDIT: Sega made new first party IP all the time. Stop your revisionism.

You're wrong here. If anything, Steam and the inherent functionalities of the internet and its always increasing prevalence in current society is responsible for what the XBO's original vision was. 

But I know you still blame Sony for Sega's demise, so there's really no point in arguing this with you.

- I absolutely loved ME3's original ending.
- Almost every indie game I've ever played really sucks. The only game I can think of that doesn't is Minecraft.
- I really Like FFXIII...still haven't beaten it, but I like it nonetheless.
- Most tablet/phone games bore me beyond belief.
- Halo 1 (aside from the pretty good story) sucks...nostalgia got me hard on that one.
- I don't like playing co-op with people in most games, it makes the game feel like a chore.
- I hate overly difficult games.
- 9.9 times out of 10 I vastly prefer a controller to a keyboard and mouse.
- I didn't like Starcraft at all.

I've said a few of these before but here goes.

Final Fantasy VII is the most overrated game in the history of gaming.

The game featured a poor story and characters, scaled back the party size to 3, virtually eliminated party individuality via the material system, and had one the best examples of an all flash no substance "antagonist." When you get down to it that character, Sephiroth,  isn't even the true antagonist. Hojo is. Don't get me started on Tifa, she knew Cloud wasn't telling the truth from the beginning. Yet, she doesn't tell Barrett. She puts Avalanche at risk for a lying guy she barely noticed growing up. I could literally rant about this game for hours. I have done so in the past.  If I wasn't a huge Square fanboy at the time, I don't think I could have made it through that game.

Bethesda Games are boring

I admit that I really like Elder Scrolls Morrowind, but out side of that. Bethesda games have bored me to death. Oblivion was a prettier more restrictive version of Morrowind. I haven't been able to make myself trudge threw Fallout 3. I can't put my finger on it, but there games are missing that special something that makes you want to keep going. Plus they are buggy as hell too boot. Only paper they seem like game I'd enjoy it's why I've tried to give several of their games a chance but despite the vastness of their game worlds. Their games are just plain boring.

Hideo Kojima is overrated

I know I'm going to get lambasted for saying this but Kojima is overrated. I mean what happened to the guy that made Snatcher? The original MGS was and still is exceptional but that series has gone off the rails since. MGS2's story was down right silly. MGS4's was even worse. Was there a situation in MGS4 that wasn't explained by "nanomachines"? I swear Kojima just treated it like some sort of plot hole cure all. Also Snake having anything to do with Naomi after what she did to him is unbelieveable.

Hynad said:

You're wrong here. If anything, Steam and the inherent functionalities of the internet and its always increasing prevalence in current society is responsible for what the XBO's original vision was. 

But I know you still blame Sony for Sega's demise, so there's really no point in arguing this with you.

If you don't want do argue with me because I'm right, then I won't argue with you either.