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I've said a few of these before but here goes.

Final Fantasy VII is the most overrated game in the history of gaming.

The game featured a poor story and characters, scaled back the party size to 3, virtually eliminated party individuality via the material system, and had one the best examples of an all flash no substance "antagonist." When you get down to it that character, Sephiroth,  isn't even the true antagonist. Hojo is. Don't get me started on Tifa, she knew Cloud wasn't telling the truth from the beginning. Yet, she doesn't tell Barrett. She puts Avalanche at risk for a lying guy she barely noticed growing up. I could literally rant about this game for hours. I have done so in the past.  If I wasn't a huge Square fanboy at the time, I don't think I could have made it through that game.

Bethesda Games are boring

I admit that I really like Elder Scrolls Morrowind, but out side of that. Bethesda games have bored me to death. Oblivion was a prettier more restrictive version of Morrowind. I haven't been able to make myself trudge threw Fallout 3. I can't put my finger on it, but there games are missing that special something that makes you want to keep going. Plus they are buggy as hell too boot. Only paper they seem like game I'd enjoy it's why I've tried to give several of their games a chance but despite the vastness of their game worlds. Their games are just plain boring.

Hideo Kojima is overrated

I know I'm going to get lambasted for saying this but Kojima is overrated. I mean what happened to the guy that made Snatcher? The original MGS was and still is exceptional but that series has gone off the rails since. MGS2's story was down right silly. MGS4's was even worse. Was there a situation in MGS4 that wasn't explained by "nanomachines"? I swear Kojima just treated it like some sort of plot hole cure all. Also Snake having anything to do with Naomi after what she did to him is unbelieveable.