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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Edge magazine goes CRAZY- "ps4 is your next console", "One; titanic failures"

MoHasanie said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
MoHasanie said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
MoHasanie said:
Wow, looks like Sony paid them lots of $$$ to write that.

Are you serious?

Yeah. The article doesn't even consider the WiiU. So they must have bribed them to write it, or its written by some fanboy. Oh well, its not like MS doesn't bribe loads of people to say good things about them. 

Dude the Wii U is already out. Look at its sales. Its showing that people with current gen or are ready to buy current gen consoles are not differentiating the Wii U from the current gen. have you seen the Wii U's sales this week? The PS3 and 360 are beating it by multiples with Sony being in the lead over 100K. 

By the next gen consoles launch (as in tech) people will marvel at it and specifically in America they will look at the price and say, "Why is the Wii U fifty dollars cheaper than the PS4? on one of the models?" Nintendo really needed a true mario game this year with Mario Kart to boot. Sure those games are not going to give it Wii-like sales but what also hurts is the third party.

EDGE is an exceptionally truthful magazine that states when they like or dislike something.  Has some of the best articles and the cleanest photos of games you'll come by which is why its so expensive compared to the competition. Obviously this issue is reacting to the early part of this month before the DRM was removed a week later when MS said "we can't just remove it".

Yeah but its not hard to beleive that a magazine that's most likely struggling to sell would take money from Sony. Why would a truthful magazine say "the only option right now is PS4"? Why aren't the looking at the postives of the Xbox One like its exclusives? 

Also we don't know if the WiiU will take a price cut during the holidays. That could help sales. 

I'll say it again..Edge is a very upfront magazine. They call it like they see it and they've beat down on even some Sony exclusives that I thought were great even though the scores werent bad. They are tough critics but necessary in the gaming industry. They must exist.

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Finally, a magazine that goes realistic and not "optimistic" about the xbox one.

slowmo said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Do you know what steam rolling is? Its  slow press and thats essentially what Sony did year after year until the 10 million console gap was decimated. Sony had outsold Microsofts launch numbers from the very beginning but being that Microsoft cut their marketshare in half MS games were being supported just as well if not better than Sony in the beginning.


steam•roll•er (ˈstimˌroʊ lər)


1. a heavy steam-powered vehicle having a roller for crushing, compacting, or leveling materials used for a road or the like.
2. (not in technical use) any similar vehicle with a roller.
3. an overpowering force, esp. a ruthless one.


4. to crush or flatten with a steamroller.
5. to overcome with superior force.
6. to bring about the adoption of by overwhelming pressure: to steamroller the resolution through.


7. to proceed with implacable force.


8. ruthlessly overpowering.



Yes I do know what it means and you chose poorly in your definition. perhaps I used the wrong word. This changes nothing about the main point though. Consider focusing on the definition a victory I guess.

That shit cray

Black Women Are The Most Beautiful Women On The Planet.

"In video game terms, RPGs are games that involve a form of separate battles taking place with a specialized battle system and the use of a system that increases your power through a form of points.

Sure, what you say is the definition, but the connotation of RPGs is what they are in video games." - dtewi

oh you, EDGE. Thanks for making my decision even easier.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
slowmo said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Do you know what steam rolling is? Its  slow press and thats essentially what Sony did year after year until the 10 million console gap was decimated. Sony had outsold Microsofts launch numbers from the very beginning but being that Microsoft cut their marketshare in half MS games were being supported just as well if not better than Sony in the beginning.


steam•roll•er (ˈstimˌroʊ lər)


1. a heavy steam-powered vehicle having a roller for crushing, compacting, or leveling materials used for a road or the like.
2. (not in technical use) any similar vehicle with a roller.
3. an overpowering force, esp. a ruthless one.


4. to crush or flatten with a steamroller.
5. to overcome with superior force.
6. to bring about the adoption of by overwhelming pressure: to steamroller the resolution through.


7. to proceed with implacable force.


8. ruthlessly overpowering.



Yes I do know what it means and you chose poorly in your definition. perhaps I used the wrong word. This changes nothing about the main point though. Consider focusing on the definition a victory I guess.

It was a crap day at work yesterday so I was being a bit pedantic to be honest.  I picked up on the word because had it been that case then it would have reinforced your argument, so the definition was important to highlight your argument wasn't as strong as you originally stated.  I doubt I'll ever change your mind on anything so it's hardly a victory.

The Fury said:
slowmo said:
MikeRox said:
Printing opinions is fine. But picking a side like that without even having final hardware and finished software for either format seems a bit premature for such definitive headlines.

It'll be funny hearing them backtracking in future if they were wrong though lol

Back track from what saying 'right now' the only option is PS4... right now. In 4 months times, the situation can change. Then if they change their mind you intend of ridiculing them instead of thanking them for supporting the Xbone?

I think the entire point is they're professional journalists writing a headline to get attention, if they get it wrong then yes they should be ridiculed.  Journalists should ALWAYS be held accountable for what they write.  Of course it could be they write a retraction article later down the line if things went different in which case I would review my attitude and reaction towards them. 

Now I'm totally buying xbox one, Still, well nothing is changing. Nice for edge, Next month MS's check will clear and it will be.

Xbox one, the turn around of the century. LOL

slowmo said:

I think the entire point is they're professional journalists writing a headline to get attention, if they get it wrong then yes they should be ridiculed.  Journalists should ALWAYS be held accountable for what they write.  Of course it could be they write a retraction article later down the line if things went different in which case I would review my attitude and reaction towards them. 

No bloody kidding. You'd think that's what journalist did or something.

Why do they need to write a retraction? Did they make up horrible hurtful things about Don Mattick's family so they have to apologise? They are going to be pointing out their decision by analytical journalism, which isn't really something that can be retracted as they've got nothing to retract. It's opinion based on known facts.


Hmm, pie.

The Fury said:
slowmo said:

I think the entire point is they're professional journalists writing a headline to get attention, if they get it wrong then yes they should be ridiculed.  Journalists should ALWAYS be held accountable for what they write.  Of course it could be they write a retraction article later down the line if things went different in which case I would review my attitude and reaction towards them. 

No bloody kidding. You'd think that's what journalist did or something.

Why do they need to write a retraction? Did they make up horrible hurtful things about Don Mattick's family so they have to apologise? They are going to be pointing out their decision by analytical journalism, which isn't really something that can be retracted as they've got nothing to retract. It's opinion based on known facts.


Why do you feel you need to defend them so much, do you have shares in Edge or Sony?