that g sync monitor is pretty neat.
That Nvidia G-Sync would be great... if it were open. But no, they had to go with the propietary tech again.
Just because of that, and because there are a lot of other things to consider when you buy a monitor (size, panel, resolution, etc), this thing won't take off.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.
JEMC said: That Nvidia G-Sync would be great... if it were open. But no, they had to go with the propietary tech again. Just because of that, and because there are a lot of other things to consider when you buy a monitor (size, panel, resolution, etc), this thing won't take off. |
Well even if it was open I think it would still remain a niche feature. Still an open version of this feature shouldn't be too hard to impliment if it takes off.
@TheVoxelman on twitter
Alien: Isolation trademark filed by Twentieth Century Fox
The Aliens game franchise hasn’t done terribly well of late, following the shambles that was Aliens: Colonial Marines. Yet it’s too lucrative a license to be abandoned, and now a trademark filed by Twentieth Century Fox suggests that we’ll be returning to the Alien universe at some point in the near-future. Is Alien: Isolation the long-awaited Creative Assembly project?
Rhianna Pratchett, writer on Mirror’s Edge and Tomb Raider, has admitted that she and her father Terry Pratchett would be interested in making another Discworld game, but only if the right pitch comes along. And they’ve had several that just haven’t been right.
Mojang’s collectible card game Scrolls could end up going to free-to-play if sales don’t pick up soon. The game has been in paid beta since June, where it quickly racked up 100,000 sales. However since July it has only managed 10,000 sales, with around three or four thousand players a day.
Amplitude Studios’ sci-fi strategy game Endless Space is getting a free major update in November. The Search for Auriga follows 4 post-launch free add-ons, and promises a great deal of new content. “‘The Search for Auriga’ will include new heroes, a special wonder, a unique planet, in addition to new features such as Rally Points as well as AI and balancing improvements,” reads Amplitude’s development blog.
Everyone loves Windows 8. So it comes as a real shock that the newly released Windows 8.1 is causing issues with mouse lag and cursor jumping in some PC games. Games said to be affected are Deus Ex: Human Revolution, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, Metro 2033, and Call of Duty games.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine fell foul of scheduling conflicts and THQ’s bankruptcy before two further parts in the intended trilogy could be developed, meaning players never got to find out what befell Captain Titus. Now there’s no need to use your imagination, as director Raphael van Lierop has discussed where he planned to take the story.
The sequel to Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol is coming very soon, as 2K and Firaxis Games have announced Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies for Windows PC, iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. It’s set during the First World War and, as the name suggests, enters you into aerial battles over the Pacific Ocean.
Battlefield 4 is out in just over a week and you will be able to download the game on PC 24 hours prior to its launch.
Square Enix and Psyonix have confirmed that European and North American players are now eligible to participate in the Nosgoth closed alpha. They’ve released some in-game screenshots to mark the occasion.
“Outnumbered and outgunned, but not outmatched,” is the tagline of this new gameplay launch trailer for Call of Duty: Ghosts, which lands on November 5 for PC, PlayStation 3, Wii U and Xbox 360, before heading to PS4 and Xbox One when the new consoles launch later in the month. It’s full of explosions, which is just how we and the franchise’s seventy bazillion fans like it.
Following a teasing announce last week, Slender: The Arrival’s Steam release has been officially announced with details of the new content and features coming later this month.
As we suspected when an Alien: Isolation trademark turned up overnight, it looks like the Creative Assembly’s Aliens project is finally coming to light.
Respawn’s new shooter has produced a gorgeous new screenshot ahead of some sort of new reveal tomorrow.
Monaco: What’s Yours is Mine has been updated with a pile of new, free content – and it’s also on sale.
Crytek announced today that its new online shooter, Warface, is now live and playable for free in North America, Europe and Turkey on GFACE. Players can gain instant access to the game by signing up at its official website. Continue reading
Deep Silver and Egosoft have released a new trailer for X Rebirth that focuses on the game’s space firefights. X Rebirth promises to feature action-packed combat in space, a realistic trading system, and a multitude of opportunities to make exciting discoveries. The game is scheduled for an November 15th release on the PC. Enjoy! Continue reading
InXile are about to put your money where its mouth is and let backers of Wasteland 2 try the game in its beta form. It will be the first time backers have had a chance to see what their $3 million were spent on.
They’ve “distributed standalone copies of the Early Beta to a small group of external individuals as a test run. This is the final stage where we ensure it is up to our standards and runs on a variety of machines, and we’ll then be ready to get it to you.”
Dark Matter’s developer, Interwave Studios, has admitted the game they put up for sale on Steam last week isn’t complete “due to time and money”. Instead of releasing the complete story the developer and publisher decided to release an episode of the game. They didn't mention this in the game's title or description and players are asking for refunds.
The publisher has admitted that "at present, the end of the game may cause confusion and is not satisfactory", and that"it is not of the standard we would expect." Considering it abruptly ends the game with a black screen of text you can understand why.
With bonfire night on the way, Blizzard are hoping to reduce the risk of accidents around the StarCraft home. They’re reducing the damage of sentinel missiles after reports that they were plowing Protoss and Zerg into tiny pieces. Of course, such accidents can really ruin a BBQ.
The beta patch also makes changes to the Protoss Oracle.
The announcement of GTA Online was a relief for those of us who still insisted on holding a candle for All Points Bulletin, the MMO gang-shooter that wasn’t functional enough to keep its developers running for a month after its release. GTA Online meant we could pin our hopes a game that seemed capable of fulfilling its promise of open-world naughtiness, and not APB.
Not such a relief for GamersFirst, the company who bought APB after Realtime Worlds’ demise and set about re-kitting it as a free-to-play Steam offering. They had a rough month in September - though as it turns out, not as rough as you might think.
These days, DICE epitomise the multiplatform developer, attending to four or five variously sized plates in such a way that they’re all spinning at about the same rate. But Battlefield was once exclusively a PC shooter, and the PC remained by some margin the best place to play it until 2008 and Bad Company came along.
So executive producer Patrich Bach cares about the PC. He cares about its play for the living room in SteamOS - but worries there’s a balance to strike between ease of use and the hardware customisation we’ve all come to enjoy.
@TheVoxelman on twitter
Wreden explained in a postmortem that he owes much of its success to its bizarre marketing campaign that showed nothing of the final game. "We released five trailers over the course of the game's development, and not one of them contains any substantial actual footage of the game," he said. "If you make the marketing material interesting on its own, it's irrelevant whether it 'sells' your game. Our focus was always on creating content that was on its own fun for people to experience and to be a part of, with essentially zero per cent of the design aimed at trying to get the game to sell."
By Eugene . October 21, 2013 . 1:02pm
While Ikaruga is pretty much ready to go—complete with mouse and keyboard support!—it still needs to be run through bug testing and be integrated with Steam alongside some other, minor adjustments.
Major League Gaming’s Fall Invitational took place this weekend with $30,000 in grand prizes on the table, and resulted in big wins for popular teams Dignitas and Complexity.
The latest trailer for The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot shows off a new addition to the in-beta free-to-play title – customisation. When the latest update drops later today, players will be able to customise their characters with headgear, as well as spruce up their dungeons with castle themes. The update also adds side effects on rare loot, shield deactivation, more than 20 new castle rooms and more. The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot has players building castles and raiding each other’s creations. You can sign up to check it out on its website.
@TheVoxelman on twitter
XCOM: Enemy Within developer Firaxis is going to make your life pretty difficult, thanks to the new EXALT faction. Their goal is to make XCOM’s attempts to calm down the population and drive back the alien menace something of a struggle.
Eve Valkyrie is just one new evolution developer CCP Games is bringing to the online world of Tranquility. VG247′s Dave Cook speaks with company CEO Hilmar Petursson to learn more about the future of Eve Online.
Titanfall producer Drew McCoy feels that the stagnation of new ideas in the games industry, and hype surrounding the shooter has placed pressure on Respawn Entertainment to produce something that captures everyone’s attention once more. “This has to be perfect,” he has said.
Dark Matter has been pulled from Steam due to outrage over the game’s abrupt ending and incomplete status. Online retailer GOG has also begun issuing refunds to gamers who bought the indie title before October 21.
@TheVoxelman on twitter
“We scale everything for the super high resolutions that will be the basis of tomorrow’s gaming experience; our assets are designed with high polycounts instead of having details baked into their textures,” write Roberts Space Industries in the blurb to their new trailer.
It sounds like a lot of marketing speak but they claim the video is “rendered 100% in-engine in real time at 4k resolution.” If that’s true and the graphics cards of the next few years can play a game looking this good then we’re in for a treat.
Titanfall finally has a release date and, in the grand scheme of things, it’s close. Just six months away. To tide us over till then Respawn have released five minutes of the game in action.
It’s showing the level I went hands on with at Gamescom and I can tell you that it’s pretty accurate to my experience of the game (read: just as awesome to play as it looks).
Minecraft’s last major update was released back in June. Considering it added horses, you could fairly argue that the updates changed the face of Minecraft irrevocably for the better. Yet it’s update 7 that Mojang are subtitling The Update that Changed the World.
As it doubles the amount of biomes in the game, adds stained glass (which I think is up there with horses), and has a completely rewritten network code, you can tell why.
Weddings can be stressful days at the best of times. Joining two families and sets of friends together is never going to be an easy thing, especially if you’re an octopus.
Developer Young Horses have released footage of an octopus’ wedding just so you never need to go through the same harrowing experience.
After DDoS attacks threatened to sink Cube World’s alpha back in early July, creator Wollay went dark. No tweaks, no blog posts, no nothing but a persistent, itching worry that all might not be well with one of the most promising sandbox games in all indiedom.
Turns out he was behind the sofa all along, coding away. Phew! But don’t expect a flurry of blog posts anytime soon.
Whatever game you think of when you imagine the wonderful VR future we’ve all been hurtling towards since Oculus announced their headset, it’s wrong. Cast it from your mind, and replace it with this: the 1:1 simulation of driving a truck from one point in Europe to another.
World of Warcraft players know that there are friends, and then there are same-level friends. You tend to see the latter far more often, because playing in lower-level areas involves nothing less than sucking the challenge out of the game and firing it into the sun.
With any luck, though, that’s to become a social problem of the past. One level 90 player has stumbled across something that could be a bug - but just might be the first inkling of a level-scaling feature.
In The Elder Scrolls Online, all of Tamriel is open to you. Even the bit they called Elsweyr, that Bethesda have been avoiding for decades out of embarrassment. Oblivion’s green plane Cyrodiil is there too, of course, but you might have a harder time traversing it than some of the rockier parts around the coasts. The reason? In ESO, Cyrodiil is a war zone - a no-man’s-land for the game’s undying PvP. Here’s how that’s going to work.
The Sims 4 will be shipping in autumn 2014 worldwide, Maxis and EA have announced. It was originally slated for release in March 2014.
Borderlands 2′s first Headhunter add-on series, TK Baha’s Bloody Harvest, is available beginning today via digital download across Mac, PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 worldwide for $2.99. TK Baha’s Bloody Harvest is a demented, pumpkin-filled adventure for both single and multiplayer. Check out the blog post on it here, if you haven’t already, and check back in a couple minutes for some new screenshots.
Total War: Rome 2′s Nomadic Tribes Culture Pack DLC will be available for free for the first week of availability, The Creative assembly has announced.
Razer’s Min-Liang Tan is used to being laughed at and described as crazy, but in his chat with VG247 the CEO explained the company’s constant commitment to doing what it wants to – not what seems most sensible.
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z has a new, 30-second video available showing the bloody sword game with zombies from Team Ninja’s Yosuke Hayashi and Comcept’s Keiji Inafune. The game takes place in a world where ninja meets undead warriors and features cybernetic weapons. The game is slated for release in early 2014 on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.
Epic Games has released a new video as part of its “Inside Unreal” series, which shares what’s happening under the hood of Unreal Engine 4. Below in part one, have a look at the video effects inside the Infiltrator Demo become verses on how GPU particle simulation and collision, dynamic particle lights and other VFX are used to “ground the world and add richness to the environment.” The real-time demonstration is narrated by senior visual effects artist Tim Elek and senior technical writer Zak Parrish.
The Sims 3: Into the Future Expansion Pack is now available across North America on PC and Mac through Origin. Into the Future contains the Ceate-A-Plumbot feature allowing you to customize unique Plumbots with traits of their very own and the ability to affect the outcome of the future based off the Sim’s present day action. Into the Future releases in the UK, Friday, Into the Future is out October 25.
Guild Wars 2′s next Halloween update will go live next week and its called Tower of Nightmares. As it sounds, the event revolves around a tower in the Kessex Hills where the krait have been working “tirelessly on a terror unlike anything seen before in Tyria.” Marjory Delaqua and Kasmeer Meade are investigating the magic curtain that’s cloaking part of Viathan Lake, and they need your help to find out what secrets lie behind the veil. Sounds fun. A video and screenshots are below. The event launches on October 29.
Former Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello feels that console and PC games need to have variable pricing like mobile games, because asking customer to pay $60 is “a giant F-U to a very large number of people.”
Vanguard Princess, an indie fighter from ex-Capcom staffer Tomoaki “Suge9″ Sugeno, wants your Steam Greenlight vote.
A free title update for indie adventure Gone Home adds an hour and a half of extra audio content.
Sanctum 2′s third DLC pack drops this week, bringing more perks, towers and weapon upgrades to Coffee Stain Studios’ first-person strategy effort.
Indie shooter Primal Carnage now has several new free and premium content.
By Jim Rossignol on October 22nd, 2013 at 5:00 pm.
Cornerstone: The Song Of Tyrim, which is being pitched by its devs as looking like Zelda but playing more like Dark Souls, has a demo out, so you can judge that particular blend of look and genre for yourself. Unfortunately, the demo crashed out for those of us from RPS who tried it, which seemed like a shame, because the game is filled the very brim with hot promise, as you can see in gameplay videos below.
Also, take a look at their pitch video, because it seems like it would be a shame if it didn’t hit its relatively low target.
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By Nathan Grayson on October 22nd, 2013 at 12:00 pm.
Regrettably, I must confess that I had forgotten all about Toren. It’s been wandering around the shadowy halls of gaming’s collective consciousness for more than a year, but it hasn’t made much noise since it was first announced. But wow, it’s definitely got the tools to leave an impression. The hauntingly solitary vibe and environments that breathe beautiful mystery make me think of a more colorful Ico, but it’s also quite obviously it’s own animal. Most interestingly, the puzzle adventure is built around an epic poem, so uh, take that, Child of Light. Toren was doing it before it was cool. Absolutely enchanting trailer below.
By Graham Smith on October 21st, 2013 at 9:00 pm.
Nuclear Throne is an “action roguelike-like”: a top-down shooter with permadeath, set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland and starring a cast of mutants who need to hoover up radiation to gain in power. It’s fast, frantic, and made by Vlambeer, the two-man indie development studio behind similarly compulsive shooters Super Crate Box and LUFTRAUSER.
Nuclear Throne (formerly Wasteland Kings) is currently available in Steam Early Access, and like those other games, it already feels great. “Feel” is a poisonous word in games criticism though, and I was unsatisfied with the normal language used to describe games like this: “meaty”, “weighty” and “crunchy” only gets us so far.
I wrote to Vlambeer game designer Jan Willem Nijman about how you make pixels bullets feel powerful, and about finding a better language to talk about videogames. He was gracious enough to do the hard work of explaining why Nuclear Throne feels great for me.
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By Craig Pearson on October 21st, 2013 at 6:00 pm.
I’m going to go all hipster and say how I knew about Scale before it was cool, but I’m only doing that so you know how long I’ve been waiting for Steve Swink’s brilliant looking puzzler about resizing things. I’d say it’s been about a year, so I’m really glad the Kickstarter is here and doing really well. So well, in fact, that Swink has excitedly uploaded a new video of the game to thank everyone for their contributions, and after watching it I came up with three reasons to post it below. Reason number two is that at 6m16s in he does the best impression of an object going “boing-ooing-oing” I’ve ever heard. Reasons numbers one and three are below, along with the video.
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@TheVoxelman on twitter
zarx said:Riccitiello: games need variable pricing because $60 is “a giant F-U to a very large number of people”![]() Former Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello feels that console and PC games need to have variable pricing like mobile games, because asking customer to pay $60 is “a giant F-U to a very large number of people.”
Funny (no, it's not) that he says that now that he's not in charge of EA.
Why didn't he do that when he could? Oh, yes, because it's easier to say BS whn you don't have responsabilities, that's why.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.