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Well, the EU still has to say something about their current anti-adblocking measures. Mind you, it won't change how it operates in other countries, but it could have some effect over here.

Not that I care, I still use Firefox.

Also, and talking about bad things or problems, heads up everyone:

Windows License Deactivates after BIOS or Hardware Upgrade
I had this happen this week myself, Microsoft has a problem with their licensing platform for weeks now already. Users who have previously utilized complimentary license upgrades are encountering difficulties after hardware modifications or BIOS updates. These challenges may manifest as part of the process involving the replacement of hardware components or the updating of system BIOS.

Following the cessation of complimentary Windows 10 and 11 upgrade licenses from previous versions, users are experiencing activation difficulties. The option to upgrade without cost from Windows 7 or 8 was terminated by Microsoft in late September, with the intention of phasing out older operating systems in favor of newer, more secure versions. It is important to note that the free upgrade path's discontinuation does not affect users moving from Windows 10 to Windows 11, assuming compatibility with the newer version's requirements.

Challenges have arisen particularly for individuals who had utilized a product key from Windows 7 or 8 to activate their Windows 10 or 11 systems. Such issues tend to surface after hardware modifications or during BIOS firmware updates, resulting in the deactivation of the system and the associated product key becoming void.

Apparently, MSoft is already looking into it.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Dark days ahead. I'll continue using Firefox

This is them choosing to throw the toys out of the pram.

I really don't care that "ads pay the rent" excuse. We have and do live in a world where ads don't exist (like the forest, the sea, mountains, rural villages, etc), so this notion and expectation that they should be able to shove ads in my face, on a device I paid for an use, is really becoming obnoxious and childish to see from corpos.

Like no, you do not get to be born into this world do expect to shove ads in my face and make up some batshit laws or reasons as to why. If I don't want ads in my face, I will remove them from my fucking face. No one gets to shove ads in my face, there is no sane law that dictates that I have to legally have ads shoved in my face.

Like I'm an ordinary human like everyone else, complete with faults, but like, recent years I've just been seeing people, especially in corpo act like the most unintelligent monkeys on the planet, like really fucking dumb, really arrogant, and the fact we have reached this finite point with Google being this stupid and arrogant, tells me that the world allowed them to go this far.

Shit like this needs to stop. People in charge of these companies need to grow the fuck up and step down. This is a war Google will never hope to win, so why is them some fucktard up there who thinks they are going to be the one to break the net to their whim?. The net isn't something you can control, it's vast and seemingly infinite (compared to the 90's at least), it's not something that can be easily bent over and told what to do.

Like has anyone at Google even seen what 4chan users have been doing over the years, the shit they couldn't hope to control? (and still can't). If they cannot control malicious actors on the net, then they have zero chance of magically removing all anti-ad blockers from the net, even their own browser isn't going to be fool-proof.

This is just stupid to see happen, and it actually feels mildly insulting that there's someone there, running the show and acting like a being that's somehow less intelligent than a god damn monkey. They're either a boomer who's out of touch with the net, or someone who was living under a literal rock this whole time and just discovered what the net is. 

Either way, thank god for bookmark and key transfers, because switching browsers these days has never been more seamless. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

This is just a friendly reminder that Google is able to do this because of Chrome's market share, and nothing else. I'm not sure how this is going to affect other Chromium-based browsers, but I would assume the worst unless confirmed otherwise (probably on a per-browser basis) - and this is exactly why having an alternative to Chromium is so important.

Good morning, guys. Here's a little something for you:


TechPowerUp and iRocks Giveaway: Cutting-Edge Gaming Peripherals Up for Grabs!

There will be 5 winners with the following prizes:

The contest is OPEN TO EVERYONE (over 18, of course) and you have time to join until November, 27th.

Good luck!

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Been playing Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag on Steam the last week or so.

18 hours in.

I'm on Sequence 5.

At first I didnt like the ship mechanics and naval battles but after getting used to the mechanics and upgrading my ship...I ended up loving it lol

In the beginning I was like I'm never gonna touch the water fights and just focus on story....and just the other day I played 5 hours straight of just destroying British and Spanish ships - and conquering the fortresses lol

Anyways, putting a hold on this because I started on Super Mario RPG on Switch - gonna finish that first and then get back into Assassins Creed IV - after that I'll resume Final Fantasy VI.

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^I don't know how you can get back to a game relatively soon after taking a longer break. Once I take a longer break from a game, it'll be on a hiatus indefinitely until the inspiration to play the game again hits me. There's almost no way I'm playing a game, then decide to play another game instead, and then get back to the first game. It just doesn't happen, although it would be really great if it did.

Zkuq said:

^I don't know how you can get back to a game relatively soon after taking a longer break. Once I take a longer break from a game, it'll be on a hiatus indefinitely until the inspiration to play the game again hits me. There's almost no way I'm playing a game, then decide to play another game instead, and then get back to the first game. It just doesn't happen, although it would be really great if it did.

Its easy for me to do it, cant really explain it lol

I dont think Super Mario RPG will take too long for me to finish - I have a feeling I'll finish it before the end of next week especially since its a 2 day work week for me next week because of the holidays + I took some PTO time off so I can install my new TV and new sound system (and to my move my current TV and its sound system from my media room to my master bedroom).

BasilZero said:
Zkuq said:

^I don't know how you can get back to a game relatively soon after taking a longer break. Once I take a longer break from a game, it'll be on a hiatus indefinitely until the inspiration to play the game again hits me. There's almost no way I'm playing a game, then decide to play another game instead, and then get back to the first game. It just doesn't happen, although it would be really great if it did.

Its easy for me to do it, cant really explain it lol

Yeah, I thought that might be the case for you. Lucky you then!

Zkuq said:

Yeah, I thought that might be the case for you. Lucky you then!

Aside from ACIV Black Flag (which I forgot to add to my other list in the screenshot below) - I track how long it takes me to beat/play a game lol

Smash Bros, Mario Kart and Driveclub are games I play on and off every few weeks/months.

As for Kingdom Hearts - its because it has multiple games, which is why it shows so many years , so it doesnt count technically.