Jizz_Beard_thePirate said: Dark days ahead. I'll continue using Firefox
This is them choosing to throw the toys out of the pram.
I really don't care that "ads pay the rent" excuse. We have and do live in a world where ads don't exist (like the forest, the sea, mountains, rural villages, etc), so this notion and expectation that they should be able to shove ads in my face, on a device I paid for an use, is really becoming obnoxious and childish to see from corpos.
Like no, you do not get to be born into this world do expect to shove ads in my face and make up some batshit laws or reasons as to why. If I don't want ads in my face, I will remove them from my fucking face. No one gets to shove ads in my face, there is no sane law that dictates that I have to legally have ads shoved in my face.
Like I'm an ordinary human like everyone else, complete with faults, but like, recent years I've just been seeing people, especially in corpo act like the most unintelligent monkeys on the planet, like really fucking dumb, really arrogant, and the fact we have reached this finite point with Google being this stupid and arrogant, tells me that the world allowed them to go this far.
Shit like this needs to stop. People in charge of these companies need to grow the fuck up and step down. This is a war Google will never hope to win, so why is them some fucktard up there who thinks they are going to be the one to break the net to their whim?. The net isn't something you can control, it's vast and seemingly infinite (compared to the 90's at least), it's not something that can be easily bent over and told what to do.
Like has anyone at Google even seen what 4chan users have been doing over the years, the shit they couldn't hope to control? (and still can't). If they cannot control malicious actors on the net, then they have zero chance of magically removing all anti-ad blockers from the net, even their own browser isn't going to be fool-proof.
This is just stupid to see happen, and it actually feels mildly insulting that there's someone there, running the show and acting like a being that's somehow less intelligent than a god damn monkey. They're either a boomer who's out of touch with the net, or someone who was living under a literal rock this whole time and just discovered what the net is.
Either way, thank god for bookmark and key transfers, because switching browsers these days has never been more seamless.
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"