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Chazore said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

The fact that I can't take off and land seamlessly is what bothers me than the cutscenes. I would have liked that part to be more like No Mans Sky sort of a deal where you can land and take off by yourself instead of pressing a button and it does it.

That's the one common issue I keep hearing, and especially on Reddit, ppl aren't liking NMS being tossed into the mix, but it's true, people would and do want that seamless entry/exit of each planet, even so much as getting to fly around it's atmosphere.

I can't fault them for wanting that, because that's what games like NMS offer, hell Star Citizen, as incomplete as that game is, does one better than NMS and allows you to fly around the planet, the atmosphere and also do the exist/entry seamlessly, but with more visible detail on the scale of AAA. It's just that one is an indie game with a focus on exploration/building, the other is more of a sim, with handcrafted worlds, and SF is just Fallout 4 in space with cells you need to load in/load out of. 

Considering their veteran status/knowledge and the fact they are their own publisher and studio, as well as being backed by a trillion dollar company, there really shouldn't have been a valid reason why they couldn't do what an indie game funded by users and Sony, as well as a Kickstarter in the millions, could do, that SF seemingly cannot do (unless someone at BGS is wanting to admit their engine might be old enough to have visible limitations, I'm all ears to hear that from Todd any day now). 

Though SF isn't what I'd wanted from BGS, the comparisons I'm seeing between those other two games is actually making me think that maybe it's time I got back into NMS. I hear the game had a recent beefy update with more new ships/space pirates to fight and even capital class ship battles (Star Wars style trench runs apparently), and I do like building bases, so maybe it's time to give it another shot (last time I played it was around 2018).

Yea pretty much. And the other thing is that Bethesdas marketing really gave the impression that it would be a seamless experience. Like traveling to other star systems, fair enough do the fast travel/loading stuff. But taking off, landing, docking, etc is something that you do frequently and it's like, there really should have been a way to make it more seamless.

That isn't to say that NMS is a better game than this because the quests and experiences I have had in Starfield is a lot better than the ones I had in NMS. But if they had the ability some how, even if they restricted to certain areas where it's like, "you can only land in these specific landing sites" but still allowed you to do it, it would have been great. Instead it feels like of like an immersion breaking experience it feels more like the galaxy is an illusion than anything else.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

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Interesting find:

Major programming faults discovered in Starfield's code by VKD3D dev - performance issues are *not* the result of non-upgraded hardware - Good news forproton

Vkd3d (the dx12->vulkan translation layer) developer has put up a change log for a new version that is about to be (released here) and also a pull request with more information about what he discovered about all the awful things that starfield is doing to GPU drivers (here).


  1. Starfield allocates its memory incorrectly where it doesn't align to the CPU page size. If your GPU drivers are not robust against this, your game is going to crash at random times.

  2. Starfield abuses a dx12 feature called ExecuteIndirect
    . One of the things that this wants is some hints from the game so that the graphics driver knows what to expect. Since Starfield sends in bogus hints, the graphics drivers get caught off gaurd trying to process the data and end up making bubbles in the command queue. These bubbles mean the GPU has to stop what it's doing, double check the assumptions it made about the indirect execute and start over again.

  3. Starfield creates multiple `ExecuteIndirect` calls back to back instead of batching them meaning the problem above is compounded multiple times.

What really grinds my gears is the fact that the open source community has figured out and came up with workarounds to try to make this game run better. These workarounds are available to view by the public eye but Bethesda will most likely not care about fixing their broken engine. Instead they double down and claim their game is "optimized" if your hardware is new enough.

pasted the above text for those wanting to read here, if you didn't want to click the reddit link.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Yea pretty much. And the other thing is that Bethesdas marketing really gave the impression that it would be a seamless experience. Like traveling to other star systems, fair enough do the fast travel/loading stuff. But taking off, landing, docking, etc is something that you do frequently and it's like, there really should have been a way to make it more seamless.

That isn't to say that NMS is a better game than this because the quests and experiences I have had in Starfield is a lot better than the ones I had in NMS. But if they had the ability some how, even if they restricted to certain areas where it's like, "you can only land in these specific landing sites" but still allowed you to do it, it would have been great. Instead it feels like of like an immersion breaking experience it feels more like the galaxy is an illusion than anything else.

I'll be honest, that first time we saw the visual demo?, I had a gut feeling the take-off wasn't going to be fully seamless, because I already saw the game struggling within the game's first fire-fight showdown and there was just no way the game was going to handle that and seamless take-offs and play at that fps so fluidly. 

It wasn't until people on twitter started picking apart that gameplay reveal trailer, did some start noticing that the take-off sequence wasn't entirely seamless, but their editing helped cover some of that up (which they shouldn't have done really, because people are finding this out since release and that doesn't baffle me, because not everyone is like you and me or this board, where we look at things under a lens).

NMS's quest system last time I checked was still based on "go here, scan that", but apparently there have been changes made since 2018 and the game is supposed to feature more lore dropped across the stars, on planets, in frigates, neutral space stations, etc, but I'll have to just take the patch notes word for it on that (but it could still be fluff lore I may not care for). I also see NMS as more of a space exploration/building Sim, and not one that's really trying to tell a story at it's core (like all BGS games do, except for F76, which had to make up it's story later on thanks to their fuckup of not adding in a proper story for day 1). 

See my main gripe with UE5's "bigger open worlds" tech demos, is that I know full well that we are going to rely more on self generated content than hand crafted, especially with what Epic is trying to show off with, and tbh, that still makes for a more shallow illusion, because the bigger the worlds become, the more repetitive content becomes, the same stories, colonies, NPC's, etc, it all blends together like white noise, and then you start to yearn for hand crafted content again (and tbh, I don't see AI ever providing that, ebcause it is a machine, not a human).

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Yea pretty much. And the other thing is that Bethesdas marketing really gave the impression that it would be a seamless experience. Like traveling to other star systems, fair enough do the fast travel/loading stuff. But taking off, landing, docking, etc is something that you do frequently and it's like, there really should have been a way to make it more seamless.

That isn't to say that NMS is a better game than this because the quests and experiences I have had in Starfield is a lot better than the ones I had in NMS. But if they had the ability some how, even if they restricted to certain areas where it's like, "you can only land in these specific landing sites" but still allowed you to do it, it would have been great. Instead it feels like of like an immersion breaking experience it feels more like the galaxy is an illusion than anything else.

I'll be honest, that first time we saw the visual demo?, I had a gut feeling the take-off wasn't going to be fully seamless, because I already saw the game struggling within the game's first fire-fight showdown and there was just no way the game was going to handle that and seamless take-offs and play at that fps so fluidly. 

It wasn't until people on twitter started picking apart that gameplay reveal trailer, did some start noticing that the take-off sequence wasn't entirely seamless, but their editing helped cover some of that up (which they shouldn't have done really, because people are finding this out since release and that doesn't baffle me, because not everyone is like you and me or this board, where we look at things under a lens).

NMS's quest system last time I checked was still based on "go here, scan that", but apparently there have been changes made since 2018 and the game is supposed to feature more lore dropped across the stars, on planets, in frigates, neutral space stations, etc, but I'll have to just take the patch notes word for it on that (but it could still be fluff lore I may not care for). I also see NMS as more of a space exploration/building Sim, and not one that's really trying to tell a story at it's core (like all BGS games do, except for F76, which had to make up it's story later on thanks to their fuckup of not adding in a proper story for day 1). 

See my main gripe with UE5's "bigger open worlds" tech demos, is that I know full well that we are going to rely more on self generated content than hand crafted, especially with what Epic is trying to show off with, and tbh, that still makes for a more shallow illusion, because the bigger the worlds become, the more repetitive content becomes, the same stories, colonies, NPC's, etc, it all blends together like white noise, and then you start to yearn for hand crafted content again (and tbh, I don't see AI ever providing that, ebcause it is a machine, not a human).

Yea that's true. It feels like we are in a transition period between where auto-generating content is bland vs auto-generating content is actually viable. Like these days, auto generating stuff usually turns out like 80% nothingness and maybe 20% something interesting and unique. Eventually in the future with Ai and stuff like that, in theory a lot of things can be self generated which being really good and interesting but I think we are quite a ways from that still. We will see how things go though.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

The fact that I can't take off and land seamlessly is what bothers me than the cutscenes. I would have liked that part to be more like No Mans Sky sort of a deal where you can land and take off by yourself instead of pressing a button and it does it.

I think this is more to do with the engine than anything else. Skyrim fallout etc etc they all have loading screens. It took some mods to remove them.

And to be honest if having seamless landing takeoffs ( Not much of an issue for me ). Meant we would have a Beth game without its mod-ability id be pretty upset and ill take the mods any day.

The is a reason why Beth games have more mods than any other!. Their engine is so modder friendly. This has been a thing since this engines start.

All your points are good and you explain them well. But than we have Chaz that just jumps on everything you say and trys to make it out to be a 1000X bigger deal... like they have never played or enjoyed a beth game before.

And ya know what really really grinds my gears to no end? when users like that act like this has never been the case with Beth games. Act like users have never come along and fixed their games. I thought that was why we loved beth games since users could so easy fix problems we have with their games?.

Heck if Cyberpunk was as open as Beth games from the start maybe that would of been fixed much sooner by users, same with 1000's of other games i can think of.

Seems like a few PC gamers in here are forgetting why we love beth games and always have. And have now turned to using console insults against them....

At least modders can go in and change Beths developer design choices. Thats something that cant be said for a lot of games.

And Chaz i know you like to call this game fallout 4 in space but its more daggerfall in space ...

Last edited by zero129 - on 11 September 2023

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zero129 said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

The fact that I can't take off and land seamlessly is what bothers me than the cutscenes. I would have liked that part to be more like No Mans Sky sort of a deal where you can land and take off by yourself instead of pressing a button and it does it.

The is a reason why Beth games have more mods than any other!. Their engine is so modder friendly. This has been a thing since this engines start.

Paradox games says you're wrong

I mean, even just Hearts of Iron IV has by itself probably more mods than all Fallout games combined. Including, funnily enough, a mod based on the world of Fallout.

Chazore said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

The fact that I can't take off and land seamlessly is what bothers me than the cutscenes. I would have liked that part to be more like No Mans Sky sort of a deal where you can land and take off by yourself instead of pressing a button and it does it.

That's the one common issue I keep hearing, and especially on Reddit, ppl aren't liking NMS being tossed into the mix, but it's true, people would and do want that seamless entry/exit of each planet, even so much as getting to fly around it's atmosphere.

I can't fault them for wanting that, because that's what games like NMS offer, hell Star Citizen, as incomplete as that game is, does one better than NMS and allows you to fly around the planet, the atmosphere and also do the exist/entry seamlessly, but with more visible detail on the scale of AAA. It's just that one is an indie game with a focus on exploration/building, the other is more of a sim, with handcrafted worlds, and SF is just Fallout 4 in space with cells you need to load in/load out of. 

Considering their veteran status/knowledge and the fact they are their own publisher and studio, as well as being backed by a trillion dollar company, there really shouldn't have been a valid reason why they couldn't do what an indie game funded by users and Sony, as well as a Kickstarter in the millions, could do, that SF seemingly cannot do (unless someone at BGS is wanting to admit their engine might be old enough to have visible limitations, I'm all ears to hear that from Todd any day now). 

Though SF isn't what I'd wanted from BGS, the comparisons I'm seeing between those other two games is actually making me think that maybe it's time I got back into NMS. I hear the game had a recent beefy update with more new ships/space pirates to fight and even capital class ship battles (Star Wars style trench runs apparently), and I do like building bases, so maybe it's time to give it another shot (last time I played it was around 2018).

As someone who has played a lot of NMS and even more Elite Dangerous I don't mind how you quick land on a planet especially considering how much you do it whilst traveling around in Starfield since all you essentially do on NMS is nose dive the ground and 100% speed and whack the land button before you smash into the ground and then wait for the auto pilot to land for you which is essentially the same time as the Starfield landing sequence anyway on the other hand if they went more space sim like Elite Dangerous people would fast be bored of the 5+ minute landing and docking phases but whether they chose to do it like this or were limited by the engine I dunno

I've not touched the Outpost building yet but it sounds interesting if you skill into it and build up a trade empire you can connect trade routes with other systems and npc outposts but I keep getting side tracked with plenty of random things that if I start base building I would probably wipe days of game time out lol

I personally don't think NMS and Starfield are really all that much in common and it's more so thrown around to take digs at Starfield with how bad NMS started off but both excel in the areas they aim for and NMS has had some fairly large updates over the past few years that is worth checking out go and try one of the expeditions they launch every few months that are essentially seasons and they put you in a specific situation and have there own mini goals the community can work towards and after you can migrate the save to the full game.

Chazore said:

Interesting find:

Major programming faults discovered in Starfield's code by VKD3D dev - performance issues are *not* the result of non-upgraded hardware - Good news forproton

Vkd3d (the dx12->vulkan translation layer) developer has put up a change log for a new version that is about to be (released here) and also a pull request with more information about what he discovered about all the awful things that starfield is doing to GPU drivers (here).


  1. Starfield allocates its memory incorrectly where it doesn't align to the CPU page size. If your GPU drivers are not robust against this, your game is going to crash at random times.

  2. Starfield abuses a dx12 feature called ExecuteIndirect
    . One of the things that this wants is some hints from the game so that the graphics driver knows what to expect. Since Starfield sends in bogus hints, the graphics drivers get caught off gaurd trying to process the data and end up making bubbles in the command queue. These bubbles mean the GPU has to stop what it's doing, double check the assumptions it made about the indirect execute and start over again.

  3. Starfield creates multiple `ExecuteIndirect` calls back to back instead of batching them meaning the problem above is compounded multiple times.

What really grinds my gears is the fact that the open source community has figured out and came up with workarounds to try to make this game run better. These workarounds are available to view by the public eye but Bethesda will most likely not care about fixing their broken engine. Instead they double down and claim their game is "optimized" if your hardware is new enough.

pasted the above text for those wanting to read here, if you didn't want to click the reddit link.

I saw this yesterday myself and it sounded really big initially but when I looked into it more the guy followed up and say it was going to be low single digital % performance gains so not as large as it first sounded but performance boost is performance boost nonetheless.

I've played around 90% of my Starfield on Linux and whilst it worked completely fine day one out of the box it started around 20% behind Windows on fps but with a handful of other fixes added after I compiled the latest mesa git it has given me a large performance increase that Starfield now performs 10% better on Linux than Windows and from what I saw RDNA 1+2 gain even more so there is plenty of room for more gains here.

Last edited by WoodenPints - on 12 September 2023

WoodenPints said:

I personally don't think NMS and Starfield are really all that much in common and it's more so thrown around to take digs at Starfield with how bad NMS started off but both excel in the areas they aim for and NMS has had some fairly large updates over the past few years that is worth checking out go and try one of the expeditions they launch every few months that are essentially seasons and they put you in a specific situation and have there own mini goals the community can work towards and after you can migrate the save to the full game.

This is why I said before that NMS/SC/SF are different in what they do, and that SF fans don't like NMS even being mentioned. 

WoodenPints said:

I saw this yesterday myself and it sounded really big initially but when I looked into it more the guy followed up and say it was going to be low single digital % performance gains so not as large as it first sounded but performance boost is performance boost nonetheless.

It wasn't the workaround that caught my eye, but how it all unfolded was what got me.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
zero129 said:

The is a reason why Beth games have more mods than any other!. Their engine is so modder friendly. This has been a thing since this engines start.

Paradox games says you're wrong

I mean, even just Hearts of Iron IV has by itself probably more mods than all Fallout games combined. Including, funnily enough, a mod based on the world of Fallout.

Being honest paradox games wasnt even on my mind when i made that post but yes your right .

The Tuesday news, updated with some weeklong deals:


Steam's Top 10

(Click here for the Top 100)

Starfield blasts past Skyrim's peak player count on Steam, but it's still well behind Fallout 4
As expected, Bethesda's sci-fi RPG epic Starfield saw a major player spike on Steam over the first weekend since its full release on September 6, surpassing more than 330,000 concurrent players according to SteamDB. That's good enough to put it well past Skyrim, which broke more than 287,000 when it launched back in 2011, but still well back from Bethesda's number-one game, Fallout 4, which had nearly 473,000 concurrents in 2015.
It's a big number by any measure, and of course there are a lot of caveats attached. For one thing, it's just one slice of a pie that also includes the Microsoft Store edition of the game and Xbox Series X/S consoles: Xbox boss Phil Spencer said last week that Starfield had surpassed one million concurrent users across all platforms. And that figure includes not just people who purchased the game, but also Game Pass owners who were curious enough to give it a rip. Game Pass didn't even exist when Skyrim and Fallout 4 were new.

GOG has launched yet another Deal of the Day and two new sales:

Steam has sseveral new deals and sales, as well as new weeklong deals:

Humble Store has three sales:

Fanatical has launched the Killer Bundle 27, featuring 20 games with a 95% discount:


NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready 537.34

Game Ready for Mortal Kombat 1
This new Game Ready Driver provides the best gaming experience for the latest new games supporting DLSS 2 technology including Mortal Kombat 1 and Lies of P.

Support For Newly Validated G-SYNC Compatible Displays
Our newest Game Ready Driver adds support for 6 new G-SYNC Compatible displays that deliver a baseline Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) experience that makes your gaming smoother and more enjoyable.

New Games Supported By GeForce Experience’s Optimal Settings
GeForce Experience’s one-click optimal settings enable you to instantly configure game options for your system’s hardware, giving you smooth, optimized gameplay. Over 1000 titles are supported, and since our last driver release we’ve added support for 5 more:

  • Immortals of Aveum
  • Starfield
  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
  • Wayfinder

Fixed Issues

  • [Starfield] Profile updated for Microsoft Store/Xbox Game Pass version [4266797]
  • [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive] black screen when using the GeForce Experience InGame Overlay [4257572]

>> Check the article for the list of validates monitors.

Nvidia owners can get a big FPS boost in Starfield with this manual ReBAR tweak
Starfield is arguably this year's most hyped game. At this point in time, the game runs well on AMD hardware thanks to its partnership with Bethesda, but Nvidia owners haven't gotten as much love. Though the game runs well enough, Nvidia GPUs are uncharacteristically underperforming in Starfield, and official support for Nvidia's bedrock technologies such as DLSS are missing.
Over time things will improve, as Nvidia and Bethesda release driver updates and patches. If you don't want to wait, there's an interim tweak you can do yourself, and if the early testing is to be believed, it can deliver major performance boosts for Nvidia owners playing Starfield.
Okhayko at Nexus Mods (via Reddit) has posted a very handy guide that gives Nvidia owners a welcome FPS boost. The secret is to enable Resizable BAR. Resizable Base Address Register (BAR) is a PCI Express technology. AMD calls it Smart Access Memory. It allows the CPU to access all of a GPU's memory, allowing assets to be transferred faster. Some games don't benefit at all from Resizable BAR, while others do, and Starfield appears to be one of them.
>> Even though it comes from a modder, it's not exactly a mod.


Elden Ring gets a brand new Bloodborne-inspired Mod
Modder ‘corvianNoctis’ has released another Bloodborne-inspired mod for Elden Ring that brings to the game the Charred Hunter. This is a really cool Bloodborne Armor Set Mod that most of FromSoftware’s fans will appreciate.
In fact, this is the second Bloodborne Mod for Elden Ring. The first mod, created by the same modder, came out in February 2023 and brought the Gascoigne Set. Going into more details, the mod includes cape and coat physics, as well as proper Bloodborne icons and text. (...)
>> The article has some screenshots.

Heck yeah, this Starfield mod lets you craft your own ammo
I haven't done a whole lot of crafting in Starfield simply because I haven't needed to. Bethesda's space RPG throws a steady supply of enemies at you and those enemies drop tons of weapons and gear, most of it already fitted with useful attachments. I've found very few excuses to spend time at my crafting bench upgrading my weapons at all.
The one thing I did want to craft was ammo, and I was a little surprised to learn there isn't an ammo crafting workbench in Starfield—especially since there was one in Fallout 4 (added in the Contraptions Workshop DLC) and Fallout 76.
It wasn't a huge problem: I just had to remind myself to swing by the traders whenever I visited a major location. But there are a few guns, like the awesome heavy ballistics weapon the Bridger, that it's tricky to find a healthy supply of ammo for.
Now you can make your own. The Craftable Ammo and Utilities mod created by modder pitufocabeza lets you use the Industrial Workbench to cobble together ammo from the materials you collect in Starfield. No need to scour the weapon dealers for 40mm XPL ammo for your Bridger anymore: craft it yourself using lead and copper. Ammo for energy weapons can be made using cobalt, nickel, and lithium.
And it's not just ammo. The mod also supports the crafting of some utility items, like digipicks and medpacks, and throwables like frag grenades and mines. Why pay top dollar in shops when you can DIY?
>> The article doesn't have screenshots or videos, but there's a list of the items you can create.

If you find Starfield's NPC walking speed as infuriating as I do, try these mods
Starfield is the latest in a long line of games to commit the cardinal but common sin of not making NPCs match the walking speed of the player. It sounds like a minor quibble, but it crops up so often that it's driving me loopy, resulting in me trotting ahead of NPCs while screaming at them as I completely lose the plot.
Like so many of the recurring issues with Bethesda games, it's been left up to modders to fix this, which they've done with some simple command line mods. These are easy to use, but will require you to make a tweak to the StarfieldCustom.ini file.
>> The article has 2 mods, with no screenshots nor videos.

The Starfield Upscaling Fix mod follows forgotten AMD recommendations to improve texture quality. Modder hopes 'this prompts Bethesda or AMD to fix their implementation'
Modders have been hard at work since Starfield's release. Adding such important features as DLSS, a better UI, and superstar Nic Cage to your flashlight. Though you should also consider this tiny mod for your ever-growing Starfield mods folder: it's a miniscule tweak to Starfield's upscaling settings that significantly improves overall texture quality.
It's the Upscaling Fix - FSR - DLSS - XESS mod by doodlum over on Nexus Mods, and it simply sets out to fix blurry textures when using upscalers. It's primarily aimed at Starfield's native AMD FSR implementation, and if you're playing the Xbox app version of the game, that's all it's good for. But if you're on the Steam version, and you've modded in Nvidia's DLSS or Intel's XeSS with another mod, this fix will work on those, too.
>> The article has one screenshot.


Forza Motorsport gets official 18-minute gameplay trailer
Microsoft has just released a new trailer for Forza Motorsport, showcasing 18 minutes of new gameplay footage from it. This trailer features gameplay footage from a preview build, meaning that it does not fully represent the quality of the final product. Still, it can give you an idea of the game’s graphics and art design.

Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 can use up to 90% of 8-core CPUs, may overheat PC systems
Cyberpunk 2077’s Update 2.0 will release later this month. And, according to Filip Pierscinski, CDPR’s lead scene programmer, it will stress heavily both CPUs and GPUs.

Here are 20 minutes of PC gameplay footage from Assassin’s Creed Mirage
Ubisoft has lifted the preview embargo for Assassin’s Creed Mirage, and below you can find a video showcasing 20 minutes of gameplay from its PC version.

Last edited by JEMC - on 12 September 2023

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.