Jizz_Beard_thePirate said: The fact that I can't take off and land seamlessly is what bothers me than the cutscenes. I would have liked that part to be more like No Mans Sky sort of a deal where you can land and take off by yourself instead of pressing a button and it does it. |
I think this is more to do with the engine than anything else. Skyrim fallout etc etc they all have loading screens. It took some mods to remove them.
And to be honest if having seamless landing takeoffs ( Not much of an issue for me ). Meant we would have a Beth game without its mod-ability id be pretty upset and ill take the mods any day.
The is a reason why Beth games have more mods than any other!. Their engine is so modder friendly. This has been a thing since this engines start.
All your points are good and you explain them well. But than we have Chaz that just jumps on everything you say and trys to make it out to be a 1000X bigger deal... like they have never played or enjoyed a beth game before.
And ya know what really really grinds my gears to no end? when users like that act like this has never been the case with Beth games. Act like users have never come along and fixed their games. I thought that was why we loved beth games since users could so easy fix problems we have with their games?.
Heck if Cyberpunk was as open as Beth games from the start maybe that would of been fixed much sooner by users, same with 1000's of other games i can think of.
Seems like a few PC gamers in here are forgetting why we love beth games and always have. And have now turned to using console insults against them....
At least modders can go in and change Beths developer design choices. Thats something that cant be said for a lot of games.
And Chaz i know you like to call this game fallout 4 in space but its more daggerfall in space ...