Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
Good video but the proof will be in the pudding. This is what people really wanted to happen from the GamersNexus video because LTT was going off the rails with inaccuracies as well as many other things. It is still very stupid though that they will be locking the video which shows "how they do their testing from start to finish" behind floatplane. Like excuse me? You are going to lock the video that people might actually be interested in seeing behind a paywall? Like they will be releasing other stuff about how they do their testing like documents and such but not the video? We will see though. 7800XT/7700XT should be coming out in September so we shall see if anything actually changes. Thank you GamersNexus for making this happen. |
I dunno, I feel like Linus got salty, knew he had to face the music after two calling out attempts, and then decided he needed to get his whole "family" team members out there to show how big they are.
It's not exactly an intimidation tactic, but it feels like he's trying to show up with that many inputting their own talks, despite the fact they are all repeating almost the same message (which should have just been narrowed down to only Linus, since this is his company, and the video could have been narrowed down to Linus apologising for 10 mins, not a near 30 mins).
Sounds like them locking that content means little people will see their future errors which comes off as disingenuous. Also paying for that sounds like a last minute "we need to tax folks for this so they can pay for our mistake replacement fees" (which Linus cba paying to begin with).
Also them slowing down the content can be seen as good, but I also feel like they really, really badly do not wanna pay for any content to be redone at all.
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.