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Zkuq said:

haxxiy said:

At last? For 75 hours, that was really fast, considering the game was released just less than two weeks ago.

I can't help it. I'm either plowing through a game I really like 6 hours a day or playing nothing at all for weeks or months.

Coincidentally having the last week off work helped too.






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haxxiy said:
Zkuq said:

At last? For 75 hours, that was really fast, considering the game was released just less than two weeks ago.

I can't help it. I'm either plowing through a game I really like 6 hours a day or playing nothing at all for weeks or months.

Coincidentally having the last week off work helped too.

Ah, I suppose that does explain a lot.

The shit show continues


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I bet the new CEO just LOVES his timing signing on to the company.

Omg i go for a bit and come back to like so much youtube drama. That video from CEO and financial officer rofl. 

People gotta stop putting other people on pedeastal. Whether film actors, video game makers, or i guess online youtube, insta ones. 

Appreciate the people around you, friends or even professionals. Who clean the streets and fix the electricity and your internet infrastructure so you can fight on forums and youtube comments. 

I don't mean you guys. Just society in general. 


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Chazore said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

And here I thought it was gonna be a slow boring Monday.

I already dropped off Linus's content some years ago, but man, after seeing that vid....Linus needs to stop digging his heels in like that, especially in the face of two other respected venues like GN and HU.

Like I get it, it's his own company, but c'mon man, allowing those pot-shots to go through like that was incredibly bad, and then letting your staff make some of the boldest claims that got debunked by GN in the span of a single vid is also a big nono.

I hate seeing youtubers get this big and let fame/fortune go to their heads, that they feel like they are the best and can't possibly fuck up, then refuse to own up to it until multiple folks on the net from the same venues as him, have to call him out on his goofs. 

Edit actually, you know what?, after reading your summary, I feel like GN should just full on scorched earth Linus, because I feel like he's due being knocked down a few pegs, if not the whole server tower.

I still watch LTT and his other channels - however pretty much nothing that involves benchmarking. He has other interesting videos, like his swimming-pool-cooled server for instance.

Those snipes at other creators however are a true low blow, that shouldn't happen, not with someone like Linus.


* Linus caught selling someone elses property.
* Linus then lied about how the events transpired.
* Linus then asserts they have made improvements in various policies and procedures and it's the communities fault if they don't notice those improvements.
* Madison (Ex-employee) has accused the Linus media group for bullying/abuse.
* Linus Media Group having a poor track record of accurate data in it's reviews.

Linus media group has gotten far to large... And will often not recognise it's own misconduct or mistakes and will happily shift the blame onto other people, businesses or even the community rather than own and learn from them.

When Linus was a smaller outlet, they were a literal Bastion for PC gamers, putting the consumers interest first, that is no longer the case.

Gamers Nexus however... Does have the consumer interest first, hence their highlighting of the Gigabyte exploding PSU's being pushed by Newegg to hit sales targets, MSI's dodgy practices, nVidia cable quality issues and most recently... Calling out Linus for his bullshittery.

That's not to say Youtube outlets can't or don't make mistakes, far from it, it's the human element at play, but when it's done to hit a KPI, then it becomes an issue.

I think The Linus media group taking a week off from video production to get their house in order will be a good thing, especially as new bigger issues are still coming to light. (I.E. Madison.)

But it's probably a good humbling for a large outlet, interested to see how things go, going forwards.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Good video but the proof will be in the pudding. This is what people really wanted to happen from the GamersNexus video because LTT was going off the rails with inaccuracies as well as many other things. It is still very stupid though that they will be locking the video which shows "how they do their testing from start to finish" behind floatplane. Like excuse me? You are going to lock the video that people might actually be interested in seeing behind a paywall? Like they will be releasing other stuff about how they do their testing like documents and such but not the video?

We will see though. 7800XT/7700XT should be coming out in September so we shall see if anything actually changes.

Thank you GamersNexus for making this happen.

I dunno, I feel like Linus got salty, knew he had to face the music after two calling out attempts, and then decided he needed to get his whole "family" team members out there to show how big they are.

It's not exactly an intimidation tactic, but it feels like he's trying to show up with that many inputting their own talks, despite the fact they are all repeating almost the same message (which should have just been narrowed down to only Linus, since this is his company, and the video could have been narrowed down to Linus apologising for 10 mins, not a near 30 mins).

Sounds like them locking that content means little people will see their future errors which comes off as disingenuous. Also paying for that sounds like a last minute "we need to tax folks for this so they can pay for our mistake replacement fees" (which Linus cba paying to begin with).

Also them slowing down the content can be seen as good, but I also feel like they really, really badly do not wanna pay for any content to be redone at all.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:

Also them slowing down the content can be seen as good, but I also feel like they really, really badly do not wanna pay for any content to be redone at all.

They will have the new "remade" content monetized, so they can repurpose a ton of content and accrue revenue from it.

They aren't loosing as much as we would assume, this following week is probably the biggest financial hit they will receive due to no new videos... Provided they don't make another video to apologise to Madison with another LTT store plug that is.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Wow as someone that has followed the tech youtube scene pretty much since it started this whole saga is pretty sad.

I was watching Linus back in the NCIX days with Esther and crew. It always was about fun and tech. Slowly over the years I've stopped watching Linus or LMG videos especially for reviews since they themselves seemed to focus less on it. I was drawn to the Hardware Unboxed format where a large number of games are shown (which really helps). I am also a subscriber of Gamers Nexus, which is usually my second place to go to for reviews.

I was always under the impression that the Youtube tech community was one of the best and strongest on the platform and I found some of the inter channel banter to be fun and light hearted. I personally found it really sad to see the quick reaction by Steve from Gamers Nexus, and I have actually unsubscribed as a result of this, more often than not I find myself watching a hit piece or a drama based video from GN that I almost always find to be blown out of proportion. Whether its attacks on manufacturers or other youtubers etc. Its not necessarily that he is wrong with his accusations and takes, but it also seems like he gets a satisfaction to these gotcha moments. Nobody else in the community really does the same to him, except small unknown channels i guess.

If you do follow LMG it was pretty clear that they had already self-identified some major flaws in how things were going, hence the new CEO. It will be interesting to see the changes. I think some major mistakes were made by LMG with Billet and I also think all Youtube reviewers need to focus more on presenting data and letting consumers decide on what to do with it, rather than having an angle or bias (which seems to be the norm these days). This applies to most Youtube channels including GN.

With regards to the Madison thing - its kinda crazy that everyone is taking everything she said as fact. There were some serious allegations thrown in there, so its really good that they got an independent to investigate.

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