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Captain_Yuri said:

EA doing EA things (1PC per 24 hours according to the twitter thread)

I've been noticing the past 3 yrs where Denuvo adoption has spiked, and that we're also seeing extra launchers being tacked on and shit.

Are we really going back to the 2010's again?...

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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Chazore said:
Captain_Yuri said:

EA doing EA things (1PC per 24 hours according to the twitter thread)

I've been noticing the past 3 yrs where Denuvo adoption has spiked, and that we're also seeing extra launchers being tacked on and shit.

Are we really going back to the 2010's again?...

Yes cause these cucks never learn anything


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Well, besides the fiasco of the last Battlefield, which they are still workingon it, EA had been doing things the right way for a while. That streak had to end sooner or later once EA's true nature becane too strong to be held back, and it looks like Dead Space is the result of that. A shame.

Let's hope this is only a one off and not the way they'll be doing things this gen.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Ridiculous DRM ToS, VRS (ew) standard and not turn-off-able, on top of Denuvo to add things all shit lol. Just when they were start looking better by crawling back to put their games on Steam. They do this to a great game and release.

EA will never learn.

Captain_Yuri said:
Chazore said:

I've been noticing the past 3 yrs where Denuvo adoption has spiked, and that we're also seeing extra launchers being tacked on and shit.

Are we really going back to the 2010's again?...

Yes cause these cucks never learn anything

Like I just don't get it...

In all my years of gaming, I've seen our community as being faithful for years. yes there are some that are going to pirate games out there, but I, much like Gabe, understand why they do that, but I don't, so why am I the one being punished time and time again, for something I'm not even partaking in?.

It's like these execs took Superman and other hero comics far too literally, like "I'ma defeat the big bad eviiiil piracy once and for all!", only to grow up and eventually find out that piracy isn't a person, it's an all encompassing entity with no defined limit and has been going on for many centuries (not on about just digital piracy, I meant piracy in general).

I just wish these idiots grew up and realised they are fighting an invisible enemy that has no real weaknesses and isn't going to go away, so instead of focusing on "muh lost sales", they could do better by focusing on us, the loyals, the ones that somehow stay faithful, despite being bitch slapped multiple times by the product seller. 

The fact Capcom and Sega do this a few times really surprises me though, especially seeing gas how both those companies boasted about their PC sales and about how the platform is their lead, going forward, and then seeing them adopt more and more denuvo just makes me think "that was all a lie then, right?". 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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On a different topic, I just found this guy's channel after looking into Resi 2 emulation methods (because I've not touched the OG in decades and I feel like dipping my toes into Emu again):

The one common theme that stood out to me in his vid, was that while Remake 2 was received and praised well by fans, the game itself didn't really trust the player all that much, instead opting to tell the player what to do and also not put you in much danger (like the starting scene at the gas station and the streets as prime examples, or the Alligator scene).

Also that weird notion Capcom made about "reimagining" the game, and looking back on it, with the new camera angle style and bullet sponge enemies, I feel like they wanted to just make a slower paced, slightly more claustrophobic Resi 4, and we saw the action dialled up further in REmake 3 as a result, so really, when you think about it, Capcom still doesn't want the OG classic fans, it still wants the 10+ million Resi 4 action fans (because why change what was once looked back on fondly, and excusing the changes with something insanely stupid as "it doesn't feel realistic" to have a gator or giant spiders/moth in a game that has FRIGGIN ZOMBIES... the director made that excuse btw, let that sink in). 

Now I still like both OG and REmake 2, but I feel like Remake 2 is more like window dressing, but with little substance. The only times I've felt like I was in danger, were the more obv moments like boss fights, MR X stalking me and the zombie dogs. Lickers/reg zombies/Gammas felt like a big nothing-tyoe of enemies I could avoid or wasn't that scared by.

Also Remake 3 was done absolutely dirty, and I'm likely to hold that against Capcom for the rest of my life, because OG 3 was prob my fave Resi of all time, and even the OG 3 got snuffed compared to 2, sales/content-wise, so seeing it snuffed a second time gives me zero hope they'll ever do it justice in the future (heck, maybe when I'm 60 they might revisit a Remake of Remake 3 and not cut and fuck it up?).

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

I can kind of tolerate Denuvo, because it doesn't require online activation or anything (I think...?), but online activation - especially with a limited number of devices - is something I have a very, very hard time tolerating. Online activation is something that hurts the value of any game tremendously in my eyes.

JEMC said:
Captain_Yuri said:

EA doing EA things (1PC per 24 hours according to the twitter thread)

Well, it's not the first time they do something like this... or maybe it was Ubisoft? They both do nonsense like that. In any case, this could be a bigger problem now because now there's a lot of people with a PC and a Steam Deck.

Oh, well. Between this and the poor performance, it looks like EA has little interest in making this game successful, at least on PC.

EA have always had activation limits. I.E. Spore.

Origin itself also had a limit of 5 PC's as well.

But 1 PC? Yuck.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

NVIDIA’s quad-slot GeForce RTX 4090Ti/TITAN 800W graphics card has been pictured

Big boi

Intel CEO On Losing Market Share To AMD: “We Lost Share, We Lost Momentum. We Think That Stabilizes This Year”

Feels like we heard this one before. The biggest thing that's preventing me from buying Intel on Desktop is their longevity. The two CPU generations per socket continues to be very dumb and imo they need to go the route of AMD and provide 3-4 years of CPU generations. Of course, that isn't the only metric as we have seen Intel outselling Zen 4 but it is a key metric none the less as we see AM4 outselling Raptor Lake.

On laptop, imo Intel needs to do something with their efficiency. Apple has shown how insane the battery life can be with their Macbooks to the point where as a person that never even considered getting one bought one. AMD is certainly chasing after them while Intel continues to be the power hungry option. Sure it's very performant to go with Intel but I'd rather have 8-10 hour battery with 10-15% lower cpu performance than 5-6 hour battery.

Server has been an Epyc disaster for them and continues to be so. They simply can't scale as well as AMD can nor can they provide a full solution like AMD or have features like Cuda and their Ai libraries. Even Nvidia is coming out with full solution with their Grace CPUs. While Intel does have their server GPUs, it's so far behind both Nvidia and AMD that it's not even funny.

Intel has reportedly eliminated a big bottleneck in its Arc GPUs in an upcoming driver release

Hopefully by the time Battlemage comes out, they will have the drivers figured out


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Intel has been full of flops in the last decade (Itanium, Larrabee, Optane, Xeon Phi...)

Their lack of vision can be almost baffling at times, for instance insisting on a CPU arc for general-purpose computing almost a decade after Sony/IBM gave up on that with the Cell and way after Nvidia came up with CUDA.