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Captain_Yuri said:
kirby007 said:

if can kill hookers i dont care

And this is the problem that I have with Rockstars new direction of toning things down because now they open a whole new can of worms of... Where is the line? Lets say some tragedy happens in real life where a bunch of sex workers gets killed or something, well now does Rockstar no longer allow you to kill hooker cause someone makes a twitter tag of #HookersLivesMatter? Where does racism jokes stop? Etc.

It's all subjective to the tolerance level the person or group of people that will decide this. If someone tells me a yo mama so fat joke, I can take it and laugh it off. If someone tells the same joke to a person who's mom died... Well they may not be able to take it.

It's why I don't like this particular direction because it really opens up this can of worms of what's appropriate vs what isn't and that will probably be left to some focus groups or committees they hire who have zero idea of what GTA even is. It wouldn't surprise me if one day, Rockstar does prevent you from killing hookers.

Heck, we had GTA SA, where Samuel jackson played a black cop treating CJ, another black guy like gutter trash and no one batted an eye back then, why does it have to be different now?.

What I don't get is why the cops & Robbers mode had to go away because of one police event in the USA. What about all the other police events that happened around the world, does the rest of the world suddenly not matter to R* or something?.

Also the focus on a latina protag, why can't we have a male Latin protag, or a Japanese guy?, why does it have to be only female?. It all just feels like a shitty narritive being pushed to get a few good boy points with the Twittersphere (who end up showing us that they hardly even played GTA).

What ultimately gets me, is that not only is R* pulling this with GTA, but Saints Row is getting the same sort of treatment/approach as well (killing the comedy, focusing on zoomers, pandering, etc). So now we don't have a third person action GTA-type game that has the same level of comedy and freedom to do what you want the way the previous games in the genre did.

It's just weird how these corps think we're the minority and that zoomers/JW's are the majority when it's further from that.

Last edited by Chazore - on 28 July 2022

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Chazore said:

Heck, we had GTA SA, where Samuel jackson played a black cop treating CJ, another black guy like gutter trash and no one batted an eye back then, why does it have to be different now?.

It doesn't. Tenpenny treating CJ like crap wasn't even played for laughs. He was literally the main villain of the whole game.

Chazore said:

What I don't get is why the cops & Robbers mode had to go away because of one police event in the USA. What about all the other police events that happened around the world, does the rest of the world suddenly not matter to R* or something?.

3D GTA has always been US-centric and George Floyd's murder sparked the biggest protest in decades. Releasing a cops and robbers game mode right in the wake of that would probably be poor taste, like adding a kamikaze mode to GTA3 right after 9/11. Now that I think about it, wasn't flying heavily reduced in that game in response to 9/11? This isn't exactly new then and undermines 3 as some paragon of anticensorship.

Chazore said:

Also the focus on a latina protag, why can't we have a male Latin protag, or a Japanese guy?, why does it have to be only female?. It all just feels like a shitty narritive being pushed to get a few good boy points with the Twittersphere (who end up showing us that they hardly even played GTA).

There's nothing saying it can't be, but people have been asking for a female protagonist in GTA since 5 was announced. There's nothing wrong with fulfilling that request.

Chazore said:
Captain_Yuri said:

And this is the problem that I have with Rockstars new direction of toning things down because now they open a whole new can of worms of... Where is the line? Lets say some tragedy happens in real life where a bunch of sex workers gets killed or something, well now does Rockstar no longer allow you to kill hooker cause someone makes a twitter tag of #HookersLivesMatter? Where does racism jokes stop? Etc.

It's all subjective to the tolerance level the person or group of people that will decide this. If someone tells me a yo mama so fat joke, I can take it and laugh it off. If someone tells the same joke to a person who's mom died... Well they may not be able to take it.

It's why I don't like this particular direction because it really opens up this can of worms of what's appropriate vs what isn't and that will probably be left to some focus groups or committees they hire who have zero idea of what GTA even is. It wouldn't surprise me if one day, Rockstar does prevent you from killing hookers.

Heck, we had GTA SA, where Samuel jackson played a black cop treating CJ, another black guy like gutter trash and no one batted an eye back then, why does it have to be different now?.

What I don't get is why the cops & Robbers mode had to go away because of one police event in the USA. What about all the other police events that happened around the world, does the rest of the world suddenly not matter to R* or something?.

Also the focus on a latina protag, why can't we have a male Latin protag, or a Japanese guy?, why does it have to be only female?. It all just feels like a shitty narritive being pushed to get a few good boy points with the Twittersphere (who end up showing us that they hardly even played GTA).

What ultimately gets me, is that not only is R* pulling this with GTA, but Saints Row is getting the same sort of treatment/approach as well (killing the comedy, focusing on zoomers, pandering, etc). So now we don't have a third person action GTA-type game that has the same level of comedy and freedom to do what you want the way the previous games in the genre did.

It's just weird how these corps think we're the minority and that zoomers/JW's are the majority when it's further from that.

What I dislike about the recent trend of female protags is how game devs and hollywood is general feels like they forgot how to make female protags. Like we had this era of great female protags that weren't just sexist Mary Sues. Like you look at Tomb Raider reboot back in 2013. That game felt insane because it really made the Lara feel vulnerable. These days it's like, I need no man cause I got plot armour types of nonsense.

Now Rockstar has had well written female characters but I really hope they don't go down the usual dumb route of "I hate all men" nonsense. But we will see. Personally I don't care if it's a female or a male as long as the character is written well. But it feels like game devs forgot how to produce a well written female character in the fear of SJWs. I just hope Rockstar doesn't fall into that trend but I wouldn't be surprised if they do considering their new direction.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Captain_Yuri said:

Intel A380 Ray Tracing performance

It is actually surprising as to how good Intel's first attempt is. This is slower than a 6400 in Raster but in Ray Tracing, it is doing well above 6500XT. Now obviously, these aren't playable framerates but it is exciting to see that Intel's first attempt is pretty good after RDNA2's disappointing Ray Tracing performance. I'll be interested to see the A770's RT performance.

I agree that it's a good first attempt, maybe on par with Turing if not better (we didn't get RT in low end cards back then). We'll see how the higher cards manage it.

By the way, AMD has launched a tool that could be useful for devs:

AMD Introduces Radeon Raytracing Analyzer 1.0
Today, the AMD GPUOpen announced that AMD developed a new tool for game developers using ray tracing technologies to help organize the model geometries in their scenes. Called Radeon Raytracing Analyzer (RRA) 1.0, it is officially available to download for Linux and Windows and released as a part of the Radeon Developer Tool Suite. With rendering geometries slowly switching from rasterization to ray tracing, developers need a tool that will point out performance issues and various workarounds in the process. With RRA, AMD has enabled all Radeon developers to own a tool that will answer many questions like: how much memory is the acceleration structure using, how complex is the implemented BVH, how many acceleration structures are used, does geometry in the BLAS axis align enough, etc. Developers will find it very appealing for their ray tracing workloads.

Captain_Yuri said:

Intel Core i7-13700K and Core i5-13600K tested, higher performance with higher power consumption

"In test such as CPU-Z the i7 sees a 10% boost in single-core test and 32-34% better score in multi-threaded. The i5-13600K, in other hand has 5% 39-41% uplift respectively."

Take it with a grain of salt. I will say an i5 going up to 178 watts is a bit nutty though.

The performance improvements don't look exactly great. The single-core increase is a bit low, specially with the 13600K and the multi-core one goes in line with the increased number of E-cores:

  • 12700K = 8+4 cores => 13700K = 8+8 cores, 33% more, in line with the 32-34% increased performance
  • 12600K = 6+4 cores => 13600K = 6+8 cores, 40% more, again in line with the uplift

And that's with higher core clocks as well!

Given the new power comsumption, these new CPUs will be a hard sell if the retail units perform like in these tests.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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TallSilhouette said:
Chazore said:

Heck, we had GTA SA, where Samuel jackson played a black cop treating CJ, another black guy like gutter trash and no one batted an eye back then, why does it have to be different now?.

It doesn't. Tenpenny treating CJ like crap wasn't even played for laughs. He was literally the main villain of the whole game.

Chazore said:

What I don't get is why the cops & Robbers mode had to go away because of one police event in the USA. What about all the other police events that happened around the world, does the rest of the world suddenly not matter to R* or something?.

3D GTA has always been US-centric and George Floyd's murder sparked the biggest protest in decades. Releasing a cops and robbers game mode right in the wake of that would probably be poor taste, like adding a kamikaze mode to GTA3 right after 9/11. Now that I think about it, wasn't flying heavily reduced in that game in response to 9/11? This isn't exactly new then and undermines 3 as some paragon of anticensorship.

Chazore said:

Also the focus on a latina protag, why can't we have a male Latin protag, or a Japanese guy?, why does it have to be only female?. It all just feels like a shitty narritive being pushed to get a few good boy points with the Twittersphere (who end up showing us that they hardly even played GTA).

There's nothing saying it can't be, but people have been asking for a female protagonist in GTA since 5 was announced. There's nothing wrong with fulfilling that request.

I know, but no one really batted an eyes when that happened even when it wasn't for laughs, but if a White guy is being a villain to a Black guy then it suddenly matters to those types of ppl on Twitter.

Yes but ppl have to remember that GTA is a video game. We still have games featuring Nazis, and I think we all here know which was bigger than the Floyd case, and yet we're still seeing games with nazis in them.

C&C Red Alert 2 had a level/CGI cancelled because it featured the two towers in them, and that was a legit reason to cancel because that event involved an attack on US soil and more than one person.

yes, but we can still have a female protag and switch between two other characters. I've seen different ppl who liked Trevor and different ppl who liked Michael and so on. There were even folks in the twitter section that stated they didn't want to play as a girl, and while I don't mind playing either (like I don't mind TR or Horizon ZD), I can understand why some don't vibe with that. 

They should just give ppl the option to switch instead of trying to enforce a movement they think will earn them brownie points with one regional community. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

TallSilhouette said:
JEMC said:

You have to keep in mind that humor and satire aren't the same thing either, and that if you aren't allowed to make humor about a theme, you're stepping into censorship and against freedom of speech.

Where does it say they aren't allowed to joke about certain topics? All I see is a mention that they removed some transphobic jokes from GTAV. You can make jokes about being trans or whatever else so long as you do them well. That often comes down to whether said jokes come from a place of love or cruelty.

Indeed, it doesn't say that there won't be jokes... but will the most vocal people, those that get offended easily and in behalf of others, understand that jokes are jokes, no matter the theme, and let it go?

Personally, I don't have enough faith in this society to believe that.

TallSilhouette said:
JEMC said:

That's the saddest part of this. Political correctness is utter bullsh!t. It's a term, probably brought by an adviser from a polititian, that simply means lie to everybody telling them what they want to hear so they'll vote for you.

And yet, instead of reporting and shaming it, it has spread like aon oil spill that has reached every part of our society, to a point where if you aren't politically correct, by the definition of some group of another, then you're a thread for the society.

It's sad how simple and stupid we, as a society, can actually be.

Political correctness is indeed bullshit in that it's a ginned up term by conservative media to silence criticism. Same thing with the 'sjw' craze of some years ago and the whining about 'wokeism' now. It gets repackaged whenever the current term gets stale but it's all the same principle of ignoring criticism you don't want to listen to. This can straight up turn into doublethink when people act like not taking potshots at trans people is fascism when that completely ignores the history of basically every actual fascist regime we've ever seen.

Well, you'll agree with me that some of the new criticisms are nonsense, right?

That's the problem with this whole situation, that it's impossible to split into different topics and realities because neither group wants to, and that causes troubles because both sides have rights and wrongs.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Captain_Yuri said:

What I dislike about the recent trend of female protags is how game devs and hollywood is general feels like they forgot how to make female protags. Like we had this era of great female protags that weren't just sexist Mary Sues. Like you look at Tomb Raider reboot back in 2013. That game felt insane because it really made the Lara feel vulnerable. These days it's like, I need no man cause I got plot armour types of nonsense.

Now Rockstar has had well written female characters but I really hope they don't go down the usual dumb route of "I hate all men" nonsense. But we will see. Personally I don't care if it's a female or a male as long as the character is written well. But it feels like game devs forgot how to produce a well written female character in the fear of SJWs. I just hope Rockstar doesn't fall into that trend but I wouldn't be surprised if they do considering their new direction.

Yes, exactly.

Where are my Sarah Connors, my Ellen Ripley's?. Those were badass women who started off helpless at first, but my god did those gals earn their way to becoming the badasses we know them as today.

All we get now are Rays and Captain Marvels, heroines that didn't earn their power, were just handed it on a silver platter and suddenly they get to call the shots and make the jokes by default, with no reasoning as to how they get to.

Hell, even Sylvanas changed for the worse, and half the community sees her now as a mary sue (myself included), compared to how she started out and where she was in Legion.

I felt like the TR reboot gave lara more depth to her character. I just don't get why these new female protags are somehow allowed to skip the hard earned lessons of earning that power and respect. 

Gonna be honest with you, if they mentioned "new female protag" and "we've cleaned up our act" in the same paragraph, then chances are high that the new female protag is gonna be all "I hate men" kind of vibe. Saints Row devs seem happy to piss all over the previous fanbase and focus on zoomers/college debt type players, I'm sure as hell R* is all in for doing that (they seem perfectly happy letting RDR 2 online economy rot in hell).

Corps just need to stop hiring wannabe writers who are just JW's in disguise, wanting to abuse the platform to push their own toxic and shitty narratives that don't make any sense.

Like who is really gonna care for the new SR protags, when they are completely blank slates, turn to crime because they have college-type debts, none of that even makes sense, and even if they tried to cement that concept irl, it wouldn't even make sense in reality, because resorting to crime over college debt is lunatic levels of stupid (and not the "haha, it's SR so it's funny", kind of stupid"). 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

JEMC said:
Captain_Yuri said:

Intel Core i7-13700K and Core i5-13600K tested, higher performance with higher power consumption

"In test such as CPU-Z the i7 sees a 10% boost in single-core test and 32-34% better score in multi-threaded. The i5-13600K, in other hand has 5% 39-41% uplift respectively."

Take it with a grain of salt. I will say an i5 going up to 178 watts is a bit nutty though.

The performance improvements don't look exactly great. The single-core increase is a bit low, specially with the 13600K and the multi-core one goes in line with the increased number of E-cores:

  • 12700K = 8+4 cores => 13700K = 8+8 cores, 33% more, in line with the 32-34% increased performance
  • 12600K = 6+4 cores => 13600K = 6+8 cores, 40% more, again in line with the uplift

And that's with higher core clocks as well!

Given the new power comsumption, these new CPUs will be a hard sell if the retail units perform like in these tests.

Yea the crazy part is the i5 uses about the same power as a 5950x. Like hello? Where's muh efficiency??? I get if the i9 uses crazy power but a mid ranged chip shouldn't be that high. Imo they should release an overclock-able i5 that's 6 cores 12 threads only but obviously make it cheaper than the ones with E-cores. Then we can have a good budget CPU that doesn't require too much power.

It's insane that an i5 + 4070 will use nearly 500 watts of power if not more.

Chazore said:
Captain_Yuri said:

What I dislike about the recent trend of female protags is how game devs and hollywood is general feels like they forgot how to make female protags. Like we had this era of great female protags that weren't just sexist Mary Sues. Like you look at Tomb Raider reboot back in 2013. That game felt insane because it really made the Lara feel vulnerable. These days it's like, I need no man cause I got plot armour types of nonsense.

Now Rockstar has had well written female characters but I really hope they don't go down the usual dumb route of "I hate all men" nonsense. But we will see. Personally I don't care if it's a female or a male as long as the character is written well. But it feels like game devs forgot how to produce a well written female character in the fear of SJWs. I just hope Rockstar doesn't fall into that trend but I wouldn't be surprised if they do considering their new direction.

Yes, exactly.

Where are my Sarah Connors, my Ellen Ripley's?. Those were badass women who started off helpless at first, but my god did those gals earn their way to becoming the badasses we know them as today.

All we get now are Rays and Captain Marvels, heroines that didn't earn their power, were just handed it on a silver platter and suddenly they get to call the shots and make the jokes by default, with no reasoning as to how they get to.

Hell, even Sylvanas changed for the worse, and half the community sees her now as a mary sue (myself included), compared to how she started out and where she was in Legion.

I felt like the TR reboot gave lara more depth to her character. I just don't get why these new female protags are somehow allowed to skip the hard earned lessons of earning that power and respect. 

Gonna be honest with you, if they mentioned "new female protag" and "we've cleaned up our act" in the same paragraph, then chances are high that the new female protag is gonna be all "I hate men" kind of vibe. Saints Row devs seem happy to piss all over the previous fanbase and focus on zoomers/college debt type players, I'm sure as hell R* is all in for doing that (they seem perfectly happy letting RDR 2 online economy rot in hell).

Corps just need to stop hiring wannabe writers who are just JW's in disguise, wanting to abuse the platform to push their own toxic and shitty narratives that don't make any sense.

Like who is really gonna care for the new SR protags, when they are completely blank slates, turn to crime because they have college-type debts, none of that even makes sense, and even if they tried to cement that concept irl, it wouldn't even make sense in reality, because resorting to crime over college debt is lunatic levels of stupid (and not the "haha, it's SR so it's funny", kind of stupid"). 

Yea pretty much. It feels like we went past the era of "Generic Male" characters and now we are in the era of "Generic Female" characters. And that wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for all the baggage that needs to be added. Hell look at Sony. Can't even publish lewd games on Playstation without getting censored these days. It's insane that Lollipop chainsaw devs have to negotiate with the platform holders to determine the appropriate amount of lewd the game can have. This is why I love PC gaming. Fuck all that. If I want a horny character, I'll mod that in!

The biggest disappointment though is that we do not have an alternative to GTA. Saints Row went full on cringe mode and Red tried Cyberpunk but it's clear their experience with this type of game wasn't enough. Sad times ahead cause we are getting GTA once every two gens now. So if the next GTA turns out to be trash, we won't see another one for a long time.

Last edited by Jizz_Beard_thePirate - on 28 July 2022


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

JEMC said:

Well, you'll agree with me that some of the new criticisms are nonsense, right?

Which ones?